11 Excellent Free Resources for Remote Learning Due to Coronavirus


In late December 2019, a certain nondescript seafood market in a Chinese city named Wuhan started appearing in headlines for what appeared to be a small outbreak of flu in the areas adjoining it in China. Fast forward to March 2020, the entire world is gripped by that ‘small outbreak of flu’. Grown massively in impact worldwide, the disease is now officially known as Coronavirus Disease 2019, or by its shorter and popular form, Covid-19.

We are sure that by this time, you are familiar with the symptoms of the disease, so we won’t go into details. Plus reading the same bad thing, again and again, can be depressing for some readers, so we will stick to our aim in this article; providing a ray of hope for people worldwide stuck in quarantine.

free resources for remote learning

Schools and colleges, and other public institutions have shut down worldwide because the first step to combat a pandemic at this scale is social distancing. While we understand the horrible repercussions of this in other areas, kids consider this to be fun. In fact, this may seem fun at first but kids will ultimately need to progress with their education. Many schools are trying to provide remote learning in the coming weeks. In this article, we have made an excellent list of free resources for remote learning and homeschooling due to Covid-19. We sincerely hope that you find this list useful.

11 Best Free Resources for Homeschooling Due to Coronavirus

New American History

New American History is a history website that offers history materials tailored for grades 4 upward. It is a great thing aimed at history teachers. It can tend to be difficult to navigate as a parent unless you’re quite dedicated, so just go ahead with a clear mind here.




Readworks is a website providing content from kindergarten all the way through 12th grade. It is a nonprofit, donation-based service, and the suggested donation is $25, though you can access the content for free.



Accessibyte is a website, where students learn remotely via typing tutors, arcade games, custom flash-cards and tests. Accessibyte is offering a 45-day trial period during the COVID-19 crisis, so you can utilize that and see if it works for you.


Aleph Beta

Aleph Beta is a website that focuses on the Torah that is evidence-based, intellectually stimulating and emotionally relevant to your child’s life. Access to their free library is granted after submitting the required Google form, so make sure you do that.



All Kids Network

All Kids Network is a free and rich content platform that provides access to thousands of fun kids activities like children’s crafts, worksheets, coloring pages, printable mazes, dot to dot, hidden pictures and more. Various activities are available for children of all ages on this website.



Arcademics is a website that makes multiplayer educational games for students from K to eighth grade, from free math games to language games. This website combines the excitement of video games with educational content to produce a high rate of learning through exciting and focused repetition.


Ascend Math

Ascend Math is a website that offers math instruction adaptive to all study plans and for all individual K to 12th-grade students. The platform will be free until the end of April, after which you have to pay. Guardians can assign different math exercises to children and the platform will adapt to their needs as it collects data on the child’s skills and pace.



Big History Project

Big History Project is a free online social studies course website emphasizing skill development. Students can draw mind-blowing connections between past, present, and future, which shall make history fun for them.



Build your kid’s vocabulary daily and learn about trending words using this website. You get to see the word of the day and test your knowledge by the end of the week. There are several ways to build your vocabulary in this online dictionary. You can improve your language skills with word games, see what words are trending in the news, learn about the English language, and simply browse the dictionary by focusing on one letter at a time.


Everyday Earth

If you or your kid has ever wondered how water changes Earth’s landscape or how rocks are formed, then this website is for you. You guys can take a walk with an Oklahoma Park Ranger on a video mission and learn the answers to these and many other questions related to nature and wildlife.



Khan Academy

Khan Academy is one of the oldest ventures in online education. It is a free resource on a wide variety of subjects for students, parents, and teachers. From exercises, quizzes, tests, and instructional videos, students can practice and master educational skills according to their caliber and convenience. It is available in around forty languages and offers instruction from kindergarten to early college; in subjects like math, grammar, science, history, AP courses, SAT prep and more. Because of school closures due to Covid-19, Khan Academy is having daily live streams 9 a.m. PST/noon EST on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


We wish you a safe quarantine period. Let us fight this pandemic together, but let us also put technology to use and try to continue with education and learning.
