Is Chrysanthemum Tea Safe to Drink While Pregnant or Breastfeeding?


During pregnancy and the period that immediately follows childbirth; you will experience a variety of pain, especially in your muscles. It is, therefore, quite natural to turn to some home remedies against pain, such as massages, soothing masks, some home exercises and soothing herbal teas. Many blends of herbal tea are known to soothe pain, calm nerves, and relive stress. However, there are also many risks that come with drinking different types of herbal teas during pregnancy. This is because many of these herbal blends have a direct effect on the workings of your body and may affect the natural balance of it, if consumed regularly and in large quantities. Sometimes the teas can even be addictive, since some contain caffeine, such as green tea. Therefore it is advisable that you be careful while choosing which type of herbal tea to consume.

The nature of chrysanthemum tea or “Tazo Calm Tea” has long since been debated about, as its effect on pregnant and breastfeeding women been inconclusive. So how can you know for sure whether chrysanthemum tea is good for you and your baby or not? Let’s examine its effects.

If you are contemplating drinking chrysanthemum tea for its calming and rejuvenating effects while pregnant or breastfeeding, you must be very careful. This is because experts believe that chrysanthemum tea might have altering effects on the working of your uterus, which may cause birth defects in your baby, or even lead to a miscarriage. After childbirth, the uterus is in its natural process of shrinking back down to its normal size after carrying the baby for nine months. Therefore, consuming anything that could have an effect on this process might not be very wise. If you are experiencing uterine cramps while breastfeeding your baby, be assured that this is a very natural process, and it happens to all mothers. Do not get worried or scared and start looking for remedies to make the pain go away. This is the feeling of your uterus shrinking back to normal, and it is more pronounced in feeling while you are breastfeeding your child.

A Guide for Chrysanthemum Tea During pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Guide for Chrysanthemum Tea During pregnancy

During pregnancy

Generally, herbal products are on the list of “must-avoid” for pregnant women, since they are quite strong in their effect and can sometimes even prove addictive. Apart from that, there are many herbal products which can have a lasting effect on your body, possibly even altering the way it works, or making you dependent on it. It is therefore advised to pregnant women that they take it up with their personal doctor or an obstetrician before consuming herbal products. Some herbal products could be beneficial before pregnancy but might have a harmful effect once you get pregnant. Therefore, do not consume any herbal product (this applies to non-herbal products too) without consulting an expert first.

Chrysanthemum tea has long been on the list of teas to avoid while pregnant and immediately after pregnancy, i.e., while breastfeeding. Experts believe that chrysanthemum tea may causes contractions and result in preterm birth. Even after childbirth, chrysanthemum tea could affect the working of your uterus, which has recently gone tremendous pressure while childbirth. You must therefore leave it alone to do its work, and not consume something that could have potentially altering effects on the uterus. Any such disruptions could potentially harm you and your baby, in turn.


Health Concerns

According to many surveys, there is no way to make sure what is in those tea bags and packets of herbal tea that different companies sell. Over the years, there have been instances of some herbal product companies adding drugs such as cocaine to their products. Normally, herbal products aren’t as closely surveilled and regulated as synthetic pharmaceuticals. Therefore, it is not always guaranteed that the product you are using is 100% safe and authentic. So it is not just chrysanthemum tea that could potentially be harmful to you and your baby, it is pretty much all herbal blends. It is therefore advisable to take this topic up with your expert once before consuming something. Being careful during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be your utmost priority, since whatever you consume has a direct effect on your body and baby. Even when breastfeeding, you must be careful about your diet, since the type of food you consume is processed by your body and can directly affect your baby through your milk.

Chrysanthemum tea has, since a long time, been used as a natural energy booster. It is made from the crushed flowers of the chrysanthemum plant and is a non-caffeinated form of herbal tea, although it provides a natural energy boost. Like other teas, it has used as a remedy for sore throats and other flu-like symptoms. Western medicinal uses have ranged from giving energy boosts and sore-throat fixes to circulatory issues and varicose veins. Those who are allergic to ragweed and daisies would potentially be allergic to products that contain chrysanthemum, since they are all flowers. Expectant mothers should avoid chrysanthemum tea for these reasons, as it could potentially infiltrate the placenta and affect the unborn child.

Chrysanthemum tea has long been on the list of things to avoid while pregnant. This is not only because of its effect on the body (especially the uterus), it is also because it belongs to the general category of herbal products whose safety standards are ambiguous at best. There is also no conclusive evidence of chrysanthemum tea doing much to benefit your body during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Therefore you should probably abstain from drinking chrysanthemum tea while you are pregnant, and after childbirth too, while you are breastfeeding your baby. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

