Arthritis During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Risks, Treatment and Remedies


What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is very common in our day to day life but is not very well understood by everyone. People think that arthritis happens in old age or to aged people only which is a wrong concept. Basically, people think arthritis is a single joint pain but rather than that it is a joint disease. There are more than 100 types of arthritis and people of all age, sex do have arthritis, and it is leading cause of disability in America. It is most common in women and occurs more frequently when people get older.

Guide for Arthritis During Pregnancy

Arthritis during pregnancy

Arthritis is common and can happen to anyone at any age. Arthritis won’t affect the ability to get pregnant. However, if you take medications for arthritis consult your doctor before you conceive. Certain medications can effect the unborn child, and some stay in your system for a time after you stop taking them. As arthritis seems to be curable and every pregnant women who is having arthritis will be curious to know about whether it affects the baby or not. No it doesn’t seem to harm the baby anyhow.


Since arthritis affects the joints throughout the body, the added weight of pregnancy can increase pain and discomfort. The symptoms are easily noticeable and are as follows:

  • This may be particularly noticeable in the knees. Added pressure on the spine can cause muscle spasms or numbness in the legs. Increased weight puts pressure on the knees and may exacerbate knee pain. You may also notice that your joints seem looser and that you feel like you waddle when you walk.
  • Gaining water weight. Weight may increase because of this. Due to increase in weight because to water stiffness in knees, hips, feet and ankles will also increase. Water weight gain may also worsen carpel tunnel syndrome, which cause pain and tingling in the fingers. Consult your doctor if the joint pain increases and if you experience any sort of numbness or tingling on your hands and feet.
  • Women who have the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis may experience increased fatigue.

Risks of having arthritis during pregnancy

  • One study found that RA increases the risk of preeclampsia. There is a condition named as preeclampsia which happens to develop high blood pressure and excess protein in pregnant women. This can be really very serious and life threatening condition for the baby as well as for the mother.
  • Women who are having rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are at high risk of other complications when compared with women who do not have RA. Risks include having babies that are smaller than average size or low birth weight.
  • Risk of having gum disease. It has being noticed that people with RA are more likely to have gum disease, and gum disease has been associated with preterm labor. So see your dentist for regular cleanings.
  • Risk of taking prednisone. When you take prednisone your risk of bone loss increases, so you may need more calcium and vitamin D than is found in prenatal vitamin.


There are wide variety of medications available to treat patients with RA i.e rheumatoid arthritis, many of which is considered to be unsafe during pregnancy.

  • Drugs that can be used safely during pregnancy includes NSAIDs, corticosteroids, plus several DMARDs, including sulfasalazine and hydroxychroquine.
  • Physical therapists works with patients closely which helps them to develop individualized exercise programs that focus on strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility around the damaged joints to increase stability and range of motion.
  • Other treatments like massage, heat and ice, or ultrasound for arthritis should also be utilized.

These can help in reducing the pain and can improve the function of the joints.



The joint pain can be treated naturally during pregnancy by the following ways:

Acupuncture can be helpful in alleviating the joint pain.


Splints may be used to provide relief, particularly in the hands and knees.

Herbal products

Some herbal ingredients may also be used for joint pain, however, in order to prevent harmful drug interactions, it is important to consult your doctor or an herbal specialist before taking a supplement.



Including foods rich in omega-3s in your diet and taking an omega 3 supplement may help relieve joint pain and stiffness.


Wearing high heels may strain your ankles so avoid anything which will hurt your ankles. Try to wear something that is comfortable, soft and doesn’t hurt.


Take time to relax and give time to the joints to take a break. Don’t stress your body too much. Do some exercise which will make you feel relax and will the joint pains to relax as well.


So, these are the basic idea and all sort of explanation one will be needing about arthritis during pregnancy. Natural remedies will surely work and in case it is not bringing any sort of relieve than consult your doctor for better advise.

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