11 Best Hair Oil For Faster Baby Hair Growth in 2023


Some of the best hair oils for baby hair growth include castor oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, jajoba oil, sesame oil, argan oil, to name a few. Hair is the pride of men and women alike. Hence, you are right in looking for the best hair oil for your baby in order to nourish and enable faster hair growth.

baby hair growth oil

Some babies might be born bald and some may be born with a full head of hair. Some may have downy soft locks and some strong curly locks. Whatever it is, a baby’s hair needs gentle, efficient maintenance, provided by the right hair oil.

11 Best Hair Oil for Faster Hair Growth in Infants

Let’s have a look at the top 10 best hair oils for infants that promote faster hair growth. Instead of subjecting your baby’s delicate scalp to market bought synthetic products it is better to use natural oils.

Castor Oil – Best baby hair growth oil

Castor oil develops the hair growth naturally and prevents scalp infections. It contains vitamin E, fatty acids and omega-9 fatty acids.

How to apply Castor oil on baby’s scalp:

  • This oil is viscous in nature so it is advisable to mix castor oil with an equal amount of coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil.
  • Massage the scalp and  leave it for 25 to 40 minutes
  • Then shampoo your hair.

As per Hair Guard, Castor oil is loaded with health benefits. Hence, it is one of the most recommended hair oil for infants hair growth.

Read: Castor Oil Health Benefits for Babies 

Avocado Oil 

Avocado oil is one of the best oil. The monounsaturated fatty acids in this oil are richer than other oils including coconut and grape seed. Avocado oil contains nutrients, vitamins A, B, D, and E, amino acids, essential fatty acids. It acts as a good conditioner and improves blood circulation.

Take a small amount of avocado oil and massage on baby’s scalp regularly.

Coconut Oil for Baby Hair

Since ancient time people are using coconut oil for grooming hair. Coconut oil is natural and doesn’t contain any chemicals in it. It contains carbohydrates, nutrients and vitamins. Components present in coconut oil protect the hair from hair loss and baldness.

Even though your baby’s shampoo may contain coconut oil, it is always better to mix some oil to your baby’s shampoo. This acts as a good conditioner. If your baby has dry and damaged hair you can apply coconut oil for hair  before bedtime and wash it gently with mild baby shampoo for best results.


Regular application of coconut oil to your baby’s hair and scalp can effectively reduce dryness and help your baby have a gorgeous head of shiny and healthy hair.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is the best and pure oil for treating hair loss. It aids in the growth of new hair cells, it acts against dandruff and thus reduces hair fall. It is light and non-greasy, it can be used with other essential oils and massage the oil into your baby’s scalp to stimulate the blood circulation. Jojoba oil is one of the best oils for hair growth.

Read more: Benefits of Jojoba Oils for Kids

Sesame Oil 

Sesame oil is extracted from the sesamum flower and has high penetration ability. This oil is used in many ayurvedic preparations for hair growth which treats fungal infections and scalp infections. By using sesame oil for hair, we can get rid of dandruff in baby’s. Take a small amount of sesame oil and massage it on your baby’s scalp, due to its high penetration increases scalp circulation and reduce tightness.

Read more: Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Kids

Olive Oil 

Olive oil is the godmother of hair oil that promotes scalp health, good conditioner for hair and improves blood circulation in the scalp. Take a small amount of olive oil and castor oil in equal amounts, heat the oil until lukewarm and apply on your little one’s scalp and hair. Massage for 10 minutes, this will help to lock in the moisture into your baby’s hair.


Safflower Oil 

Safflower has been used to prevent hair loss and baldness. This oil comes in two variant: one is oil rich in oleic acid and the other is oil high in linoleic acid. Two varieties of oils are used for hair care. Safflower oil moisturizes and stimulates blood circulation. If your infant’s hair is dry, it is a good idea to apply the Safflower oil directly on his or her hair. Take 5 drops of safflower oil in your palms, apply it at the ends of your baby’s hair and then move towards the scalp massaging. Leave it for an hour and rinse thoroughly, repeat every week to recover the lost moisture from the hair and stimulate hair growth in your baby’s head

Sugared Almond Oil 

Almond oil is a most wonderful oil for your baby’s hair health. It is a rich source of magnesium, used in a variety of hair products. Almond oil comes in two variants: sweet and bitter with the sweet oil is more popular. Sugared almond oil nourishes hair, flattens hair, increases hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Argan Oil

Argan oil has become really very popular in the market due to its wonderful capacity of making hair stronger and longer. First of all this oil hydrates and creates a moisturizing coat over the hair. Argan oil deeply penetrates inside the hair shaft and creates deep nourishment thereafter. Along with stopping hair breakage, argan oil works wonderfully in making your baby’s hair lustrous.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is very effective in creating deeper penetration into the roots of your baby’s hair and helps in promoting growth of a strong and beautiful head of hair. Due to the presence of various vitamins it is a wonderful oil for your baby’s delicate scalp and hair.

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is known in various parts of the world as a great oil to massage onto your baby’s head. It helps in stimulating hair growth. Fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid present in mustard oil helps to stimulate blood circulation in your baby’s scalp and increase the growth of hair. For best results you can boil the mustard oil and let it cool. You can use the boiled and cooled mustard oil to massage onto your baby’s head before bath.

Read more: Health Benefits of Mustard Oil for Infants and Kids


Key Takeaway

Along with the use of any of the above mentioned hair oils you can also help in the growth of healthy and strong hair in your infant by making sure that he or she is having a healthy balanced diet.

Healthy Balanced Diet for Baby Hair Growth

For hair, a diet consisting of protein and Vitamin D is very important. Give your baby walnuts, carrots, sweet potatoes, Salmon fish, pumpkin, apricots, egg, spinach etc. These contain a lot of nutrition that will aid hair growth.

Now that you have this checklist, we are sure nothing would stop your baby from getting those shiny and strong locks that would be the envy of all his/her friends the entire life.



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