21 Food That Are Rich in Vitamin K


Vitamin K is one of the most essential vitamins that your baby’s body needs. It is essential in helping with blood clotting. It also helps in keeping your baby’s heart and bones healthy. There are many foods that are rich in this vitamin. Some of them are sun dried tomatoes, celery and brussels sprouts. Scallions, spinach, blackberries and kale are also good sources. Other foods that contain vitamin K are cabbage, dried sage, okra, broccoli, pickles, prunes and chili powder. Asparagus, carrots, raspberries, cucumbers, parsley and dried basil are also rich sources. Fermented dairy products like yogurt and cheeses can also provide good amount of vitamin K to your baby.

Read More: Vitamin K during Pregnancy: 7 Facts

Here we have listed the twenty-one foods that are rich in vitamin K. Including these ingredients in your baby’s diet will ensure that they get adequate amounts. This is important for keeping their bodies healthy.

21 Food That Are Rich in Vitamin K

Sun dried tomatoes

These are an excellent source of Vitamin K. They are also a tasty way to ensure that your baby gets enough. Sun dried tomatoes can be easily added to a variety of meals. They can also be added to cooked dishes such as pasta and pizza.

Apart from being a source of Vitamin K, they are also a rich source of other essential nutrients. These include Vitamin A, antioxidants, calcium, iron and lycopene. Moreover, as there is a lot of added oil, it has a ready source of fat. This helps your little one’s body to absorb the vitamin.

Read More: Health benefits of Tomato for babies



This delightful and crunchy vegetable is great as a healthy snack for your babies. Not only does it provide hydration, it is also loaded with nutrition. It is also a great source of fiber. It also has good amounts of antioxidants, potassium and calcium.

Not to mention it is a rich source of Vitamin K. One medium stalk of celery can provide about fifteen percent of the daily intake value for your child. It also makes a great snack without any calories.

Read More: Health Benefits of Celery for Babies

21 Food That Are Rich in Vitamin K

Brussels Sprouts

This is not the easiest food to make your child eat. However, it is a very good source of Vitamin K. They are not very high on the taste factor, but their nutrient content makes them essential in your baby’s diet.

One cup of brussels sprouts contains over 33 micrograms of Vitamin K. This is about forty-two percent of what your baby’s body needs daily. Along with its high content of Vitamin K, it also contains other valuable nutrients. These include iron, folate and Vitamin C. Potassium and manganese are also found in this vegetable.


Read More: Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts for Children


This lesser known vegetable isactually a kind of spring onions. These can be easily included in various dishes. They go very well in all kinds of stir fries and plenty of other meals. Scallions are possibly one of the best source of Vitamin K.

One cup of scallions contains approximately 207 micrograms of Vitamin K. This is about two hundred and fifty-nine percent of the daily value required. You can make delicious meals with this for your kids and ensure that they get enough.


Remember how Popeye got his super strength from a can of spinach? Well, it’s because it is one of the most nutrient-rich food that your child can have. There are a whopping 144.87 micrograms of Vitamin K in one cup of spinach. This is about 181% of the daily value.

Apart from Vitamin K, spinach is also a rich source of iron, calcium and Vitamin C. It also contains antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Read More: Health Benefits of Spinach for Babies



These tasty berries are a very good source of Vitamin K. One serving of blackberries can provide your little one about 28.51 micrograms of Vitamin K. This is about 36 percent of the required daily intake.

Blackberries are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins. They are great for boosting your baby’s immune system. Minerals like copper and manganese are also present in good amounts in these berries.


This recently popular super foodhas a slightly unusual taste. This is quite trending among hipsters and health-conscious people. Turns out that Kale is actually a super-rich source of Vitamin K for your baby.

Believe it or not, one serving of kale provides as much as 547.39 micrograms of Vitamin K!

That’s about 700 percent of the required daily value in one serving. Apart from this, kale is also rich in iron and calcium. It also provides good quantities of Vitamins A and C. Make sure your baby has at least one serving of this vegetable regularly.

Read More: Health Benefits of Kale for Toddlers



One portion of cabbage contains about 76 micrograms of Vitamin K. This is nearly 100 percent of the required daily value. Apart from being a great source of Vitamin K, cabbage also contains many other essential nutrients.

It is also rich in fiber, calcium, magnesium and potassium. It also contains good quantities of Vitamins C and E. You can easily include it in sandwiches and other dishes. It makes a great low-carb meal for your kids.

Read More: Health Benefits of Red Cabbage for Children

Dried Sage

This herb is a rich source of Vitamin K for your kids. One tablespoon of dried sage can provide almost 43 percent of the daily value requirement. It is a tasty way to make sure that your baby gets enough of this essential vitamin.

Dried sage helps to make your baby’s meals more nutritious along with delicious. It can be easily added to several dishes without any additional calories. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.


This vegetable may not be very commonly used in your kitchens, but it is a good source of Vitamin K. It can be easily included in stir fries or tomato soups. It can also be used with shrimp and corn to make tasty dishes.


