Using Herbs in Pregnancy: Is It Safe?


During pregnancy, the body goes through an immense amount of strain mainly due to hormonal imbalance. This strain can lower immunity levels. To combat this, women try different methods and one is undeniable the diet is crucial to improve the immunity level and deal with hormonal imbalance.

herbs in pregnancy

In This Article:

Herbs in Pregnancy: Are they Safe?

There are limitations to how much of a herb can be used in pregnancy but the fact is that a lot of doctors recommend herbs during pregnancy due to the abilities to boost immunity. Be sure to limit the number of herbs consumed per day to healthy amounts but include some form of herbs in every meal for the immune system to really draw the benefits that are offered.

  • Herbs balance out iron deficiencies that are common in pregnant women
  • Herbs alleviate nausea and aid in relieving digestive problems
  • Herbs ease labor and delivery pain
  • Herbs can combat small bouts of postpartum depression
  • Herbs prevent yeast infections near the vagina
  • Herbs have always been effective against common cold and flu



  • Premature birth
  • Miscarriage
  • Uterine contractions
  • Fetal complications


Herbs can not treat these problems during pregnancy –

  • Injuries
  • Calcium deficiencies
  • Congenital disabilities
  • Underdevelopment of the fetus
  • Respiratory abnormalities
  • Cancer
  • AIDS

Some herbs can cause dangerous complications during pregnancy and better avoid them. Therefore, there is a general caution against taking herbs during pregnancy as there is not sufficient research to pinpoint the actual benefits and side effects of some herbs. To be on the safer side, using everything in moderation approach is best when it comes to herbs that are considered safe at all while completely avoiding those which are not.

Herbs to Avoid

  • Rosemary – it increases blood pressure and hard to digest.
  • Peppermint – include premature labor.
  • Dong Quai – cause uterine contractions during pregnancy and lead to premature delivery or even miscarriage.
  • Evening primrose – consumption in the second and third trimester is hazardous for the pregnancy.
  • Ginseng – bad side effects during pregnancy.
  • Cohosh – cause miscarriage and premature delivery due to its labor-inducing
  • Hibiscus – it disrupt normal pregnancy-related hormone changes and leading to premature labor.
  • john’s wort – cause congenital disabilities in baby and lead to uterus stimulation that cause premature labor.
  • Yarrow – lead to premature labor.
  • Lemongrass – lead to contraction issues during delivery and lower the mother’s blood pressure during pregnancy.

Recommended Herbs

  • Dandelion is recommended not more than a cup of tea or half a teaspoon is consumed per day.
  • Eucalyptus drop on sore muscles can ease low-level muscle pain as well. As with any herb, use eucalyptus in small and controlled quantities based on the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Drinking a cup of cranberry juice is also a great way of clearing the body of urinary tract infections. Eating a handful of cranberries hydrates the body and fills it up with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants essential for bodily functions.
  • Chamomile tea to drink in moderation during pregnancy to avoid any potential risks.
  • Eating a handful of tulsi leaves occasionally during pregnancy is considered extremely healthy but shouldn’t overdo it.
  • Drink a cup of lavender tea or sleep with lavender essential oil burning in a diffuser or take a sniff of lavender per day to help relax and breathe better.
  • Eating moderate amounts of garlic per meal is beneficial for women during pregnancy.


Common Herbs Used in Pregnancy


it has balancing properties. It avoids water retention, regulates blood flow and has anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent bloating.


it is a cure for the common cold. Using it in a steam bath ensures all the pores are open and clear of toxins.


these are magnificent for urinary health, something that pregnant women may find slightly challenging to maintain.


it is possibly the most famous type of tea for the anxious and stressed. This is because it is rich in antioxidants and has relaxing properties. It helps pregnant women manage stress and anxiety. It also helps relax joints, lower back, and muscles, all of which are under immense strain during pregnancy.

Red Raspberry Leaf 

it is full of iron, zinc and other essential minerals. It alleviates labor pain by reducing inflammation, improving the overall red blood cell count of the body, improving blood circulation and managing blood pressure. It also has vitamins that help maintain the body’s chemical balance, reduce nausea and it is recommended for women suffering from anemia during pregnancy.


it is a natural antiseptic that has anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, healthy minerals like iron and is a natural digestive aid. It helps combat anemia, the common cold, infections, swelling, bloating and water retention and helps with digestion among its endless benefits.



it helps combat anemia, keeps the blood pressure in check, eases digestion, helps combat nausea and has anti-inflammatory properties.


major hurdles of pregnancy, anxiety, muscle tension, stress, and headaches are some of the hardest issues to deal with. It is a herb that helps combat all these ailments and more.


it has anti-inflammatory properties and minerals and vitamins that boost immunity. It is also great for beating a sore throat, common cold, fever and bloating. It also helps with easing water retention and keeps infections at bay.


it has immense health benefits. It is rich in many minerals and vitamins that help keep infections at bay. It also increases immunity and helps reduce bloating. It also helps regulate blood flow throughout the body, aids digestion, keeps the blood sugar in check and improves blood pressure.


it helps in blood clot faster, increase healthy blood circulation and improve the body’s energy levels too.



For health benefits of herbs, contact healthcare advisor and discuss in detail about advantages and disadvantages.

