Gift Ideas for Your Mom on Mothers’ Day


Hey kids! Have you thought of what to gift to your mom on this Mothers’ Day? This year, let’s try something new. Instead of buying a gift for your mother, let’s try making a gift for your mom yourself and she would be so happy and proud of you. Let’s make our moms proud.

Let’s look at some ideas for gifts.

Jar labels: Making your own jar labels is a great idea. You can think of different shapes and sizes for making these labels and completely customize it according to your or your mom’s favorite colors. You can use thick color papers or thin cardboard sheets for this purpose. Choose a good template design for labels. Draw the template carefully on the sheet and cut the sheet accordingly. Also before cutting down the sheet, you could apply glue to back of the sheet and stick it to a sheet of baking paper. Additionally, you can gift your mom night-glow pen to write on the labels. Easy way to read labels in the dark!

Jar Sticker Gift Ideas to Mom
Jar Sticker Gift Ideas to Mom









Frame Artwork: This is another good idea of gift for your mom. Think of one of your mom’s favorite animal. Make an outline of that animal’s picture and make a careful cut out of the design. Now take number of color papers with different textures and cut out the design. Paste each of the designs on to a cardboard frame and Voila!

mothers day gifts
Frame Artwork gift ideas for mom

















Simple Photo frame: Another simple yet beautiful gift that you could come up with is a simple photo frame. All you need are few old magazines and a sheet of cardboard. Cut 5 inch of papers from the magazine, roll them as tightly as you can and glue the paper. Do it with as many numbers as you can. You could use advertisement pages that use different types of solid colors and also roll the paper diagonally so that colors appear as a pattern. Stick these rolls to a cardboard sheet, of course with gap for photo to fit in.

Mothers Day Gift Phot Frame
Photo Frame for mom on Mothers day









Photo Album: You could make a photo album on your own. All you need is a large sheet of cardboard. Use a large and fat book to bend the cardboard around the book’s dimensions. Now, take another sheet of cardboard and cut pieces as large as sheets of paper (not longer than the initial cardboard that goes on to become the cover of the album) to stick photos. Put the pieces inside the cardboard sheet and bind them using a spiraling technique. For the album pages, you could use colorful sheets of cardboard or textured paper or simply you could paint and decorate those sheets with whatever you like.

Photo Album gift for mom
Photo Album gift for mom







Candle holder: A candle holder is yet another gift that your mom would love. You could make a candle holder by simple things that are available at home. One of the things that you would need is a broad plastic jar that you can find. Not too broad and not too narrow. Make sure that a candle can be fit into it easily. Take a foot long stiff steel wire and bend it along in such a way that it can hold a medium sized candle. Secure it inside the jar by taking the other end and bend it like a hook to be placed on the mouth of the jar. Now at the throat of the jar, wrap around the remaining wire such that it becomes a loop and can be hanged on wall.

Candle Holder gift for mom
Candle Holder gift for mom

Flower vase: A flower vase can be made by available bottles at home. You could either use plastic bottles or glass bottles depending on availability. A milk bottle could be a good find as it has consistent structure with no grooves, dents or designs that you usually find on plastic bottles. If you can’t find a glass bottle, then plastic bottle would be fine. You could wrap the bottle with design or textured paper and could write a message to your mom.

Flower vase gift for mommy
Flower vase gift for mommy












Paper flowers: You could make simple paper flowers for decorating the flower vase. Take a large piece of paper and paint it with a plethora of colors ranging from blue, green, red, pink, etc. Now mark medium sized circles in the paper and cut them. Now take each circle and cut it into spirals starting from outer edge and gradually progressing towards the center with ½ inch gap. From the top end start rolling the outside coil tightly and once you’re done rolling release it just a little. There’s a flower. Now stick the left over piece to a nice straight twig that you can find and cover it with a green color paper strip. Likewise, you could make a number of flowers that you could decorate the vase with. Try making flowers of different colors.

Paper Flowers Gift to Mom
Paper Flowers Gift to Mom










Crafts with ice cream sticks: Broad ice cream sticks are excellent for making hand crafted decorative items such as a small house, pen stand, mobile stand, card holder, spoon stand, photo frames, candle stand, etc. The possibilities are endless. You could try any number of gift items with ice cream sticks. Just think deeply about one such special item that you could make for your mom.

Ice Cream Stick Craft Gift for Mom
Ice Cream Stick Craft Gift for Mom














Painting: Another good way of making a gift for your mom, for this Mothers’ Day is by making a simple painting. The painting could be very simple and have just colorful prints of your palms. And place the painting in a simple portrait frame that you could make on similar lines of photo frame and gift it to your mom.

Painting Gift to Mom
Painting Gift to Mom









Plastic Bottle Chandelier: A chandelier with a plastic bottle can be one of the incredible gifts that you could think of for Mother’s day. All you need is a large 5 liter bottle and white colored plastic spoons, a pair of scissors and glue. Make sure that the mouth of the bottle is wide enough for an incandescent light bulb to pass down easily. Now, take the plastic spoons and cut their heads off. Collect these heads and keep them aside. No, starting from the mouth of the bottle, stick each of these spoon heads on to the bottle very close to each other with no gaps in between. Leave no space on the bottle in any direction. Now at the mouth of the bottle attach the spoon heads by overlapping one on the other. Insert a bulb and cable and switch it on. And Voila! Plastic bottle chandelier is complete.

Plastic Bottle Chandelier Unique Gift Ideas for Mom
Plastic Bottle Chandelier Unique Gift Ideas for Mom














Another simple way of making a gift for your mom is by making a banner. You can add number of themes into it and write a good one liner for your mom before wishing her on this Mother’s day. All you need are cardboard, paper, scissors, glue and color pens. Cut the cardboard into medium sized pieces and stick paper on each of those pieces. You can draw some designs and leave some space for words. Then you could write one liners such as, “for the best mommy in the world”, “my mommy is Wonder Woman”, or something like that. Its very easy to make and takes very less amount of time.

Mothers Day Banner Gift ideas for mom
Mothers Day Banner Gift ideas for mom












Rope Bowl: Rope Bowl is a rather a different sort of gift that you could make at home. All you need is medium sized fabric rope that you can find in a convenient store. It might take about 1 or 1½ meters of rope to make this bowl and strong glue. Start from one end of the rope and start making spirals and at each turn apply glue and keep attaching the rope. After reaching the size of the base of a bottle, start attaching the rope vertically. Follow the same procedure of applying glue and sticking the rope. When you reach about 5 inches or so, the bowl is done. Now, you can use this bowl as a pen or pencil holder.

Rope Bowl Gift Ideas for mom
Rope Bowl Gift Ideas for mom
















Directions: While working with tools such as scissors, pliers and wires, ask for an adult to supervise you, or take an adult’s help.
