11 Must Know Early Signs of Miscarriage


Bleeding, abdominal cramping, sharp and persistent pain in the abdomen region, nausea, white-pink mucus, movement of fetus and unexplained fatigue are the early signs of miscarriage.

Are you wondering what signs you should worry about for a possible miscarriage? According to doctors, in the past, many women who suffered miscarriage didn’t even understand that they were pregnant. However, thanks to the advanced pregnancy test kits of today, women get to know of their pregnancy pretty early on. That is why they are more likely to know that they have had a miscarriage.

So wondering what are the signs you should look for?

11 Must Know Early Signs That Can Point to a Miscarriage

  • Bleeding

 This has to be taken as the very first warning sign. However, you need to remember that all bleeding does not mean miscarriage either. Bleeding is a common occurrence in the first trimester of your pregnancy. If you notice few spots of blood in your underwear it is okay. When it is a miscarriage you are likely to notice a progress in the bleeding from light spotting to something similar to your regular menstruation flow. The warning sign should be when the bleeding is bright red instead of brownish. Also look for accompanied cramping.

Read More: Ultimate Guide for Brown Discharge during Pregnancy

  • Abdominal Cramping

You need to be aware of cramps without bleeding also. Some women have been known to feel big and strong contractions early on in their pregnancies. These are so strong that they need to stop their activities till the contractions pass. Some cramps maybe the sign of your uterus expanding to make room for your baby. However, the warning signs to look for in contractions are if they are becoming progressively stronger. It can start with something regular like a back pain and then develop into severe cramps. If you notice such a sign it could mean that you are about to miscarry.


11 Must Know Early Signs of Miscarriage

  • Sharp and Consistent Pain 

Occasional aches and pains during your pregnancy are common. There is a lot that your body is getting used to which is likely to cause some physical discomfort for you. Feeling sharp and stabbing pains is not uncommon. It is simply your uterus pushing the other organs out of the way and stretching the tendons to make way for the baby. However, sharp and persistent pain in the abdomen region during pregnancy is also a warning sign. It can be the sign of a miscarriage or even an ectopic pregnancy. In either case it is best to contact your doctor or midwife to rule out the causes.

Read More: Ultimate Guide for Ectopic Surgery and Recovery Time

  • Nausea

Most women experience nausea or morning sickness during the first trimester of their pregnancy. This is usually gone by the time you are around twelve weeks pregnant. Many women also feel the nausea throughout the pregnancy. However, the sudden loss of nausea during your first trimester should be noted as an early sign of miscarriage. If you feel worried about your loss of nausea contact your healthcare advisor and go for an ultrasound to be reassured.

Watch Video: 11 Must Know Early Signs of Miscarriage


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  • Generally not feeling pregnant

There are certain common signs of pregnancy such as tender breasts, tiredness, frequent urination, morning sickness. Most women will feel one or all of the symptoms at some point in their pregnancy. When the miscarriage is inevitable, your body will also stop showing the signs of pregnancy. This happens because when the fetus dies the placenta also stops producing the hormones that cause these symptoms. Many women have reported that they have felt their body change gradually thereby knowing that the pregnancy has ended.

  • Fluctuating Pregnancy Tests

 If you have tested super early, this is normal. However, if you are a couple weeks in, this could mean an ectopic pregnancy. Often you may also see spotting. If you have taken a pregnancy test that is positive, then another one a few days later that is negative, alert your doctor immediately. You want to rule out an ectopic or take care of it before you have to go the surgical route. If you are taking the tests in the same day, though, you might be right on the edge of a positive result, and urine later in the day may not be concentrated enough to keep the test positive. Test again the next morning to be sure.

  • White – Pink Mucus

If you notice white – pink mucus in your underwear then contact your doctor. It could be an early sign of miscarriage. Any form of discharge that you feel worried about discuss with your doctor. If the discharge is accompanied with back pain and cramping then there is greater risk of it being a miscarriage. This may be a case of threatening miscarriage. It may be experienced for days or even weeks before you actually lose your baby. You can also experience light bleeding along with pain similar to period pains.

  • Back Pain

Cramps can also take the form of dull or moderate lower back pain. If back pain is accompanied by bleeding, be sure to call your obstetrician. Back pain can also often be seen to progress into severe abdominal pains and cramps. If you experience persistent back pains along with cramping and abdominal pain call your doctor immediately. It is not a sure sign of miscarriage, however, it is certainly a sign to be weary of.

Read More: Home Remedies For Back Pain During Pregnancy

  • Vaginal Discharge

If you notice unusual discharge, including blood clots or even a gush of fluid, it could be a sign that you’re losing the pregnancy. Also, foul-smelling discharge or discharge that accompanies vaginal irritation is cause for concern. If you pass fetal tissue, which may look grayish or contain blood clots, try your best to capture it in a clean container for your doctor to examine.


Even if you’re certain you had a miscarriage, it’s important to see your doctor. This is because it’s possible that even if you passed some tissue from your body, some may remain. This can be dangerous for your health.

  • Movement of Fetus

The foetus usually begins to move in the fourth month of pregnancy. This is the time when the mother feels her baby moving and developing. If that movement has stopped, and there is no further development, it can be a sign of miscarriage. Contact your gynecologist immediately.

  • Unexplained fatigue

During pregnancy you are bound to feel some amount of exhaustion. This is due to the different changes that are going on in your body. However, sudden and unexplained fatigue and tiredness during the pregnancy is a sign of early miscarriage. This is common in cases of early miscarriage. In this the women often do not understand that they were pregnant in the first place. They mistake the fatigue accompanied by heavy vaginal bleeding to the signs of regular menstruation. In case of women who experience irregular periods early miscarriage often goes completely unnoticed.


Timely prediction and awareness of the symptoms of miscarriage can save the foetus and even help it develop into a healthy child. About half of the women who experience early signs of miscarriage and get medical attention are able to carry the baby to the full term. Another well known fact is that women who go through one or two miscarriages can carry babies to their full term without any problem in future too.
