7 Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Your Baby


The foods that should avoided while breastfeeding include spicy foods such as red pepper, onions and chilli, alcohol, peanuts, caffeine, chocolates, fish and parsley and peppermint. Avoid these foods as much as you can during breastfeeding.

Pregnancy is one of the best phases in any woman’s life. If you are expecting it is likely that you have already been told about a dozen things that you should be eating and should not be eating. But, did you know that it is also important that you monitor what you eat long after delivery and when breastfeeding your child?

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Yes, there are certain food that you better steer clear off when breastfeeding your child. Though most babies do enjoy having a varied flavor from their milk, there are some foods that can impart a harsh taste to the milk and also cause allergic reactions in the infant.

Watch for how your baby reacts when you have eaten something new, for what you eat passes on through your milk to your loved one, who depends on you for her nutrition.

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7 Foods to Avoid while Breastfeeding your Baby

Here are 7 foods that you are better off not consuming while nursing your child.

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Spicy food

Red pepper, onions, and chilli can be rather harsh on an infant’s digestive system. And when you eat these foods, you are passing it onto your child through the milk. Your baby can suffer from immediate reactions such as vomiting and pain in the stomach.

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While you do not have to strike off alcohol completely from your list, we do suggest that you consume alcohol sensibly. Do not nurse when you still have alcohol in your blood stream and feeling the effects of it. Wait until the effects of alcohol have worn off before you nurse your baby. Remember, once the alcohol is out of your blood stream it is also out of your milk and it is safe to nurse again. Your baby may find it hard to process the alcohol that may pass into your milk and it can be as addictive to her as it can be for you. You may benefit from feeding your baby expressed and stored milk, if you are unsure of how long you have to wait for the alcohol to wear off.

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A peanut allergy can be as painful and exasperating in a child as it can be in an adult. Though there is no solid evidence, many doctors opine that consuming peanuts when nursing can make your child sensitive to peanuts.


If you are fond of soda and other caffeine loaded drinks, it is time you bring down your consumption. We all know that a cup of hot joe before you hit the bed, can keep you awake all night. The same holds good when caffeine is passed on to your baby through breast milk. You will be surprised to see that, your otherwise calm and happy baby may begin to show signs of restlessness with an affected sleep pattern. Limit your consumption to no more than 2 cups of any caffeinated drink. It is also a good idea that you indulge in a cup of coffee once your baby has hit the sack.


Yes, they are sinfully delightful but wait until you have weaned your child off milk before indulging in a bite too many. Chocolates can pass into breast milk and leave you baby feeling gassy and uncomfortable. If you are craving for a bite, we suggest you munch into a really small portion of white chocolate that is said to be less taxing on your baby’s digestive system.


Most fish are loaded with omega 3s and antioxidants, but you need to be a tad bit selective about the variety of fish you consume when pregnant and breastfeeding, both! Some varieties of food have been noted to have high mercury levels that can be detrimental to your baby’s health and overall growth. This mercury can find way into your milk and then into your baby’s system and cause developmental delays. Shrimps, salmon and catfish can be safely consumed while we suggest that you strike off swordfish and tuna of your diet, until your baby has been weaned off breast milk.

Parsley and Peppermint

Both these herbs may form an integral part of your daily diet. But, studies suggest that they can reduce your milk supply. Most doctors say that small quantities will not hamper you in any way, but it makes sense to watch out for dips in your milk supply when you consume either of the two herbs.


It is very important for you as a new mommy to be careful about what you eat when nursing in order to gain nutrients essential for you and your baby and also to increase breast milk levels.

It certainly can be difficult to avoid certain foods when nursing. Some food may interfere with your baby’s digestion and make them fussy.

Always watch your baby for any adverse effects and reactions. Trace your steps back and eliminate what you may have eaten for lunch or something that could be questionable, and check with your baby’s pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns.

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