Cramps After Sex During Pregnancy- Is It Normal?


In a low-risk pregnancy, cramping after sex is absolutely normal and common. Although, cramping after sex may not be harmful for you or the baby but it does prove to a painful experience. In this article, we will be discussing all about cramping after sex during pregnancy. Let’s read below to find more:

Read More:11 Reasons Why Postpartum Sex is Painful

cramps after sex

In this article:

Is Cramping After Sex Normal?
Causes of Cramping After Sex
What to do?
Can Cramping and Contractions After sex be Prevented?
Can Cramping After Sex Induce Labor?
Are Cramping Or Contractions After Sex More Common in Early or Late Pregnancy?
Should you Call the Doctor about Cramping After Sex?
Are there Any Ways to Relieve Cramping?

A Guide for Cramps After Sex During Pregnancy


Is Cramping After Sex Normal?

Yes. Cramping after sex is considered to be absolutely normal. Sometimes, spotting or a little extra blood flow can also be the reason for post-sex cramps. However, there is nothing to really worry about but nevertheless, it’s always better to consult your practitioner if you are worried about something.

Read More:13 Common Causes for Pain During Sex for Women

Causes of Cramping After Sex

Increased blood flow to the abdominal area as well as natural changes that make your cervix more sensitive are to be blamed for this. However, if you suspect other symptoms too, like dizziness or excessive blood flow and pain, may be an indication of something serious, including miscarriage, early labor, ectopic pregnancy or preeclampsia. Thus, in case you go through any of these symptoms, make sure you consult your practitioner at the earliest.

What to do?

There is a rush of blood to the uterus after orgasm, which can lead to uncomfortable cramps in the groin. In such a case, it’s always better to recover with a little R&R rather than forcing yourself to power through them. A warm bath or a nap can also prove to be beneficial.


But if there is no change and it keeps getting more painful, consult your doctor at the earliest.

Can Cramping and Contractions After sex be Prevented?

If you notice that your cramps and contractions keep on getting more painful right after the orgasm and it is too much to bear, leave it up till there and do not go forward to the main event.

Can Cramping After Sex Induce Labor?

Cramps and contractions will become even stronger as the labor approaches. Your bones and ligaments shift around to make room for the baby’s delivery, the uterus stretches to its max but it’s just your body preparing for the main event.

There’s absolutely no harm doing sex if your doctor hasn’t raised a red flag for the same. also, orgasm is not likely to induce labor but in case the discomfort keeps on increasing, restrain yourself from doing the same.


Are Cramping Or Contractions After Sex More Common in Early or Late Pregnancy?

Cramping and contractions can occur anytime throughout the pregnancy after you sex. However, the discomfort is more when your uterus expands, which is in the second or third trimester.

Talking about early in the pregnancy, implantation can be the cause for mild cramping after sex, which is when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. if there is severe one-sided cramping with vaginal bleeding and dizziness, it is an indication of an ectopic pregnancy. and if cramping after sex is associated with heavy bleeding, pelvic pressure that somewhat feels like the baby is pressing down and a backache could be a sign of miscarriage, during the first half of the pregnancy.

However, as your uterus swells and puts pressure on bones, muscles and ligaments in your abdomen during the second and third trimester, sex can get even more uncomfortable. If cramping is associated with lower belly pain (known as round ligament pain), it can get more severe as the pregnancy progresses.

Should you Call the Doctor about Cramping After Sex?

Apart from the fact that cramping after sex is pretty normal at almost all stages of pregnancy, at times, it could also be an indication that something is wrong. In case, you notice any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away:


Are there Any Ways to Relieve Cramping?

  • Make sure you keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids as dehydration can also lead to contractions.
  • Soak in warm bath
  • You can place a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on the affected area.
  • Try doing some relaxation exercises.
  • Sit, lie down or change your position.


Cramps after sex during pregnancy is usually nothing to worry about as it is pretty common throughout the pregnancy. but in case, you suspect any associated symptoms like dizziness, fever or heavy bleeding etc, it is always better to talk to your practitioner about the same.


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