Raw Mango Summer Soother Recipe for Toddlers


Raw Mango Summer Soother Recipe

The Raw Mango Summer Soother, also known as Kayree Panha, is a refreshing traditional Indian drink. This drink  is great at fighting heat strokes and keeping the body hydrated in hot summer days. Its a flavourful nutritious drink for toddlers who are up and running all day during summers. Your kids will love this refreshing super easy summer drink.

Appropriate for Age – 1yr and above

Preparation Time – 5 minutes

Cooking Time –15-20 minutes

Kayree Panha recipe for toddlers
Homemade Refreshing Drink for Toddlers


1 raw unripe mango


1/4 tsp cardamom powder

1/2 cup sugar or jaggery

Roasted cumin seed powder

A pinch of black salt


Step 1: Boil raw mango till they are soft


Step 2: Drain the water, remove the skin and strain the mango pulp

Step 3: Add sugar, cardamom powder, roasted cumin seed, black salt, and sugarin a blender and give it a good whizz

Step 4: Pour the concentrate in a bottle and store in the refrigerator

Step 5: While serving, fill ¼ glass with the concentrate and remaining with cold water

Hope you enjoyed the recipe. If you have any query, feel free to leave a message and I would revert asap.

