8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Acai Berry


Acai Berry, pronounced as ah-sigh-ee is a small deep purple fruit with yellow flesh which looks similar in appearance to a grape but it’s smaller and has less pulp. Acai berry is a superfood with numerous health benefits. The fruit is harvested from acai palm trees which are native to the tropical forests of South and Central America. It grows in clusters on the top of the Acai palm tree in the Amazon.

acai berry benefits

It is loaded with antioxidants, nutrients, vitamins, electrolyte and dietary fibre. It is jam-packed with dietary fibres, amino acids and healthy fats. It also has trace minerals and plant sterols. Read on to find out about the 8 amazing health benefits of Acai berry. 

8 Impressive Health Benefits of Acai Berries

Loaded With Anti-Oxidants

Acai berries have three times more anti oxidants than blue berries making this berry a perfect breakfast cereal option. Acai berry is packed with anti oxidants like polyphenols and anthocyanin. They contain dietary fibre and heart healthy fats and when they are consumed as a juice or pulp, acai berries can increase blood antioxidant levels and can reduce chemicals that are involved in oxidative stress. Anthocyanin give acai berry their deep purple colour and provide abundant anti-oxidant to the body, which are good for heart, digestion and skin. 

Full Of Nutrients

Acai berry are high in fat and low in sugar, packed with immense nutrients. They are a source of many vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain amino acids which help in promoting muscle performance, energy performance and endurance. Acai berries are a great source of Calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc. They also contain omega-3 and omega-6 which are essential for good health. Along with these they also have monounsaturated oleic acid, palmitic and linoleic acid.  Acai berries contain 19 amino acids, some sterols like campesterol, stigmasterol and beta-sitoserol.

Improves Metabolism

Acai berries are rich in fibre and have a positive impact on the digestive system which makes them helpful in improving metabolism and aiding weight loss as they have appetite suppressant qualities which help the body to process the food better and make the body run smoother which makes it easier to lose weight.  They have essential fatty acids which improve metabolism. The high fibre content in the fruit helps with hunger pangs which usually lead to overeating and weight gain and they also help maintaining the healthy weight by reducing the negative impact of high fat diets. 


Helps In Promoting Good Digestion

Acai berries contain detoxification properties and have a high dietary fibre content. It also offers relief from stomach problems like gas, constipation as they work as natural cleansers of the colon and intestines. They also prevent bloating and diarrhoea. As it is high in fibre it cleanses the body’s system in a powerful way while detoxifying the body from hazardous toxins which get accumulated . They also provide with prebiotic benefits from the polyphenols present in them. 

Good For Skincare

Packed with many vitamins and minerals, acai berry enhance skin health. Vitamin C in them along with vitamin A works wonders for skin as it keeps the pores clear and increases collagen production. Consuming acai berry also makes the skin plump and healthy. They also prevent premature aging and keeps the skin moisturized and wrinkle free. Vitamin C also helps in lightening scars and the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of acai berry help in soothing the skin and preventing blemishes.

Anti-Cancer Effect

Polyphenolic compounds in acai berries reduce cancer cells. The process carcinogenesis of is stopped on the molecular level by phytochemicals. This kills the tumour cells before they multiply and stop cancer cells from forming and spreading. Some animal studies have revealed that acai berry has some anti-cancer effects but a thorough research on humans is yet to be done. 

Boost Brain Function

The juice of acai berry has been linked to improved brain function and sharpness of mind with increased mental function, it also has protective effect over brain cells which in turn helps in improving cognitive functions. Vitamin B in the berry contributes to the maintenance of the brain mental function. According to some lab tests, Acai extract helps the brain in stimulating itself in order to clean the cells that are toxic or no longer working, this makes way for new nerves to form which enhances communication between brain cells. 

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Drinking the acai berry juice regularly has positive effects on blood lipid levels and also can protect the heart. In addition the high amount of anti-oxidant in the acai berry reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis. Heart healthy fats In acai berry increases good cholesterol and decreases bad cholesterol, the fibre and heart healthy fats provide good heart health. Consumption of high fibre leads to significantly lower cardiovascular diseases.

Acai berries also help in regulating blood pressure as the anti-oxidant anthocyanin in them helps to open blood vessels which allows smooth blood flow and hence lower the risk of high blood pressure. They also improve cholesterol levels, boost immunity, boost energy, delay premature aging and also promote wound healing. They are also used for making medicines for arthritis, high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction. 


Including Acai berry in your daily diet can supply you with multiple health benefits as mentioned above. These berries can be eaten raw and as a juice. You can also eat frozen acai puree or add acai powder to cereal or use it to make granola bars. 

Although acai berry is safe to consume, it is advised that pregnant and breast feeding women should avoid consuming acai berry as there is insufficient information on the consumption of acai berry and its derivatives by such women.


