201 Unique and Beautiful Baby Boy Names Starting with E


If you are looking for baby boy names starting with E, here are 201 best baby boy names starting with E with meanings.

201 Cute Baby Boy Names Starting with E

Read More: 4000 Baby Boy Names Starting with A

Names Meaning
Embrace it means to hug someone or show affection.
Embre someone who rules the hearts and homes of people.
Embry this name means someone who is good at winning people’s hearts and as a result enters their hearts and homes.
Emerson this name is often used for describing a strong and powerful leader who is extremely brave.
Emeryth it means an industrious leader with work power.
Emest it has meanings like serious, being determined or a feeling of earnest or great vigour.
Emet this means whole or universal truth.
Emit someone who has everything or is universal.
Emitt a powerful person known all over the universe.
Emmerson one who is brave and powerful.
Emmersyn this name signifies someone who is powerful and brave at heart.
Emmet a powerful person.
Emmete someone who has great strength and is hugely powerful.
Emmeton a person born out of power.
Emmett somebody who has a lot of power and is brave.
Emmit it means the entirety or the universe.
Emmitt the whole universe in its entirety.
Emmot powerful and strong.
Emmota this is a name which signifies someone who is strong and extremely powerful.
Emmott tough, extremely powerful and strong built.
Emms it means someone who is a son of the universe.
Emory brave, powerful, industrious leader.
Empa a leader of the people derived from the word emperor.
Ems the whole universe.
Enderby it is a famous English surname.
Engeled a description of the word angelic or a possible old English refrence to England.
Engelram an extremely pure soul or an angel.
Enniaun the family name of a great writer during ancient Roman civilization.
Esco a person who is in deep love with the nature.
Esmond protected by god.
Esmund someone who is protected by god.
Esota a baby born at easter.
Esrlson a nobleman’s son.
Essery a cart maker.
Essex an ancient king from Shakespearen legend.
Estcott someone who is from the east cottage.
Eston generally a surname meaning from east town.
Estorause an Arthurian king.
Eternus a word meaning to infinity or forever.
Etguino a name that has the meaning of forever after or till infinity.
Etguinum till eternity or forever or till the ending of time.
Ethanael god has given me strength.
Ethaniel this is an English language name used for someone whose strength has been given by god.
Ethann a gift from an island or someone who is strong and sturdy.
Ethbin popularized by Saint Ethbin an ancient religious figure.
Ethelard a German masculinized word which means noble.
Ethiopia name of a country.
Euseby it means pious or one who worships well.
Evald someone as battle-ready as a boar.
Evening the dusk or time of the day when the sun sets.
Ever strong as a boar.
Everard wild boar or brave hardy.
Everest the tallest mountain in the whole world.
Everet brave as a wild boar.
Everett somebody who is very brave like a wild boar.
Everette a person during ancient ages who was extremely brave like a wild boar.
Everhard someone who is always hard and strong and sturdy.
Evert describes someone who is as strong as a wild boar
Everten a German word for a wild boar or someone as strong as a bear.
Evil One who is not a good person, an evil one
Evolengi A long-lived man
Evolengus To have a long life
Evrad He who is a brave boar
Evram Variation of Avram, meaning the father of many nations
Evrard A man who is strong as a boar
Eabba It is derived from the Hebrew word Abba which means ‘Father’
Eadbeald A heavenly light
Eadbeorht The name eadbehort means ‘Wealthy’
Eadburt It’s derived from the word eadbert which means wealthy.
Eadelmarr A person who is noble.
Eadfrid A serious-minded and responsible person.
Eadfrith They are generous human beings
Eadgar It means a very powerful person.
Eadger One who is fortunate and powerful
Eadheard Ethical and easygoing person
Eadhed One who has earned respect of many
Eadhere A self-centered person.
Eadlac A happy and content person
Eadmer A respected and diplomatic person
Eadmod A homestead; providing protection
Eadmund One who has riches and is a protector
Eadnod An energetic and alluring being
Eadnoth An ethical and analytical person
Eadric They are manly and wealthy ruler
Eadsele One who is from Edward’s estate
Eadsige Analytical, smart and intellectual being
Eadstan A superior person
Eadulf A person who has an intense desire to serve others and be the helping hand in the society.
Eaduuard A majestic personality
Eadwardsone A person with the desire to serve humanity.
Eadweald It means ‘Prosperous Ruler’.
Eadweard Ed means ‘Rich’ and weard means ‘Guardian’.
Eahfrid A diplomatic and honorable human being
Ealdbehrt The one who is independent and happy
