Is Juniper Essential Oil Safe for Use During Pregnancy?


Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in a female’s life. Thus it is important to think before choosing an essential oil during pregnancy. Pregnancy is the time when many ailments happen to a female’s body. The body becomes sensitive and one needs to be careful while dealing with pregnancy. There are huge loads of things that happen in the body, and essential oils have a lot of benefits for a human’s body. Here is everything you need to know about the usage of juniper oil during pregnancy:

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juniper berry essential oil

In This Article:

A Guide for Using Juniper Essential Oil During Pregnancy

What is Juniper Berry?

Juniper berry is a coniferous pine shrub which is mostly poisonous but some of its species are safe for usage. It grows mostly in southwest Asia, North America, and Europe. The areas where it grows from this it is clearly understood that it needs a cool climate and not extreme climate. It is also known as Juniper Communis. It has thorns of about 1 cm and its total height is 6.5-7 ft. The berries are of blue, purple and pink color. It is not originally a berry but due to its appearance, it is called so. The juniper berries are fleshy and are originally a cone which is covered and surrounded by fleshy scales which give it an appearance of a berry.


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What is Juniper Berry Essential Oil?

Essential oils have their own benefits and usage. Juniper berry is also available as an essential oil. It was used for spiritual and medicinal purposes. It has various properties and health benefits. It can be very useful and helpful for the skin. It is an antiseptic and it can help in dealing with various health and skin problems. Juniper berry essential oil also has a great aromatic smell, it is used as a depurative, anti-rheumatic and astringent. It has various benefits. It is amazing to use during meditation and to kill germs in the air, thus it can be used as a room freshener and as a diffuser.

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Benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Essential oils have a variety of uses and benefits. Here is a list of benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil:


Juniper Berry Essential Oil Works as a Laxative

A laxative helps in the movement of the bowls and keeps the stomach clean because of which it is also known for dealing with constipation, colitis and intestinal fermentation. Intake of laxatives keeps the stomach clean and free from constipation and other digestive problems. Thus it is also very effective in regulating the menstrual cycle.

It Gives the Body Relief from Various Body Ailments

Essential oils are known for spiritual use. Similarly, they can also be used to soothe the body when it’s stressed out. If the body is suffering from muscle pain, body pain, headache, overstress and hemorrhage than it is advised to put some juniper berry essential oil in the water while bathing it will give a relaxative feel and also the essential compounds which are present in the il will help the body to cope with stress.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil Works as an Antiseptic

Essential oils are known for treating body ailments. They are also very effective for treating germs, disease, and communicable infections, thus it works as an antiseptic. It has various essential components in it which will help in dealing with various infections and also it will help in healing wounds.

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Juniper Berry Oil Helps in Dealing with Bloodstream Blockage

Bloodstream sometimes has a blockage in it because of which the flow of blood sometimes stops or is restricted. This is one of the root causes of a heart attack. When cholesterol is high then it often happens that the blood vessels have a blockage in them. Juniper berry oil can be taken to deal with bloodstream blockage. It helps in regulating improper blood circulation.

Juniper Berry Works as a Great Cleanser

Juniper berry works as a great medicine and cleanser in dealing with toxins in the body. Juniper berry oil is also an effective cleanser and antioxidant. It can help the body to get rid of harmful substances in the body like uric acid, ammonia, and other toxins.


Juniper Berry Oil is a Great Cure for Hair

Juniper berry essential oil has the perfect blend of vitamins, nutrients and essential oils that are just the right thing for curing hair problems. Juniper berry essential oils are good for curing hair problems like dandruff and hair fall. This essential oil also makes the hair stronger and full of nourishment and nutrition.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil Side Effects

  • Juniper berry oil is quite unpleasant if taken orally. This is because if there is slightly a large number of overdoses then it can make the urine quite smelly and pungent. This also gives an indication that it affects the sexual organs, and as a woman’s sexual organs are sensitive it means it is risky to take juniper oil during pregnancy.
  • Juniper berry essential oil affects the people who suffer from diabetes in a negative way. It can have really harmful and quite disturbing effects in the body of diabetic patients. Juniper berry essential oils can reduce the sugar level in diabetic patients drastically. This can be life-threatening for many people thus diabetic patients should avoid it.
  • Juniper berry essential oil affects the women’s reproductive system in a very harmful and dangerous way. It can have seriously negative effects as juniper berry essential oils have a huge and strong quantity of minerals, vitamins, and oils which can have an extreme effect on the body and the sensitive parts. It can sometimes lead to miscarriage and infertility.
  • Juniper berry essential oil is known for strong effects on the body if taken orally or just applied physically. It can have kidney irritation and which can be painful and lead to imbalance in the digestive system. This irritation can also happen in the uterine line of women and in the bowels and testicles of males which can often result in blood in the urine.

Word of Option

Juniper berry is not harmful in every case and with everyone but it can certainly have strong side effects. It is completely unsafe to use while pregnant. This is because it can have really extreme effects or over effects. Lactating and pregnant women must avoid juniper berry oil as it can lead to miscarriage because it affects the uterine muscles. It can be painful and unknowingly harmful because it can affect the sensitive internal organs. It can sometimes lead to blood in urine because of overdose. People who have any kidney or digestion related problems should also avoid it as it leads to unnecessary irritation and diseases in the liver. Juniper berry essential oil can lead to miscarriage or abortion In the females when they are pregnant also it can lead to infertility and negative or extreme effects in the menstrual cycle of a female. Thus, it is advised to consult a doctor and then think of the next step.


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