Benefits of Peanut Oil For Kids


Peanut oil is derived from the peanut legume. This vegetable oil comes in a variety of cooking mediums such as cold-pressed, roasted, refined or unrefined with varying nutritional benefits. This oil is said to be as flavorsome as it is nutritious and health-giving, particularly to children. Peanut Oil is commonly used in cooking Asian cuisines.

The health benefits of peanut oil is due to its several kinds of fatty acids such as stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and palmitic acid, among several more. It has a good balance of fatty acids that can improve children’s health in several ways, apart from health benefits from other food types like vitamins, minerals and organic compounds.


Peanut Oil

Health Benefits Of Peanut Oil

Let’s see how this oil can benefit children.

Skin health

Peanut oil is rich in the antioxidant Vitamin E comprising alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol. Being soluble, it protecting the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. This vitamin also helps in overall health and maintenance of the skin and skin blemishes. It also keeps the skin healthy as children grow.

Cholesterol levels

Peanut oil, unlike other vegetable oils, does not contain any cholesterol, thereby staving off heart complications like atherosclerosis, which involves clogging of the arteries. Food cooked in this oil can therefore prevent the onset of a series of health complications. Not only does this oil have zero cholesterol, but it also reduces children’s levels of cholesterol due to its high content of plant sterols. These phytosterols aim for the maximum absorption of cholesterol in the stomach and gut areas, which can significantly reduce a child’s cholesterol levels by 10%-15%.


Blood circulation

Children can be given a massage with peanut oil to improve their prostaglandin level in the blood. These hormone-like liquids work to lower inflammation, dilate blood vessels and so allow the free flow of blood in the massaged parts of the body.

Peanut Oil

Heart health

Peanut oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid that work to increase good cholesterol or HDL levels in the blood. With the help of HDL, bad cholesterol (LDL) levels can be scraped off, thus reducing a child’s risk of heart disease and stroke.

Besides being a vegetable oil, it is rich in plant sterols, particularly β-sitosterol, which reduces the chances of heart disease. These phyto-sterols prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the stomach and so reduce overall cholesterol levels by 10% to 15%.

Immune system

Children are susceptible to fungal and viral infections but due to the presence of the antioxidant resveratrol, these infections can be staved off. So, it helps a lot to have food cooked in peanut oil.



The cold-pressed variety of peanut oil makes for a very good laxative. By massaging a child’s lower abdomen, lower back and the alimentary canal’s posterior opening for quick relief of constipation.


Apart from this, eating fiber-rich foods such as peanuts can also help relieve constipation. They are insoluble and so can have a positive impact on the regularity of a child’s bowels. Peanut oil contains more insoluble fiber than soluble by which means the fiber does not absorb water and increases the speed of intestinal activity, thereby stimulating overall intestinal health.


If your teenager has suddenly broken out into blackheads, a massage of peanut oil can work wonders to get rid of them. Not only this, peanut oil also gets rid of friction and inhibits any inflammation. Once this happens, it is easy to squeeze out the blackheads.

Healthy hair

Peanut oil is known to control hair problems like scalp psoriasis,scalp flakiness and dandruff. It also works well for split ends and makes it glossy and lustrous, thereby improving the protein content of hair and lends strength to it too. By massaging peanut oil into the hair, it strengthens the hair from the roots and thus stops hair loss.

Weight loss

Including peanut oil in a child’s diet can increase the chances of weight loss among kids. This is possible because this oil gives a feeling of satiety, so the child feels fuller and delays eating any more. He doesn’t succumb to hunger pangs and over time, loses any weight. This proves the link between weight loss and peanut oil.


You’ve just read the many benefits of including peanut oil in a child’s diet. As a parent, you would be prudent to make the shift to this cooking medium in the interests of your child.
