Tantrums in children: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention


Tantrums are common in children. Most children are in the habit of throwing tantrums. They just need a trigger, and it can be anything. You are buying essentials at the supermarket, the child sees something there and it starts craving for it. In the beginning, it may be just an innocuous demand. As you refuse to pay heed to its cues, it grows in fury. As you still refuse to budge, your child resorts to stomping, screaming, hitting, throwing things and what not.

It is time to either stall your buying plans or to budge to its demand. Most parents have gone through this phase. It is okay if it occurs just once in a while. But it becomes a worry if it happens often.

Signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention for Tantrums in children

tantrums in children

Signs and symptoms of tantrums

Your child has begun to throw tantrums, if he starts to throw things at you or scream for no reason. Any change in status quo may bring about such situations. Your child may over react at the simplest of things such as sharing toys with siblings or even when you try to discipline them. If your little one resorts to abnormal behavior on petty issues, it has the habit of throwing tantrums.


The easiest way, obviously, is to accede to his demand. But if you do this every time, you will only abate his habit. Your kid will take it as a sure shot way to fulfill his demands. This is not prevention, but abatement. So the first step is to keep your temper under control. If both of you are screaming, things will become worse. Spanking the kid is not a good option either. It may make matters worse. So, first try to gain control over your emotions. Don’t get swayed by its tantrums. Once you are in control of yourself, try to discipline the kid calmly but firmly. You need to firmly and persuasively convey to him that tantrums are not acceptable behavior. Listed below are some tips to prevent tantrums

  • Avoid situations where tantrums could interrupt. Make sure you follow a daily routine and If there is any change keep your child informed in advance
  • Communication holds a lot of value. Do not take them at face value if they are not able to understand what you are saying. Convey to them the plan of the day and minimize surprises during the day
  • Choose your battles carefully. It is ok in sacrificing with small things. For example, you can allow your child to watch TV for 15 minutes extra rather than listening to nonstop screaming for 30 minutes.
  • Help your child in a way so that frustration does not develop in him. Prepare him or her for changes that are expected to arrive soon
  • Formulate a set of rules and let your child stick to them.

Treatment options


The screams of a child may be over the roof and you may feel hopeless, angry and disgruntled. It leads to an embarrassing situation when it is in a public place or in front of people. As a parent, it is not easy to deal with a child. Do set ground rules so that the child is able to take control over their emotions and are aware of their boundaries

  • Do not panic: First and foremost, there is no need to panic and there is no reason to be upset. Just be yourself as a lot of parents go through this.
  • Ignoring the tantrum: This is the best thing you can do as you can continue in talking to someone else or carry on with your shopping. Just make sure that your child is safe. Ignoring your child is difficult, but if you respond to them it shows that you are showering them with unwanted attention.
  • Do focus on good behaviour: the moment you find that their temper has subsidized and they are back to their normal self- praise their good behaviour
  • Don’t bribe: To keep tantrums under control do not bribe your child. Then they are bound to act in such a manner for rewards.

To conclude, you can have a conversation with other parents or your own friends. You can have a discussion with the teacher’s child as they may come across similar kids in the nursery. If still the tantrums seem annoying to you, then seek the opinion of your health care provider.