Ealdbeorht The one who is in love with nature
Ealdfrith A serious minded and stable person
Ealdhelm A helmet; they are venerable being
Ealdhere Accomodating and level headed person
Ealdred Happy and efficient; realistic being
Ealdun One who is from the elves’s valley
Ealdwine One who is a true old friend
Ealdwode They are the one who have power and health
Ealdwulf A clear minded, intelligent being
Ealfled An authentic, loyal and effective person
Ealgmund Earnest, level headed and composed individual
Ealhdun One who belongs to the valley of the Elves
Ealhelm A high spirited, energetic person
Ealhhard A brave and kind individual
Ealhheard A helpful, honest and authentic being
Ealhhere One who is a temple army
Ealhhun They are friendly natured and have strength
Ealhmund One who is very good-natured
Ealhsige Attractive, loyal and humble person
Eallard One who is a brave person
Ealric They are very brave, wise and happy
Eambald A mature and bashful one
Eanbald The one who is easygoing and accurate person
Eanbeorht A normal, reliable and high spirited person
Eanfrith A nonjudgemental and frank person
Eanhere A forgiving, alluring and passionate person
Eanlac Analytical, forgiving and ethical person
Eanmaer An experienced, modest and accomodating being
Eanred One with a great spiritual insight
Eansige A self-assured, naive and well-spoken person
Eanulf An authentic human being
Eanwine A wholesome and insightful being
Eanwulf A happy and content person; genius
Earcanwald One who has a mystic personality
Earconbehrt A loving and caring individual
Eardly One who is from a capable and efficient family
Eardnoth A direct, natty and artistic being
Eardwul A happy-go-lucky person.
Earley It means eaglewood.
Earlie Derived from the word earl it means a noble person.
Earn A serious minded individual
Earnest Serious minded and spiritual being
Earnmund Achievers and high rankers
Earnwulf Ethical, wholesome and noble being
Earon From the River Town
Earpwald A well-bred, philosophical person
Earvin A thrifty friend; they are happy
Earwine The one who is a white river; a friend of sea
Earwyn One who is the friend of sea
Easterwine A person who is a quick thinker and appreciates arts .
Eastman Grace-protector; It also means nature lover.
Eastre The bright Moon; content
Eata Its derived from the word eta which means to shine.
Eaton It means a riverside village.
Eatton Derived from the word eaton it means island settlement.
Eatun An enclosure or settlement
Eborard A very expressive, adventurous and spontaneous nature person.
Ebull A secretive person; one who is like Bull
Ebulus member of a good counsel
Ecci Emotional person who is energized
Ecga An emotional, clever and good individual
Ecgbald A brave friend; they are clever minded
Ecgbehrt Has analytical mind and is bright and shiny
Ecgbeorht One who has high level of understanding; a quick thinker and intelligent
Ecgel One who is born with a friendly nature
Ecgheard A clever person; who is sharp witted
Ecghere One who is clever and makes decisions at right time
Ecgi A stable, warm and motherly being
Ecgric Loud as a thunder; having strong desire to succeed
Ecgtheow Peace; quiet; harmony; a heroic name
Ecgwine One who is quick in actions; spontaneous and generous
Edbert One who is a born wealthy; a bright person
Eddis Brave and powerful son of Edward
Eddrick A good fortune; determine and stubborn
Eddricus Strong in material sense and is idealistic
Eddy A wealthy guardian; rich and friendly
Eddye An independent; protector and saviour; wealthy friend
Eded One who is full of joy and is a delight
Edelmarr One who is having a high rank
Edgar Favoured by good luck
Edgars Latvia version of Edgar, meaning fortunate and powerful.
Edged One who is cutting; sarcastic in nature
Edgerton A blessed town; prosperous warrior
Edgyue One who is prosperous in war
Edilfred A noble and prosperous ruler
Edison One who is a successor of Edward
Edlen One who is like a high waterfall
Edma A prosperous guardian; one who shows light and way
Edmar One who is like a wealthy sea
Edme One who lives in a very fine protection
Edmee Honourable and a gift of almighty
Edmod Rich defender; they are born to defend and protect
Edmonn Of High status in society
Edmund Successful person; they have a unique style
Edo Guardian of wealth and health
Edrich Full of energy
Edrick Strong and healthy
Edrik Strong and efficient person
Eduarda Famous bearer of light and energy
Eduardo The holder of rich property
Eduino Wealthy companion; one who has lot of money
Eduinus Imaginative and naive being
Edulf One who is of good personality
Edus Owner of many spears
Edwald Wealth and fortune; the one who is fortunate
Edward One who is like a rich guard

These were some of the best baby boy names starting with E. For more baby boy names starting with E, visit below links.

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