201 Unique Girl Names Starting with M


If you are expecting a baby girl and are in a search of girl names starting with M, here are 201 unique and beautiful baby girl names starting with M.

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Top 201 Girl Names Starting with M

Names Meaning
Maab A place to which one returns
Maahi River; great earth; heaven and earth conjoined; The number one
Maali Noble; Sublime; Excellency
Maanasvi unknown
Maanavika young girl
Maandhari Honourable
Maanhitha Together; Conversation with God; Honored
Maanswi unknown
Maanvi Girl with humanity; One who poses all the best qualities
Maanvika Female of maanav; Youth
Maanyata Principles; Assumption
Mada The utmost point; Degree
Madanika Aroused; Excited
Madhat Praise; Lauding
Madhavi A creeper with beautiful flowers; Springtime
Madhia Praiseworthy
Madhu Honey; Sweet; Nectar; charming
Mangalya Pious; pure
Madhubani An art form
Madhuja Made of honey; Sweet; Honeycomb; The earth
Madhukari Bee
Madhuksara One who showers Honey
Madhul Sweet; Intoxicating; A drink
Madhula Sweet; Intoxicating; A drink
Madhulika Honey; Sweetness; Bee
Madhumalli royal jasmine
Madhumika May signify (Goodness/Power/Happiness/spirituality)
Madhumita Full of honey; sweet person
Madhunika Sweetness of Honey
Madhunisha pleasant night
Madhuparna tulsi leaf
Madhur Sweet; Melodious; Amiable
Madhura Sugar; A bird
Madhurani queen of bees
Madhuri sweet girl
Madhurima Sweetness
Madhurya She who has voice sweeter
Madhushana unknown
Madhushri beauty of spring
Madhusmita sweet love; Smile; Honey
Madhvi A creeper with beautiful flowers; Springtime
Madia Praiseworthy
Madiha Praiseworthy
Madina Land of beauty
Madira Nectar; Intoxicating; Wine
Madirakshi woman with intoxicating eyes
Madri Second wife of Pandu; Mother of Nakul and Sahdeva; daughter of king Shalya (Second wife of Pandu; Mother of Nakul and Sahdeva; daughter of King Shalya.)
Madumai unknown
Mangala Auspicious; Before morning; sacred grass; Jasmine; Another name for Uma and durga
Madura Sugar; A bird
Magadhi flower
Magana Engrossed
Magashin unknown
Magathi great
Mageshwari God name
Maghi Giving gifts
Mah The moon
Maha Large eyes; Moon-like
Mahabhadra ganga river
Mahala brave
Mahalasa Goddess Lakshmi; The one who leisurely enjoys life
Mahalaxmi Goddess lakshmi, lakshmi the great, Consort of vishnu, She is the presiding deity at kolhapur, She destroyed a Daitya called Mahal hence she is called mahalsa or Mahalakshmi
Mahalika Woman; Attendant
Mahalya who is like God
Maham Full moon
Mahanvita unknown
Mahanya One who save the world
Mahashri Goddess lakshmi; Name of a Buddhist Goddess; An epithet of lakshmi
Mahasri Goddess lakshmi; Name of a Buddhist Goddess; An epithet of lakshmi
Mahasweta Goddess Saraswati; Perfectly white
Mahaswetha Goddess Saraswati; Perfectly white
Mahathi Name of Naradudu Veena; great
Mahati Name of Naradudu Veena; great
Mahavidya supreme knowledge
Maheen The Earth; Fine or thin texture
Mahek sweet odor; sweet smell; Aura; fragrance
Mahelika Woman; Attendant
Mahendi A paste of leaves
Maheshani Great; Consort of Mahesh
Mangala Auspicious; Before morning; sacred grass; Jasmine; Another name for Uma and durga
Maheshi Goddess parvati; The consort of Mahesh, i.e. shiva, Epithet of parvati
Maheshri unknown
Maheshwari Goddess durga; great lady; An epithet of durga, A Dakshayanee in Mahakal, Consort of Maheshvar, i.e. Shiva; Name of a river
Mahespriya unknown
Maheswari Goddess durga; great lady; An epithet of durga, A Dakshayanee in Mahakal, Consort of Maheshvar, i.e. Shiva; Name of a river
Mahi River; great earth; heaven and earth conjoined; The number one
Mahijuba A hostess
Mahika The Earth; Dew; Mist; Frost
Mahima Greatness; Splendour; Majesty; Dignity; Power
Mahine Earth; Greatest; Related to the moon
Mahira Highly skilled; Expert; Quick; Talented; powerful
Mahisha Destroyer of Mahisha
Mahita Greatness; River; Respected; Excellent; Revered
Mahitha Greatness; River; Respected; Excellent; Revered
Mahiya Happiness; Exultation
Mahlaa Forbearing
Mahnaz The glory of the moon
