Health Benefits of Gelatin for Children


Health Benefits of Gelatin for kidsOnce gelatin used to be a major part in the traditional diet but now in the middle we have lost touch with it completely. Most people tend to associated gelatin with Jello, which is nothing but a sugary food with artificial colours having no known health benefits for children.

Gelatin actually is a form of dehydrated broth powder made from the bones and cartilages of grass eating animals like cows, goats and sheep. For instance the home made bone broths are also high in gelatin and provide various health benefits for a child.

These are the few health benefits which gelatin can give your child:

Health Benefits of Gelatin for Kids

Improves & Heals Guts: Gelatin as a substance has the potential to heal guts of a child by increasing the secretion of gastric acid and also helps in restoring the essential mucosal lining of the stomach. The ability of gelatin to keep the stomach lubricated all the time helps in the prevention of leaky guts for your kid.

Provides Healthy Joints & Bones: Bone and joint development is a very essential process in the early phases of development of a child. Gelatin contains amino acids, the building blocks of protein that helps your child strengthen his/her bones and joint thereby providing them the foundation for further growth and development.

Development of Teeth, Hair & Nails: Gelatin contains essential minerals which help in the growth of strong teeth, hair and nails of your child. There are many occasions where you will see that despite normal growth the child’s nails and hair growth are stagnant. This is mostly because our normal diets lack the essential minerals which trigger the growth of nails, hairs and teeth.


Improves Skin Health: With a rich source of dietary collagen, gelatin has marvellous skin healing properties. Gelatin makes up for 25% to about 35% of the total protein content of a human body and it helps in the process of maintaining skin elasticity and tone.

Wound Repair: Once your child starts running around house and park it is more likely than not that he/she will carry a cut or a certain wound. The amount of glycine and arginine obtained from gelatin helps in the process of skin repair and connecting tissues.

Protects from Allergies: In the early growth stage of a child he/she might show allergic reactions to certain foods. Gelatin with its ability to seal the inflamed and porous gut lining fortifies the immune barriers which normally keep out the pathogens in your child.

Improves Metabolism: The amino acid found in gelatin helps your child to improve the overall metabolism, while the glycine helps in absorption of unnecessary fat. It is an essential supplement because many children, specially the younger ones, show repulsion towards food due to low metabolism and fat absorption rate.

Helps Kids to Sleep: Magic! Isn’t it? More often than not parents face trouble putting their child to bed. But it is found out that the glycine found in gelatin provides the essential protein balance which helps your child to have sound sleep.

Provides a Balanced Protein Source: Many kids prefer high protein diets like eggs, chicken and meat which normally increases the homocysteine levels which is mostly associated with heart diseases. Glycine found in gelatin balances out our methionine intake from meats thereby providing a balanced protein diet for your child.


Improves Liver Functionality: Glycin found in gelatine is a great detoxifier of liver. Many children suffer from jaundices and other liver problems. Regular intake of gelatin helps in the process of detoxification of liver thereby making it absorb all the unrequited bilirubin from the blood and get then excreted from the body.

Helps in digestion: Children, who are often exposed to extra sugary treats, suffer from indigestions and frequent stomach disorders. The amino acid found in gelatin helps in the process of increasing hyrochloric acid in the stomach which is an essential element for digestion. With regular consumption of gelatine your child will get the proper nutrients to build up his/her digestive power thereby helping them maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

Regulating diets for your kids is a very critical subject matter. As a parent one should be wary of the food the child is having and how is it effecting the overall growth and well being. Gelatin is that superfood protein source which will help your child’s growth without any regular side effects which other protein diets might cause. Gelatin has all the essential ingredients which a child needs in his/her early developmental stage and you as an adult will also enjoy the benefits.
