Week 6 of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Week by Week


At week 6 of pregnancy, the pregnancy news is still a ‘news’ to you. So, it’s quite normal to feel emotional and anxious. There will be a few uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms that will add to your anxiety. There will be a lot going on in your uterus at week 6 of pregnancy. Your baby’s development will go a step ahead, and there may be a few more symptoms for you to bear. Read on to find the growth and development of the baby, the symptoms that can occur and the ultrasound images at week 6 of pregnancy.

Read More:Week 7 of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Week by Week

Growth and Development of Baby at Week 6 of Pregnancy 

The major developments in this week occur in the baby’s nose, mouth, and the ears. The size of the baby’s head would be proportionately larger compared to the body. Dark spots appear on the head that mark the places for the growth of the baby’s eyes and nostrils.

The folds of tissue at the bump on the top of the head develop into the baby’s jaw, chin, and cheeks. These features together form an adorable face of your child. Little indentations develop on the sides of the head marking the developing ear canals. Also taking shape at week 6 of pregnancy are the baby’s kidneys, lungs, and liver.

The arms and legs also begin to appear as protruding buds. The most interesting part of week 6 of is the heart starts beating at about 100 to 150 times per minute. This heart rate is almost double the heart rate of adults.

The growth at week 6 of pregnancy also involves the development of intestines. Buds of tissue also begin to grow that later develop into mature lungs through the later months of pregnancy. The pituitary glands also begin to form while the development of brain, bones, and muscles continue to occur. Even with so much of growth taking place in your baby, he is still just a quarter of an inch long.


The pregnancy belly and other symptoms that appear at week 6 of pregnancy. 

With your baby just about the size of a lentil, you cannot really expect to flaunt your baby bump at week 6 of pregnancy. You still have another 3 months to go before your pregnancy becomes evident to all.

However, there may be some other symptoms that will keep others guessing whether you are on a family way. Some of these are discussed below:

  • Morning sickness: This is the symptom that usually makes the actors of daily soaps to realize they are pregnant. An unexplained bout of vomiting is a classic symptom of pregnancy. It actually starts around the sixth week of pregnancy by which time most women have missed their menstrual periods and got a hint that something good might be going on.

However, don’t get fooled by the name. Morning sickness doesn’t occur only in the morning. It can occur at any time during the day. The best way to ease this unpleasant symptom is to eat dry food items like toast or biscuits each time you start getting the feeling. Keep a pack of biscuits with you all the time so that you can munch on them when you feel nauseated. Avoid fried and spicy foods as these can upset your stomach and trigger nausea.

  • The first-trimester fatigue: Women tend to feel unusually tired during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This can be tough for your partner to understand because the woman doesn’t look much pregnant yet. You may feel completely worn-out as if you haven’t slept well since many days. Simple chores like going to a nearby grocery store and cooking dinner feel like running a marathon.

Counter this by drinking lots of fluids. Drink fresh fruit juices or eat fruits that have high water content like melons. Fortunately, the fatigue usually lifts by the 12th or 13th week of pregnancy.

  • Mood swings: crankiness and extreme mood swings are common during this phase due to the changes in the hormonal levels.
  • Breast enlargement: The breast enlargement occurs due to the excess fats deposited in the anticipation of nursing. The hormonally driven growth of the breast tissue is meant to produce milk for the baby. The breast enlargement usually starts long before the baby bump makes its appearance.
  • Weight gain: a slight weight gain is common in week 6 of pregnancy. However, this weight gain is more to do with your changing eating habits rather than the growing baby. It is best to avoid excessive weight gain during this period. Stick to eating a nutritious diet than going over the top with ‘eating for two.’

Ultrasound at week 6 of pregnancy

The first prenatal checkup is recommended at about 8th or 9th week of pregnancy. But, you may have an early visit especially if you have too many queries to ask. An early visit to a doctor is also advisable for the women having a high-risk pregnancy!

week 6 pregnancy


You may opt for an ultrasound at week 6 of pregnancy to make sure everything is going smoothly with our baby. The test will show the crucial areas of baby’s development. The images will show the baby’s heart and a developing circulatory system. You might be able to see your baby wiggling his or her little hands and feet. You may also see the tiny sprouts from where the nose, eyes, ears, cheeks, and the chin will develop in the coming weeks. The doctor might be able to see the fetal heartbeats.

If you are pregnant with twins, the ultrasound images will show two separate gestational sacs at week 6 of pregnancy.

Dos and don’t to follow at week 6 of pregnancy

Be aware of the dangerous pregnancy symptoms that need immediate medical attention: some of these include:

  • Bleeding from the vagina
  • Severe pain in the middle of your tummy
  • Swelling in the hands and feet
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Itching all over
  • Having a fall or injury
  • Switch to healthy eating habits. Make sure your diet comprises of all food groups including proteins, carbohydrates, a small amount of fats, vitamins, and minerals
  • Drink plenty of water or fresh fruit juices to avoid weakness
  • Continue using prenatal vitamins
  • Take enough rest
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights

Read more: Leukorrhea During Pregnancy: Symptoms and Home Treatments
