7 Health Benefits And Side Effects of White Onions


Do you typically chew on raw onions in restaurants while waiting for your meal? or will you wait for your meal? or add additional pyaaz (onion) to your pani puri? You may enjoy raw onions or not, but cooked onions will definitely make your mouth wet. Onions are a common ingredient in Indian cuisine, and it is hard for us to think of eating without them. Allium cepa L. is the scientific name for the white onion, which is a member of the Amaryllidaceae family. One of the oldest and most popular crops in the world, the white onion originates in West Asia, Turkistan, and Afghanistan. India comes in second to China as the world’s top producer of onions. 

white onions

Onions don’t deteriorate as quickly because of their poor perishability. 1 There are several varieties of onions, some of which are somewhat distinct from one another, including yellow, purple, white, and red onions. Compared to red onions, white onions include less quercetin, a bioactive molecule, but they also have ceposides A, B, and C. 2 The advantages of white onions for health will now be discussed.

White onions have a nutritional value of 36 calories per 100 grams. The white onion has the following nutrients:

  • 7.68g of carbohydrates
  • 0.89g of protein
  • Fats 0.13g 
  • Nitrogen 0.14g 
  • 5.76 g of sugar
  • 1.2 g of fiber 

White Onion Qualities

White onions may have the following attributes:

  • Perhaps serving as an antioxidant
  • It might be antibacterial.
  • It may act as a heart protector and include an antiparasitic.
  • It could be able to aid in the fight against lung conditions.
  • It might reduce blood sugar levels.
  • It might have a cholesterol-lowering effect.
  • Perhaps it has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It could function as a cancer preventative.
  • In terms of rheumatic pain, it could be useful.
  • It could be beneficial for fighting fungus.
  • It could have the ability to aid in the treatment of asthma.
  • It could help fight off anxiety and despair.
  • It might help those with cognitive impairments.
  • White Onion Usage That May Benefit General Health

Numerous active ingredients found in white onions have been shown to be useful in treating a number of diseases. The following are a few potential applications for white onions:


White onions may be used to treat diabetes

Diabetes develops as a result of the activity of the enzymes alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase. Studies revealed that white onions may be able to lessen these chemicals’ action, which might assist in lowering blood glucose levels. This can be a result of the many phytochemicals that are contained in it. White onions may thus be beneficial for diabetes. You should avoid self-medicating, though, and be sure to see a doctor for an accurate diabetes diagnosis and treatment plan.

White onion’s potential blood pressure benefits

Studies revealed that the activity of the enzyme angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which affects blood pressure, may be interfered with by white onions. This enzyme is also inhibited by a number of medications that doctors prescribe to treat high blood pressure. In light of this, white onions may help lower blood pressure. Therefore, please seek medical advice rather than treating your health issues alone. Never use self-medication. 

White onions might be used to treat oxidative stress

Studies have shown that white onions contain a number of antioxidant-rich phytochemicals, including quercetin and kaempferol. This antioxidant function of white onions may lessen oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals. As a result, white onions may protect against chronic illnesses and cell damage brought on by oxidative stress. 

White onions might perhaps be used to treat fungus infections

Ceposides, which are saponins found in white onions, might be what gives them their antifungal properties. The antifungal activity of the ceposides extracted from white onions against various fungi was tested in research. White onions may therefore be ineffective against some fungi and fungal diseases. Further research is needed to demonstrate these potential consequences, though. See a physician rather than self-medicate if you have any fungal infections.

White onion’s potential benefits for the heart

In addition to lowering the risk of heart disease, onions are a nutraceutical vegetable that may offer several other health advantages. It could control blood lipids, be an antioxidant, and enhance blood vessel cell performance. Onions may therefore aid in the preservation of heart health by lowering the risk of heart disorders. Heart conditions must be properly diagnosed and treated by a specialist since they are serious conditions. Never use self-medication.

White onion’s potential use in weight loss

An investigation was done to see how onions affected people’s weight. They received quercetin-rich extracts of onion peel.  The body mass index and the amount of body fat may decrease with time, it was noticed (the ratio of fat to muscle is calculated according to an individual’s height and weight). Hence, the quercetin found in white onions may be useful for controlling weight. Further research is necessary, though.  If you want to manage your weight, don’t self-medicate—talk to a qualified nutritionist instead.


Although there have been some studies on the potential uses of white onions in a variety of contexts, more study is needed to fully understand the health benefits of white onions for people.

White Onion: How Do You Use It?

White onion bulbs can be used in cuisine. Many cuisines from throughout the world utilize it to prepare a variety of foods. It may be used in the following ways and has a strong flavor:

  • Soups 
  • Curries 
  • Sauces 
  • Condiments  
  • Medicine  
  • Onion powders 
  • Onion salts  

Before using large doses of onion or any herbal supplements, you should speak with a qualified medical expert. Never discontinue or replace an ongoing modern medicine therapy with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without first speaking to a registered physician.

White onion side effects include heartburn and indigestion

The discovery of further negative effects of white onions, if any, calls for more research to be done. Never discontinue or replace an ongoing modern medicine therapy with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without first speaking to a registered physician.

White onion side effects include heartburn, which can occur after consuming white onions. The discovery of further negative effects of white onions, if any, calls for more research to be done. So be careful and consult a physician if you experience any odd side effects after consuming white onion.

White onions should only be consumed in food amounts, yet they are still quite safe to consume. There have been no observations made regarding the health risks of white onion in children or the elderly.No information on how white onions affect expectant mothers has been reported. Thus, it is suggested that you talk to a doctor before using.


According to studies, consuming sautéed onions may boost the action of warfarin, a medication that prevents blood clots. In light of this, please get medical advice before consuming onions, especially if you are receiving treatment and taking medicine for it.


  1. FoodData Central. Onions, white, raw [Internet]. U.S. Department of Agriculture. [cited 2022 Sep 2]. Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1104962/nutrients
  2. Lanzotti V, Romano A, Lanzuise S, Bonanomi G, Scala F. Antifungal saponins from bulbs of white onion, Allium cepa L. Phytochemistry [Internet]. 2012;74:133–9. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.phytochem.2011.11.008
  3. Galavi A, Hosseinzadeh H, Razavi BM. The effects of Allium cepa L. (onion) and its active constituents on the metabolic syndrome: A review. Iran J Basic Med Sci [Internet]. 2020;24(1):3–16. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7894628/