11 Must Have Food in the First Trimester of Pregnancy


So, you are gonna be a mom soon! This is perhaps the most happiest moment in your life. But, with the happiness comes a responsibility. A responsibility to care and nurture your child. And, this begins in the womb. Here are a few foods you must eat in your first trimester to give your gonna be baby good health and nutrition.

The news of your pregnancy brings in a lot of joy and excitement to your life. Everything around seems beautiful and lovely. Besides proper care and regular checkups, it is also important to follow a healthy diet regimen during pregnancy. Healthy eating routine during pregnancy helps in proper growth and development of the baby.

Read More: Can I Eat Papaya in My First Trimester?

Must Have Foods during First Trimester

Here’s a list of 11 foods that must be included in your diet during the first trimester of your pregnancy.

1. Almonds

As is said, “Big things come in small packets”, almonds are also packed with nutrition besides being small in size. They contain magnesium and fiber along with high level of protein and vitamin E, essential for good health of the baby.

2. Garlic

Many women can develop serious medical implications during pregnancy, like high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. To avoid these complications from occurring during pregnancy, it is suggested to take garlic during the initial phase of pregnancy. Garlic helps to combat high blood pressure while simultaneously reducing the risk of preeclampsia, a condition characterized by pregnant women developing hypertension. Therefore, add a few pieces of garlic to your meal to get maximum benefits.


First Trimester food

3. Oranges

During the first trimester of pregnancy, you are more susceptible to catching the flu and cold due to constant changes in the body. During pregnancy, it is not wise to take over the counter medications for common cold and flu as they can affect the baby adversely. Rather, it is better to increase the dose of vitamin C in your diet to boost the immunity. You can do this by including rich sources of vitamin C, like oranges, in your diet.

4. Lean Meat

During pregnancy, your body requires more iron to combat tiredness and fatigue. Moreover, the body requires two times the iron dose than what is normally taken in during the first trimester. Lean meat is an excellent source of iron. Moreover, its iron content can be absorbed easily by the body. If you are vegetarian, you can opt for green leafy vegetables to get your daily dose of iron.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt contains zinc, essential for proper growth and development of tissues and cells of the baby. Simultaneously, it also helps to repair the cells and tissues in the body. Zinc also helps to create the DNA of the baby. Therefore, add yogurt to your diet to get the daily dose of zinc.

6. Eggs

Eggs contain Choline, a form if vitamin B required essentially for fetal brain and memory development. However, this vitamin is wiped out during pregnancy. Luckily, you can regain this vitamin by including eggs in your diet. The egg yolk is the source if Choline. However, yolks should be eaten moderately. Therefore, make it a point to eat just one boiled egg a day.

7. Salmon

Even though saturated and trans-fatty acids are prohibited during pregnancy, you need to have them during the first trimester. These fats contain omega 3 fatty acids, crucial for proper development of body organs as well as the nervous system of the fetus.


8. Bananas

Nausea, restlessness and fatigue are common during the first trimester of pregnancy. Banana is rich in potassium, an essential mineral to deal with these symptoms and handle fatigue as well. Therefore, doctors recommend eating at least one banana a day to combat pregnancy fatigue and have a healthy experience.

9. Milk

Milk is considered important for an infant’s proper growth and development. However, it is equally important to drink milk during the first trimester of pregnancy to have a healthy pregnancy. Avoid drinking full fat milk and opt for fat free milk.

10. Beans and Lentils

The fetus develops fastest during the first trimester. Therefore, it is important to have a diet with high protein to ensure proper growth of the baby. Foods like beans and lentils are loaded with proteins and highly recommended during the first trimester.

11. Breakfast Cereal

Vitamin B12 and folic acid are essential for a healthy fetus as they synthesize blood and help the red blood cells to mature. For this reason, doctors suggest a diet rich in folic acid during the first trimester. Most of the cereals are usually packed with high amount of folic acid and, therefore, should be included in your diet during the first trimester.
