How to Get Rid of Fever Blisters: 11 Home Remedies for Children


Home remedies for fever blisters in children include oregano oil, ice pack, baking soda, peppermint essential oil, dab licorice extract, apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, tea tree oil, zinc therapy, L-lysine and lemon balm.

Fever blisters, which are commonly called cold sores are a result of the herpes simplex virus. These are tiny fluid-filled blisters that usually appear on the face, but can also occur in the genital area. Most of the people get fever blisters during childhood as per the American Academy of Dermatology. These can last from seven to ten days, however frequently getting fever blisters should be brought to your doctor’s consideration. We will discuss 11 home remedies to treat fever blisters in children:

Causes of fever blisters in children

Certain strains of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) are responsible for causing cold sores, mainly HSV-1 and HSV-2 is responsible for genital herpes. However, the virus can be transmitted to others even when you do not have fever blisters. For instance, sharing towels, razors, utensils or kissing can spread HSV-1. The recurrence of the blister may be caused by the following reasons:

  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Exposure to sunlight or wind
  • Hormonal changes
  • Fever
  • Changes in the immune system

Symptoms of fever blisters in children

Some of the most common symptoms of fever blisters in children are as follows:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Muscle aches
  • Sore throat
  • Painful eroded gums

There are several stages of fever blisters. The three stages are as listed below:

Itching: itching, tingling and burning sensation around the lips are the most common symptoms. These can be small, hard and even painful.


Blisters: these tiny blisters usually appear on the outside edge of the lips where the lips meet the skin. apart from this, they can also appear on the nose or the cheeks.

Crusting: these fever blisters may merge and burst open that can release the fluid and then crust over.

11 Home Remedies for Fever Blisters in Children



Oregano oil

Oregano oil majorly helps with different human and animal viruses, including herpes. You can apply some diluted oregano oil to a cotton ball and then place it on the affected area. You can try this treatment a number of times throughout the day.

Ice pack

Pressing ice on helps in reducing the blood flow to the area and treats the inflammation. However, this treatment is temporary but it can help to reduce the pain as it numbs the area. You can wrap an ice cube with a cloth and place it on the affected area for 5 minutes. In case, there isn’t excessive pain, you can also apply the ice directly.

Baking soda

Baking soda helps in drying out the affected area, neutralizing acids and soothes irritation. Make a paste with baking soda using water or fresh lemon juice and apply it on the fever blister for 10 minutes.


Tea tree oil

This effective antiviral treatment helps to speed up the recovery process and also prevents the formation of plaque. By applying diluted tea tree oil to a cotton ball, you can dab it a number of times on the sore spot. Continue with this treatment until your blisters heal completely.

Apple cider vinegar

Due to the anti-infective and antifungal properties of apple cider vinegar, it can help to treat blisters in children. You can apply the apple cider vinegar to the affected area using a cotton ball and hold it there for a few minutes. Remember, you should not consume apple cider vinegar in large amounts as it can be unsafe and may lead to skin irritation.

Peppermint essential oil

The antiviral properties of peppermint essential oil are a lot beneficial to treat fever blisters in children. Indeed, if peppermint is used in the early stages of the symptoms, it can prove to be effective, according to the researchers. Apply 1-2 drops of peppermint oil on the fever blister at least twice daily.

remedies for fever blisters

Dab licorice extract

Although, there isn’t enough research as to the benefits of licorice for the treatment of cold sores, it has proven to be beneficial for a number of people. Apply diluted licorice on the blister using your fingers or a cotton ball. In case you have been using pills, make a paste out of it with almond oil or coconut oil and then use it for the application. For taking it orally, you must consult your doctor.

Zinc therapy

As per 2001 study, zinc oxide and glycine cream help to shorten the duration of cold sores as compared to a placebo cream. This enzyme helps in healing the wounds and topical treatment may help with the treatment of fever blisters. You can apply the zinc cream topically four times a day.



The amino acid helps to shorten the duration of the blister. Lysine has been used by a number of people and has proven to be effective but there needs to be more research on this subject. You must read and follow the recommended amount on the package.

Lemon balm

For this, you can use any lip balm, cream, or an ointment that contains lemon balm and apply it on the affected area frequent times a day. In fact, you should continue to use the lemon balm for another few days even after your sores have healed.

Witch hazel

Witch hazel is an astringent that helps to dry out the area and thus, helps with the healing process. You can apply this directly to the skin but you do not have to rub it. just hold it onto your skin with light pressure.


Although fever blisters may get cured on their own but in case you develop them frequently, it is important you consult your doctor. Apart from this, wash your hands carefully when you have a cold sore before you touch yourself or other people. Avoid sharing utensils, towels and other stuff with people around you and more importantly, avoid skin-to-skin contact with others.
