Is Organic Post-Partum Tea The Right Choice?


Motherhood comes with a lot of joys and fulfillment. The arrival of a newborn is exciting, and the mother is anxious to be the very best she can be. However, the journey may be tedious and life-changing, making every new mother looking for a solution to aid them through the journey. 

PostPartum tea is a welcome additive to both the lives of the mother and the baby. This tea has numerous benefits all of which are designed to aid the mother to regain back her groove after childbirth.

postpartum tea benefits

Motherhood in earlier centuries sought to involve Aryuvedic and organic components to aid the mother to heal faster to enable her to bond with her baby. The organic remedies would fasten the healing process and rejuvenate the mother physically and mentally for them to provide the best possible care for their newborn. This practice has been adopted over the years with modifications being done to combine fine and natural organic blends to create truly beneficial tea. 

Organic Tea Components

There is a wide range of herbs and botanicals designed inorganic postpartum teas to bring wholesome benefits to the mother. These herbs have been used over the centuries to aid mothers in getting the very best care and nourishment for their bodies.


The stinging nettle is an organic leaf with numerous benefits. The nettle plant can be found near a water source as it grows exceptionally well in damp soil. This plant is characterized by its heart-shaped leaves with sharp edges all around them. The touch of a nettle leaf can illicit somewhat of a stinging effect, thus its name, the stinging nettle. The plant is an amazing superfood with high calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, chlorophyll, and vitamins. In short, you can never go wrong with nettle! These components seek to nourish the mother and baby by boosting immunity and aiding in the production of breast milk. Nettle also aids in preventing nausea and asthma, and common allergic symptoms by strengthening the baby’s immunity. 


Red Raspberry

An excellent source of magnesium and potassium, the red raspberry leaf is known for its superb benefits to a new mother. The red raspberry seeks to provide herbal relief for cramps and strengthens and tightens the uterus after birth. 

Oat straw

Oat straw has a calming effect that soothes and replenishes the nervous system tremendously improving synaptic and lymphatic components in the body, relieving stress and anxiety. The infusion of vitamins E and B, as well as proteins for the tissues and membranes, are just come of a few of the components of this plant. Oat straw also helps alleviate and heal the mother’s inflamed vaginal tissues and promotes the growth of skin, hair, and bones of both the mother and the child.

Rose petals

Rose petals are antiseptically protecting the mother and baby from bruises, wounds, or inflammation in the digestive and intestinal tract. Their calming and soothing scent is a great remedy for flu or fever, and an excellent muscle cramps relaxer. Mothers can also experience increased appetite and lower cholesterol with the help of rose petals.

Ginger root

Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory that seeks to aid in digestive processes and promote healing to the mother’s body. Its effects also aid in lactation by stimulating the glands to produce adequate production of breast milk. 

Chamomile flowers

Chamomile is widely known for its calming and stress relief properties. Incorporating chamomile into herbal teas works wonders in calming an otherwise irate mother who is exhausted and in need of sleep. In addition to this, chamomile helps ward off common infections and is great for sores and mild pains. 

Organic Post-Partum Tea Benefits

With the above beneficial components found in organic post-partum tea, there are various considerations for each tea a mother decides to take:

  • Lactation

New mothers often worry about their milk supply remaining constant all through their breastfeeding cycle. This might deem difficult for many women, who struggle with ensuring their supply is just the right amount for their baby. Several organic postpartum teas are specifically designed for the breastfeeding mother and seek to contain beneficial components that help her raise her milk supply. 

  • Nourishment

The pure nourishment from the blends of organic teas ensures the mother’s body is well equipped to giving the baby all the nutrients available. These organic teas ensure all aspects of bone nourishment, digestive tract, nervous systems, and overall functions are observed. These teas also aid to relieve gas and indigestion and help prevent colic in the newborn baby.

  • Relaxation

New mothers rarely get enough relaxation. Therefore, the organic postpartum teas give the mother a stress-free demeanor by relaxing the exhausted and tired muscles. The tea also assists in sleep and calmness which is a welcome additive to the new mother. Mothers dealing with postpartum depression can also benefit by including these teas in their diet. 

  • Weight loss

Postpartum teas are great for weight loss and assist the mother lose the stubborn baby fat faster than expected. The organic postpartum tea stimulates the mother’s body to burn more calories and ward off extra cholesterol, all while providing the necessary nutrients for the baby. 

Tips To Consider

Organic postpartum teas can be found in a variety of online stores including Amazon.  These teas are most non-GMO verified and 100% organic. 

It is best to conduct adequate research on particular brands before purchase. This enables the consumer to read reviews about the product to ascertain whether it is the best choice. 


Different mothers have different specifications. Therefore, understanding the ingredients of each package and brand will greatly assist in choosing the right components that are required. 

Organic postpartum teas are not meant as a replacement for a balanced diet. A healthy balanced diet is still needed to provide the right amount of nutrients and minerals to the mother and baby. Supplementing organic teas go a long way in providing the extra boost needed for additional organic reinforcements. 

Always consult your physician before taking any organic postpartum teas to find out what is best for your body, and the required dosage of the tea.
