7 Easy Tips to Deal with Frequent Urination During Pregnancy


Lean forward while urinating, avoid diuretics, do not take excess fluids before bedtime, do kegel exercises, empty the bladder, wear a pad and contacting the doctor are some of the tips to deal with frequent urination during pregnancy.

Pregnancy can come with a lot of annoying symptoms, but the need to constantly pee is an extra frustrating one. In the early parts of pregnancy, around six to twenty weeks, frequent urination has to do with some of the hormonal shifts happening in the body. The hormones stimulate the kidneys to produce more urine. They also experience a physical compression of the bladder from the baby as it grows. Therefore there is less ability to hold urine.

frequent urination during pregnancy

In This Article:

Is Frequent Urination an Early Sign of Pregnancy?

Causes of Frequent Urination During Pregnancy


Tips to Reduce Frequent Urination

Consulting The Doctor

In the first trimester frequent urination occurs mostly due to hormonal changes and the expansion of uterus which puts pressure on the bladder.

In the second trimester there is some relief because the uterus rises higher in the abdomen thereby putting less pressure on the bladder and normalizing the urination frequency. But it can be a temporary relief.

The frequency is high during the third trimester. The baby drops down to the pelvic area in preparation for delivery. Uterus puts more pressure on the bladder and there is less control over it. This increases the urination frequency.


Is Frequent Urination an Early Sign of Pregnancy?

Needing to pee more often is an early sign of pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Many women say that it is this frequent urination that made them go for a pregnancy test. The causes are explained below.

Causes of Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

Below are some of the causes of excessive peeing during pregnancy:

Hormonal Changes

HCG hormone that is active during pregnancy is one of the major causes of excessive urination. It increases blood flow towards the pelvic region and kidneys. The body tries to get rid of the waste very quickly as it also expels waste for two.

Pressure Exerted on the Bladder

The bladder can hold about a pint of urine during non- But during the first trimester the uterus expands and begins to move over the bladder compressing it. A narrowed bladder cannot hold urine for long and tries to empty as soon as possible.

Excess Fluid

The level of blood increases during the whole pregnancy and it will be almost 50% more than what it was before conception. It therefore builds up excess fluid that gets processed in the kidneys and causes excess urination.


Urinary Tract Infections

UTI or bladder infection if left untreated can cause serious problems. Frequent urination is one of them. Other symptoms include burning sensation during urination, blood spots, pain etc. It can lead to preterm labor or miscarriage.

Tips to Reduce Frequent Urination

Lean Forward While Urinating

Leaning forward will help to empty out the bladder in a better way and also makes it to the last urine drop by double voiding. This ensures that the bladder is properly emptied so that one may require few trips to the toilet.

Avoid Diuretics

Avoid beverages like tea, coffee, or alcohol as they are diuretic in nature. They will certainly increase the urge to pee.

Do Not Take Excess Fluids Before Bedtime

Cut down on fluids before bedtime but make sure to have enough water during the day. Do not cut down on water unnecessarily.

Do Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises help to gain control over the urethra. The best part is that the exercise can be performed discreetly almost anywhere. It can be done about three times a day with ten to twenty contractions of about ten seconds.


Empty the Bladder

Try to clear out the bladder before going to sleep. It is better to get the urine out of the system and make sure the toilet is near enough.

Wear a Pad

Wear a sanitary pad if having a cough or sneeze. Coughing, sneezing or activities like lifting heavy objects may sometimes cause leakage. Most pregnant women use urinary incontinence pads.

Consulting The Doctor

The doctor may do certain diagnostic tests such as ultrasound, urinalysis, bladder stress test, cystoscopy etc.

Even after delivery the urge for frequent urination will not slow for the first few days. The body will try to eliminate the excess fluids it has gained during pregnancy. Once all cleared, the system will revert to the normal urination schedule. But if it lasts for long, one is advised to visit the doctor. Kegel exercises will also help to prevent urinary incontinence after delivery. Also,  losing excess baby weight will lessen the risk. However it normally reduces with time.

Hope this article was of help to you! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy, Healthy and Empowered Women!!