Coronavirus Emergency Kit: How Contagious Is It?


Coronavirus is responsible for causing respiratory disease with symptoms such as flu with cough and shortness of breath and the new strain development in 2019 known as COVID-19 is being considered to cause the pandemic condition in the world. This is causing many deaths throughout the world. It all started from China and till now got spread to more than 95 countries in the world. The disease usually starts with symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and turning severe with kidney failure and even death. Till now no treatment is assigned for COVID-19. Only preventive measures could help.

The World Health Organisation has still not been able to deal with this COVID-19. The government of all the affected countries is imposing emergency action plans to stop the deaths caused by this virus. Emergency kits are being prepared to provide symptomatic treatment.

In this article:

How Contagious is Coronavirus?
Symptoms and Risk factors
Relation of Coronavirus with Weather
Things to do when Caught with the Virus
Preparations for Self-Quarantine
Misinformation and Myths

Coronavirus Tips: Self-Protection, Self-Quarantine & Myths

How Contagious is Coronavirus?

WHO has declared COVID-19 as a contagious disease that can be passed from an infected person to more than two other persons. It is more contagious when compared to seasonal flu which on average pass only to one person. It is more contagious than Ebola and H1N1. But when compared with MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ) it is less contagious as MERS was found to be passed on to four people. The spread of this virus does not only depend on the potency of the virus but also on factors that contribute towards it. It also depends on the incubation period of the virus.


Read More: 15 Myths about Coronavirus Debunked


Following preventive measures are found to help prevent the entry of the virus in the body:

  • Washing hands thoroughly with soap.
  • While coughing and sneezing cover the mouth with tissue or elbow.
  • Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth very often
  • To visit a doctor when any similar symptom observed.
  • Avoiding direct contact with animals residing in the affected area.

The use of face masks in the protected healthy individual from the airborne virus is not much useful. It is better to use a face mask in an infected person to stop transmission of infection to other people. The best way to avoid contact of this infected person with healthy people through self-quarantine for at least 2 weeks and take all measures of social distancing such as avoiding public gatherings and shutting down of the schools and colleges.

Social Distancing plays a major role in breaking the transmission of the virus. It is important to keep about 1.8 meters distance from anyone around. The basic aim of social distancing is to slow down the spread of the virus. Canceling the public events where a large number of people gather should be done. The small gathering should also be avoided.

Read More: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Important Advice for the Public


Symptoms and Risk factors

Common symptoms as mentioned above are fever, shortness of breath with dry cough. But in some patients following symptoms are also observed like nasal congestion, headache, and sore throat. The incubation period(the period between infection and appearance of the first symptom) of the disease is about 14 days. It is not necessary that every infected person would show symptoms, such individuals can act as a carrier and may pass on the virus to other normal persons.

It is found that mortality rates are higher in elderly people suffering from chronic diseases such as hypertension, cardiac malformations or diabetes. This is because of their decreased immunity with an increase in age.

Relation of Coronavirus with Weather

According to researches, it has been found that Coronavirus has affected people residing in countries with an average temperature between 3 and 13 degrees Celsius. In countries with a temperature, around 0-degree account for fewer cases also in hotter Southeast Asian countries suppression of virus is seen but the experts still doubt this warm weather theory. Countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines are seemed to be majorly affected and the seasonal factors are being considered for this spread.


Things to do when Caught with the Virus

Every infected country has started hotline services throughout their cities to help the suspected people. It is important for people to contact the hotline before visiting the hospital to avoid the possible spread of the virus on their way to the hospital. Individuals suspected should seek doctors as soon as possible without making contact with others. No vaccination is approved for COVID-19 till now but some home remedies are found to relieve the symptoms as no medicine could prevent and cure the disease till now.

Preparations for Self-Quarantine

It is recommended to isolate oneself if infected for at least 14 days while the duration of lockdown depends on the decision of the central or the state government. Many people are choosing to stay at home which is a good way to fight against the virus by causing the break of transmission of the virus. Following things are to be kept in mind during quarantine :

  • Stocking up the house with plenty of shelf-stable edible stuff such as pulses, cereals, tea, sugar, and coffee.
  • Essential medicine such as symptomatic treatment medicines should be kept in stock. About one month of prescribed medication is to be kept to avoid going out of the house during the quarantine.
  • Supplies responsible for hygiene such as hand sanitizers, soaps for bathing, laundry are needed.
  • Indulging oneself in indoor activities such as book reading, watching television can help in preventing the boredom.

WHO has provided guidelines for the people on dealing with the COVID-19. It is advised for people to avoid stressing over the news they read in the newspaper or watch on television about COVID-19. It is also important to avoid ingestion of anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, cortisone as they are found to worsen the symptoms. Paracetamol is a better option to be used for symptomatic treatment of the disease.

Misinformation and Myths

There is plenty of information being shared on the internet to avoid virus contact. All the information is not true therefore it is important for people not to panic. Following are some of the myths and misinformation spread among the people:


Spraying Alcohol or Chlorine

Alcohol and chlorine are used to disinfect the surfaces but once individual infected spraying of alcohol and chlorine would not kill the virus now rather it could be harmful to the body.

Mosquito Bites

There is no need to panic if one resides in the mosquito-infested region as no evidence of COVID-19 being transmitted by the mosquitoes.

Cold Climate

No studies have suggested that cold weather can kill the coronavirus. COVID-19 can be transmitted in all areas.


Garlic is healthy for the body and can boost the immunity of an individual but no evidence shows, garlic can protect people from getting infected by a coronavirus.

Consuming Plenty of Water

People believe drinking water can flush out viruses from the body.


Corona is a viral disease thus taking antibiotics won’t help as antibiotics work on bacteria only. Therefore, antibiotics won’t help in the treatment of COVID-19.



Corona has turned out to be a deadly virus for the world. There is no specific medicine formed to fight against this disease. Thus prevention is the only key to fight corona. Taking care of oneself while maintaining social distance plays a major role in preventing the corona disease spread.