Mahodari One who has a huge belly which stores the universe
Mahroz One who has a face like moon
Mahsa Like the moon
Mangai Cultured lady
Mahtob Moonlight
Mahua An intoxicating flower
Mahum moon light
Mahuya Name of a beautiful flower
Maida beautiful
Maina A bird
Maira Beloved; Favorable; Admirable; Marvellous
Mais proud
Maisa Walking with proud; Swinging gait; pretty
Maisaa Walking with proud; Swinging gait; pretty
Maisha Walking with proud; Swinging gait; pretty
Maithili Goddess sita, An epithet of Seeta, daughter of Janak, The king of Mithila
Maithily Goddess sita, An epithet of Seeta, daughter of Janak, The king of Mithila
Maithra Friendly; kind
Maitra Friendly; kind
Maitrayee wise woman
Maitreya Kind; Friendly
Maitreyi A learned woman of the past; Friendly
Maitri Goodwill; Friendship; Kindness
Maitry Good will; Friendship; Kindness
Mandvi Consort of Bharat in Ramayan; Fit; Competent; Administrator (Wife of Bharat (Lord Rama’s brother))
Maizah Discerning
Majda Glory; Honor; Nobility
Majha Name of a sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr
Majida Glorious; Praiseworthy
Makali The moon
Makshi Honeybee
Mala garland
Maladh Protection; Shelter
Malaha Beauty; Grace; Elegance
Malahari Name of a Raga
Malak Angel
Malar jasmine
Malarkodi A flowering vine
Malarvili beautiful eyes like a flower
Malarvizhi cute eyes
Malashree An early evening melody
Malati A creeper with fragrant flowers
Malavashree Name of a Raga
Malavika princess of malawa
Malaya A creeper; Sandalwood; fragrant
Maliha Strong; Beautiful; Salty or graceful or brownish color; Pleasant; Clever; Quick-witted
Malika Daughter; Queen; Owner; A garland; Jasmine; Intoxicating drink
Malina dark
Malini Fragrant; Jasmine; Gardener; Another name for Goddess Durga’s and the Ganges; A garland maker; Wearing a garland
Malishka Fish
Malka queen
Malli flower
Malliga jasmine
Mallika Jasmine; Garland; Queen; daughter
Malmal soft
Maneesha Intellect; Desire; Wish; Goddess of mind; Wisdom; Thoughtfulness; Hymn
Malti A creeper with fragrant flowers
Malvika One who lived in malva
Mamata Affection; Preeti; Motherly love, Maternal love; Deep; Attachment
Mamatha Affection; Preeti; Motherly love
Mamathi pretty
Mamon lovable
Mamta Property; Treasure; Fragrance; Breeze; blessed by the supreme
Mana Supernatural power
Manaal Attainment; Achievement; A bird
Manaar Guiding light; light house
Manab Deputyship; Share
Manadha Giving honor
Manaka According to the mind; Affectionate
Manal Attainment; Achievement; A bird
Manali A bird
Manana meditation
Mananya Deserving praises; Praiseworthy
Manar Guiding light; light house
Manara Fem of manar: light-house
Manasa Conceived in the mind; Intellect; Mind; Heart; Born in the mind
Manasavi Good-minded; intelligent
Manashvi Intelligent; Wise; Sensible; Self-respecting; Self-controlled
Manasi With a sound mind; A lady; Intellectual or spiritual endeavour; Another name for saraswati
Manasika Of mind
Manasvani high minded
Manasvee Intelligent; Wise; Sensible; Self-respecting; Self-controlled
Manasvi Intelligent; Wise; Sensible; Self-respecting; Self-controlled
Manasvini Goddess Durga; Self-respecting; Self-controlled; Wise; Sensible; Intelligence; virtuous wise
Manasvitha unknown
Manaswani music of mind
Mandra pleasant
Manaswi Intelligent; Wise; Sensible; Self-respecting; Self-controlled
Manaswini Goddess Durga; Self-respecting; Self-controlled; Wise; Sensible; Intelligence; virtuous wise
Manavathi Goddess durga, She who has a big heart
Manavi Girl with humanity; One who poses all the best qualities (Wife of Manu)
Manavie unknown
Manavya Lucky and happy with inner beauty
Manayi Wife of Manu (Wife of Manu)
Manda A river
Mandakini A river; The milky way; A tributary of the river Ganges
Mandal fragrant wood
Mandana Cheerful
Mandara Large; Firm; Slow; Heavenly
Mandarika The Coral tree
Mandavi Consort of Bharat (Bharat’s wife & King Janak’s daughter)
Mandeepa light of heart
Mandira Cymbals; Home; A dwelling; Sacred; Temple; Sea; Melodious; The musical sound produced by cymbals
Manditha Decorated; adorned


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