11 Amazing Benefits of Mistletoe in Your Child’s Diet


Including Mistletoe in child’s diet will help lower blood pressure, soothes respiratory distress, prevents diabetes, treats cancer, gives soothing sleep, boosts immunity, calms the nervous system, eases menstrual distress, eliminates inflammation and reduces snoring.

Mistletoe is a certain species of plant that has been a subject of numerous cultural traditions over the centuries. There are more than 900 species belonging to 73 different genera, so there is quite a bit of diversity. Some species and varieties are toxic, like the mistletoe found in America. The broad popularity of mistletoe in America has perpetuated the idea that all mistletoe is dangerous, which is completely false.

In Europe, for example, mistletoe extract has been known as a viable and valuable health tonic for thousands of years, dating all the way back to Ancient Greece. The organic compounds and chemicals in its extract have been used for everything from epilepsy to cancer treatment (in more recent years) and are continuing to gain popularity in practice. Let us see what health benefits your child can get, if you add mistletoe to their diet:

11 Must Know Health Benefits of Mistletoe for Children


Lowers blood pressure:

A lot of children tend to suffer from hypertension due to an unhealthy lifestyle.  By lowering blood pressure, its extract is able to ease the strain and stress on the cardiovascular system and also cutting down on the impact of atherosclerosis. The hypertension reduction of mistletoe extract can help prevent strokes, heart attacks and coronary heart diseases. It also helps to slow the pulse, which also helps to reduce the exertion of the heart.

Soothes respiratory distress:

The nerve-soothing aspect of mistletoe makes it ideal for calming the respiratory system in case of distress or irritation. From sore throats to coughing and bronchial inflammation, it has shown its ability to calm the irritation and lower the discomfort and tightness in the chest. There is a psychological connection between the act of coughing or wheezing, as might occur in an asthmatic attack, and the panic and mental distress, which causes a feedback loop. It can interrupt that neural connection and calm the mind and body at the same time.


Prevents diabetes:

It has the ability to lower blood glucose levels in laboratory tests, and other findings have shown that the extract stimulated insulin production in pancreatic cells, helping to regulate the levels in the body and lessening the severity of the disorder. It is commonly prescribed as a natural remedy for kids suffering from diabetes.

Treats cancer:

Arguably the most important and widely studied aspect of mistletoe’s health benefits is its role in treating cancer. The effects of mistletoe on cancer are manifold. Some studies have focused on mistletoe’s reduction of symptoms following chemotherapy, which can be exhausting and painful. Other research has also directly linked its extract with anti-cancer activity, and in Europe, more than 50% of cancer patients now integrate some element of it in their treatment regimen.

This rapid increase in popularity and demand for mistletoe has also sparked interest in further research, which has certainly paid off. It has been found that in certain types of cancer, it can cause apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Subsequent research has connected mistletoe extract to a higher overall quality of life for patients, tumor shrinkage, and healthier blood counts. For this health benefit alone, it should be on your radar, if you want to save your child from cancer.

Soothing sleep:

If your kid is unable to sleep, using it to brew a strong tea might be the answer for you. The chemical components of mistletoe impact the release of neurotransmitters that calms down, soothing the nervous system, and allowing for healthy, restful sleep.  The nervous system is strongly linked to our Circadian rhythms, so calming down our nerves can regulate our sleep cycle and give us the rest we need.

Boosts immunity:

One of the most important health benefits of mistletoe is the impact it has on the immune system. This is one reason why this herb is so prized for cancer treatment. It simultaneously boosts the compromised immune system and protects it from outside illnesses.  The antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral capacity of this herb make it a perfect line of defense for the body, regardless of the illness or state of the immune system. Perfect for your growing kid!

Calms the nervous system:

If your child is anxious, manifesting in physical tics, restless sleep, tremors, or other physical/mental symptoms, mistletoe can act as a complete nervine tonic for the body, lowering stress hormone levels, and bringing their nerves down to a manageable level.


Eases menstrual distress:

If your pre-pubescent daughter just started her menses and suffer from excessive cramps and menstrual pain, then using this plant in those instances is a wonderful option. You can brew a strong mistletoe tea, which calms muscle spasms and inflammation, helping to release that tension and cramping.

Eliminates inflammation:

For hundreds of years, tinctures of mistletoe have been prescribed for inflammation of the body, both inside and out.  Arthritic pain is probably the most common form of inflammation for most people, including a lot of kids nowadays and a tincture of this herb can do wonders to ease that pain. Internally, this anti-inflammatory capacity can be good for digestion and gastrointestinal issues as well.

Reduces snoring:

If your child snores, then a cup of this herbal tea before going to sleep can soothe the nerves and promote restful sleep, while also soothing respiratory distress.

Beneficial for pain management:

Topical application of this herb as poultice helps in relieving pain instantly and hence, it has been used as a powerful home remedy for painful, inflammatory conditions like sciatica and gout.

No matter how many health benefits mistletoe has, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before including anything new in your child’s diet.
