Can You Calculate Conception Date Based on Reverse Due Date?


Pregnancy is an exciting experience for the mother. A woman experiences and matures during this phase. She along with her husband are excited for the upcoming baby. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, they can predict the date of the baby’s delivery. This is possible by Due Date Calculator. But some are curious to know the conceiving date. This can easily be determined by Reverse Due Date Calculator.

In this article:

Reverse Due Date Calculator
Use of Reverse Due Date Calculator
Date of Conception
Can Exact Day of Conception be calculated?
Why is the date of conception important?
How to calculate the date of Conception?
What is my due date based on the date of conception?
How many weeks pregnant are you?

All You Need to Know About Reverse Due Date

Reverse Due Date Calculator

A reverse due date calculator is the opposite of the due date calculator. A due date calculator simply works when the date of the last menstrual period is known, this helps in determining and predicting the due date of the baby. Whereas, in reverse due date calculator one already knows the due date of baby and by this, he or she can easily determine the day of conceiving.

reverse due date


Use of Reverse Due Date Calculator 

  • It may be helpful when the mother at her first prenatal appointment had an ultrasound which provided her baby’s gestational age along with the due date.
  • It may help plan the birth month of the baby, so to know when should the woman conceive.
  • For nostalgia and wondering when did you conceive the baby.
  • Reverse due date calculator helps you in maths in an instant way.
  • It certainly employs the estimated due date to find out the approximate date of conception.
  • It gives an idea about the window period in which the intercourse led to conception.

Date of Conception

It can be simply defined as a date when the baby is formed, not necessarily the day the couple had intercourse. Conception is a meeting of male sperm with the woman egg released during ovulation from the ovary and resulting in fertilization.

Can Exact Day of Conception be calculated?

It is not easy to determine the exact date of conception as ovulation is a complex event in a woman’s body. Usually, women ovulate during the 11th to 21st days of their menstrual cycle and this is a broad period. Moreover, women do not track the ovulation by monitoring the cervical mucus along with their basal body temperature and if some women do this they might skip or forget by a day or more. To make it more complex, here is a fact that, conception can occur within a few hours of intercourse or can even take the time up to a week after intercourse. This is because a male sperm can survive up to 48 to 72 hrs in the female vagina.


Why is the date of conception important?

It is easy to determine the due date through the last menstrual period date. This is the basis of working of due date calculator but it, not an accurate method specifically for women who don’t have a standard 28-day cycle. Still, it is considered standard as most women tend to remember the exact date of their last menstrual period than the exact date they ovulated.

The concept is a little confusing. According to this calculation, the woman’s first or second-week pregnancy occurs even before the intercourse is done, which is not possible. Therefore, the basic principle of conception remains the same which is the meeting of sperm and egg to create a new life.

How to calculate the date of Conception?

Same as the due date calculator, the reverse due date calculator will help in the determination of the date of conception. It uses just simple maths. In the case of a standard 28-day cycle, pregnancy is estimated to be 280 days or 40 weeks from the last menstrual period and 266 days or 38 weeks from the date of ovulation. Hence it is calculated by subtracting 266 days from your estimated due date. For example, if a woman has a due date of December 8th then December 8 – 8 days in December = 258th day i.e. November 30th. Now 258-30 days in November = 228 i.e. October 31st and so on till the last 14 days remain and this would come around march 15th. 

What is my due date based on the date of conception?

If a woman is sure about the day she conceived or used reverse due date calculator, then use this option in our due date calculator to get a more accurate estimated due date.


How many weeks pregnant are you?

Reverse due date calculator is a fun tool to learn and explore as much as one can need to know about little human growing inside the mother. The basic aim of the due date calculator is an estimation of the due date. Other than this it helps to know how many weeks a pregnant woman is. 


This calculator is designed for women or couples to know and estimate the date of conceiving. It is accurate if the woman has a regular 28-day menstrual cycle.


