11 Home Remedies To Keep Covid-19 Away


Covid-19 entered our world and it seems it won’t leave soon. In such a scenario, we have to adapt and keep ourselves safe. In this article, we will discuss 11 home remedies to keep covid-19 away.

11 Home Remedies To Keep COVID-19 Away


It is very important to wash your hands every 30 minutes with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.

safety during covid pandemic


This unique ginger-honey wrap works a bit like a kadha in battling nasty germs and infection spreading viruses. Ginger may be a spiced root that works effectively in reducing symptoms of pharyngitis, while honey may be a soothing anti-inflammatory agent that strengthens your immunity. This unique combination also acts as an expectorant and opens up your sinuses, getting rid of the mucus and washing down irritants which might be giving you an itchy and scratchy throat.

What you will need:
-Ginger (grated)
-Raw honey
-Olive oil
-Napkin/ Tissue

Mixing honey and flour together, add grated ginger and 2-3 drops of olive oil to this. Once ready, put a small mixture on a tissue/napkin and using adhesive, tape it to the chest.
It is advised that you apply this concoction before going to bed. If you’ve got sensitive skin, conduct a small skin test before use.


Gargling with a solution of salt water is one of the best and trusted remedies to battle a sore throat and quash down germs and viruses. However, this remedy must be practiced regularly, for 3-4 days to start out showing results. Although there’s no convincing proof that saltwater can actually kill germs or the coronavirus (don’t fall for this myth just yet), salt water can help reduce certain associated symptoms like swelling and irritation. It is also a good way to stay hydrated, which again, is vital when you are going through a bout of cold, cough or any viral infection.

Simply mix half a tablespoon of salt with warm water and gargle within the back of your throat. Make sure to spit out the mixture and not actually swallow it. Do it 2-3 times a day, for a minimum of three days, to see a reduction of symptoms. However, remember, saltwater or hot water is no treatment or preventive measure for COVID-19.



Mulethi may be a traditional Ayurvedic herb that is added in chai and also consumed once you feel the onset of a virus infection settling in. It’s also a good reliever for the itchiness caused by a sore throat. Mulethi has also been found to contain helpful anti-viral properties which target bad disease-spreading pathogens. It also produces healthy mucus, which softens the pain and roughness. The antioxidants in it take care of any free radicals which may harm your immunity.


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has alkaline properties that have anti-inflammatory properties in them. It is also the main ingredient in traditional oxymels, which are used to treat cough and cold. It is particularly helpful in relieving pharyngitis since the acid content within the solutions helps eliminate the infection spreading bad bacteria, which causes inflammation within the throat. To relieve symptoms, drinking a glass of warm water mixed with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar can prove to be helpful. You can also add honey for extra taste and benefits.


We have all heard about the health benefits of a traditional preventive remedy, oil pulling. Coconut oil pulling can be one home remedy you can try to lessen your pain and deal with the problem of a sore throat. Coconut oil helps in quashing out the toxins and the germs strengthen immunity as well as clears out nasal passages.

Coconut oil is additionally very soothing on the throat and carries zero side-effects. Having on the brink of two tablespoons of excellent quality coconut oil regular basis can help your body fight infections and viruses naturally.


Increase the intake of citrus fruits or vegetables with high vitamin C content: oranges/ amla/ strawberries / sweet lime/ spinach. (Make sure you wash them thoroughly in running tap water and use sodium hypochlorite or soap water to clean it). Vitamin C not only helps in repairing worn-out tissues and building immunity, it is also an antioxidant that prevents cancer and heart disease.


Practice proper exercise or pranayama – specifically breathing exercises like – Bharastika, Anulom Vilom Pranayama, savasana, Kapalbhati Pranayama, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama.



Step up Magnesium intake: this helps in keeping your heart healthy, maintaining your immune system and bone health. Mainly found in whole grains, nuts, fresh fruit, and vegetables.


If you have dentures or dental issues, make sure the food consistency is suitable for your needs. To aid chewing and digestion, you’ll consider thick soups, pureed vegetables, powdered seeds and nuts, thick dal vegetable khichdi, scrambled eggs, soft fruits, stewed fruits or custard, bone broth and vegetable stews, etc.


Traditional Indian sattu (jaw or chana powder) buttermilk/water is a great source of protein, and also a probiotic.


What we have listed here are some simple home remedies you can make use of to relieve the irritation caused by sore throat, these are in no way foolproof treatment measures for coronavirus infection. Home remedies can also help you to a certain extent, but if problems persist, or you experience more symptoms of COVID-19, seek immediate medical help. Use a mask and follow other safety preventive measures to curb the spread of the disease.