One serving of okra has about 34 micrograms of Vitamin K. This is about 34 percent of the required daily value. It can be a great new change in your kid’s meals while you ensure that he or she gets enough Vitamin K.


This one is a pretty well-known vegetable. It is packed with nutrients and is usually easy to get. It doesn’t have a very strong taste and can be included in a variety of meals. If your baby is already eating broccoli regularly, then he or she might already be getting enough Vitamin K.

Read More: Health Benefits of Broccoli for Babies


Fermented foods are often seen to be rich in Vitamin K. Pickles are definitely one of the richest sources of this vitamin. One medium pickle contains about 26.85 micrograms of Vitamin K. Including pickles in your child’s sandwiches is a good way to include it in his or her diet.

Pickles are also a rich source of Vitamin A and lutein. These are essential for developing your child’s learning and brain power. It is also good for their eye health.


One cup of prunes provides about 24 percent of the required daily intake amount of Vitamin K. It is not a very large amount; however, it is easier to make your child have these regularly. They are tasty and can be eaten whenever they want.


Along with this, prunes also have other great health benefits for your child. They are good for treating constipation. Prunes are also rich in Vitamin A, potassium and calcium. Let your child have some regularly.

Chili Powder

This spice is a rich source of many important vitamins and minerals. One tablespoon of chili powder provides about 2.32 micrograms of Vitamin K. This is about 11 percent of the required daily value. This seems like a small amount, but every little bit helps.

Chili powder also has many other health benefits for your baby. It is a great way to boost the flavor of meals without adding extra salt or calories. It helps speed up your child’s metabolism. It contains good amounts of Vitamins A and C. It also has essential minerals including potassium, zinc, phosphorus and many others.


This vegetable has a pretty high quantity of Vitamin K. One serving of asparagus gives 48 micrograms of the vitamin. This is about 60 percent of the required daily amount. You can include this veggie in your kid’s meals easily.

It is also a great source of antioxidants. It also offers good quantity of dietary fiber. This is good for your child’s bowels. Good amounts of vitamins A, C and E and folate are also present in this. It is low in calories.


This regularly used vegetable is a decent source of Vitamin K. One medium carrot gives about 8 micrograms of the vitamin. This is 10 percent of the total daily requirement. The best thing about carrots is that they can be eaten without being cooked also.


They are also a good source of Vitamin A. This is great for your kid’s eyes. When eaten raw, carrots are also a good source of dietary fiber. This makes them all-round good for your child’s health.

Read More: Health Benefits of Carrot for babies


Yet another berry that is a good source of Vitamin K. One cup of raspberries will give your child about 12 percent of their daily requirement of Vitamin K. This is about 9.59 micrograms. Raspberries are low in calories, so you don’t need to worry about your child snacking on these.

These tasty berries are also a great source of important minerals and vitamins. They are a rich reserve of Vitamin C. They contain very potent antioxidants that helps your baby’s body fight against free radicals.


These are a great source of Vitamin K. One medium cucumber contains about 49 micrograms of the vitamin. This is equal to about 61 percent of the required daily value. You can include cucumbers in many ways in your child’s diet. You can make sandwiches, salads, or even included in flavored water.

Cucumbers are a great way to make sure your child gets enough hydration. It is also a good source of fiber and other important nutrients. They are also low in calories.


Dried Basil

This is another herb that can help you ensure that your child is getting enough Vitamin K. You can simply add this to your child’s meals while cooking. It doesn’t add any extra calories. One tablespoon of dried basil contains 36 micrograms of Vitamin K.

Along with Vitamin K, basil also contains many other important nutrients. Your child will barely be able to tell that he or she is eating it while getting all the goodness. It also enhances the flavor of any dish that you put it in.

Yogurt & Cheeses

Just like pickles, yogurt is also a fermented food. Vitamin K is present in most fermented foods. Yogurt is a good source of Vitamin K. Soft and hard cheeses are also great sources. Hard cheeses can meet about 20 percent of the required daily amount. Whereas, soft cheeses contain about 14 percent.

Yogurts also contain live cultures of beneficial bacteria. These are good for your baby’s tummy. They keep your kid’s bowels healthy and help to keep them active.


This herb is one of the best sources of Vitamin K. One cup of parsley contains about 984 micrograms of Vitamin K. You can easily add parsley to your child’s diet. It can be added to many dishes.

Parsley is also great for your baby’s bone health. It also helps in the proper functioning of their systems. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect your baby’s body against free radicals. It is good for their eyes and immune system.



Although most of these foods can be given to your child safely, it is always good to start slowly. When feeding to infants and young children, always leave a gap of three days between two new foods. This way, you can know if your child is allergic to any of them. In case of allergy, please don’t give that food to your baby.

In case of very young children, always consult your doctor before starting any food. Make sure that it is safe to give it to them at that age.



