7 Amazing Health Benefits of Nopal Cactus


Nopal cactus reduces oxidative stress, protects from the jaws of viruses, gives resistance against nerve cell damage, helps fight prostate-related problems, reduces the tendency of obesity, no more cholesterol issues and lowering of insulin level.

Who knew a cactus could possess such amazing healing properties and health benefits! The Nopal Cactus. The younger the plant, the easier it is to eat. The flat pads of the cactus only get thicker with age. Usually found around the regions of Mexico and the southwestern United States, Nopal Cactus is often called prickly pear cactus. In fact, it is also used as a component in some Mexican dishes! Whether you sauté it or have it with those yummy scrambled eggs and onions and tomatoes, you will crave that flavor. But it doesn’t just taste that Nopal Cactus has to offer, but also health benefits for a healthy you.

In this article:

Top 7 Health Benefits of Nopal Cactus
Possible Side Effects of Nopal Cactus
Nopal Juice
Nopal Cactus Powder
Nopal Cactus Recipes

Top 7 Health Benefits of Nopal Cactus

Here is a journey through the surprising benefits of Nopal Cactus-


nopal cactus benefits

Reduces Oxidative Stress

Nopal Cactus is rich in antioxidants which imparts an inflammatory property to this plant. It’s the flavonoids that are responsible for this special trait in Nopal Cactus.

Protects from the Jaws of Viruses

Be it the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or the herpes simplex virus (HSV), Nopal Cactus has virus-fighting potential, which when consumed can help build the body’s immune system even stronger.

Resistance against Nerve Cell Damage

Nerves are crucial and gentle, for any harm to the nerves may result in serious problems in the body’s mechanisms. The neuroprotective properties the cacti is endowed with is acknowledged worldwide.

Helps fight Prostrate Related Problems

Many men suffer from the issue of an enlarged prostate, leading to pain and a tendency to urinate more often. Nopal Cactus has been scientifically proven to reduce such symptoms because of its inflammatory properties.

Reduces the Tendency of Obesity

The body of many tends to absorb fats and calories more than others. The presence of antioxidants in Nopal Cactus improves the breaking down of fat molecules, hence reducing fat deposition over time.


No more Cholesterol Issues

Cholesterol may suddenly go up sometimes, but you don’t have to worry about taking those medicines day and night because here’s a natural remedy for you- the Nopal Cactus!

Lowering of Insulin Level

While most diabetic people struggle with maintaining the normal blood sugar level, the fibers in Nopal Cactus can reduce the blood sugar level by significant amounts.

Possible Side Effects of Nopal Cactus

  • Though Nopal Cactus has immense and plural health benefits, it may sometimes turn topsy turvy if considerate attention is not paid.
  • One issue is that if you are buying juice, vendors may simply use any water that are available at their disposal. Many chemicals and germs may accumulate in the cactus during cultivation. It is important that Nopal juice be made free of bacteria like coli or Salmonella, for even little amounts of such bacteria could correspond to serious effects on the body.
  • Another thing to keep in mind is that it isn’t just enough to fetch yourself the Nopal Cactus juice that is available out there. It’s absolutely safe to consume Nopal Cactus or its juice when freshly prepared at home because you are assured of the hygiene.
  • But the vendors out there, selling Nopal Cactus juice might mix the juice with juices of other fruits that have sugar content. This kind of combination is not suggested for diabetes patients as the utility of nopal juice is almost nullified by the action of the glucose that might be present in other fruit juices.
  • Everything apart, packaged nopal juices should not be relied upon, as they are mostly adulterated.

Nopal Juice

Freshly prepared nopal juice is the best remedy to the above-mentioned problems. Researches reveal that fresh nopal juice has produced an effective response and notable changes, sometimes even better than traditional medicines.

According to Ayurveda, using nopal juice for weight loss is true, a very useful remedy. In fact, people these days are using it as a dietary supplement too. Also, consuming some Nopal juice before consuming alcohol will ensure that you don’t get a hangover the next morning. In Mexico, Nopal juice is also used as a beverage.


Nopal Cactus Powder

Nopal Cactus powder is also available in some stores these days, and now it is also available in markets worldwide. So if you are not a resident of southwestern USA or Mexico, you need not worry anymore as Nopal powder is easily accessible. This powder can be used as a supplement and is much safer than consuming packaged nopal juice because these powders undergo purity tests before packaging.

Nopal Cactus, due to its varied health benefits, is now being used as a component in medicines as well! Apart from these well-known forms of Nopal Cactus’ availability, it might surprise you that the cactus may also be used in candies and jellies. It is often used to harden freshly put plaster as well, and the list goes on.

Nopal Cactus Recipes

It is best if you have a garden and get the gardening done yourself. Get those fresh pieces to your tables!

  • For those who love sweet more, look for a purplish-red fruit, which is a ripe one. The others won’t taste as sweet. Now that you have selected one for yourself, peel off the skin and remove the seeds.
  • Try making a salad of it. Chop some tomatoes and onions and sauté the nopal to get a perfect, healthy salad.
  • You may use nopal as a filling, or to add flavor to your Mexican dish this weekend. Diced nopal can also be used in tea and to give that special tint of flavor to the evening snack. Nopal with scrambled eggs is an unbeatable combination for sure, and hence a must try out!



Nopal Cactus, also known as opuntia and prickly pear, is filled with immense amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that may help relieve us from a range of health problems. From curing inflammation to reducing blood sugar levels, to increase immunity, it’s no stone that the plant has left unturned. It is a treatment in itself, a herbal and reliable one. But when used as a supplement to the drugs prescribed by doctors, it can work wonders! You may even use it to flavor that favorite dish of yours.




