7 Health Benefits of Watermelon Rind


If you’re gearing up to add watermelon and watermelon rind especially, to your diet for losing weight, then this article is for you. Watermelon is the most appropriately named fruit, as it is a melon with 92℅ of water in it. It contains a good amount of numerous important nutrients. It is considered to be an extensive vegetable crop; it is oval round and large, has a smooth skin, occasionally pale green strips and dark rind. But watermelon rind is less juicy and harder than the red flesh.

Most of the people peel the watermelon rind. But you can actually that rind too. The rind contains a surprising amount of health benefits in it. According to some studies, the rind is edible, but you can make it more appealing by pickling and juicing. Studies suggest that 95% of the nutritional value of watermelon comes from its rind. Here in this article, we will know about some amazing health benefits of watermelon rind along with some other details. So let’s get started.

Firstly, let’s know what watermelon rind is.

What is watermelon rind?

The rind is the tough outer layer that has a green exterior that fades to the pale white inside. The watermelon rind contains a large number of nutrients, but most of the people discard it. When dried, the rind becomes curled and thin. It contains low calories but is a real storehouse of important nutrients such as zinc, potassium, vitamin c, vitamin a, vitamin b6. There are chlorophyll, amino acids, flavonoids, citrulline, lycopene, and phenolic compounds.

Health Benefits of Watermelon Rind

7 health benefits of watermelon rind

The following are the 7 best health benefits of watermelon rinds. Let’s have a look.

  1. Reduce blood pressure: as we mentioned before, this fruit is a melon with 92% of water content in it. Due to this, you can regulate and lower your high blood pressure by consuming watermelon rind. And on the opposite side, if you are experiencing low blood pressure, then watermelon rind can normalize the blood pressure and regulate blood circulation.
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties: the lycopene present in watermelon rind, helps in reducing the inflammation, that is responsible for arthritis pain. The rind contains folate also, which is capable of reducing the risk of heart attack and colon cancer. Due to the beta-carotene in watermelon rind, it is also very beneficial for the eyes.
  3. Reduces weight: citrulline which is present in watermelon rind helps in losing weight, the fiber helps us to feel fuller for a longer time. According to some studies, it is proved that those who consume citrulline, lose 30% more fat than those who do not consume. So if you’re thinking of losing weight, add watermelon rind to your diet.
  4. Breaks down kidney stones: the potassium in the watermelon rind is really beneficial for the kidney. It is responsible for healthy kidneys, as it regulates and maintains the acid level in urine. The water content of the rind is capable of flushing out any stone that may be lurking in the kidneys. Studies suggest that watermelon rind is beneficial for kidney stone treatment. You can prevent the stone formation in your kidneys by consuming the rind.
  5. Beneficial for urinary tract infection: watermelon rind contains some hydrating and diuretic properties. These properties are really helpful in treating urinary tract infections. If you are suffering from uti, start consuming watermelon rind from the first sign of uti. You can consume the rind in the form of juice as well.
  6. Decreases pregnancy symptoms: most of the women experience many pregnancy symptoms during their first trimester. Watermelon rind is really beneficial for them, as it helps in reducing heartburn and any swelling associated with pregnancy. The natural sugar of the rind can even reduce the morning sickness during pregnancy.
  7. Rich source of fiber: watermelon rind contains a healthy amount of fiber. The fiber maintains regular bowel movements. It prevents the developing diseases of the colon. The fiber of the rind is beneficial for reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels as well. The fiber-rich watermelon rind fills you up faster and helps in maintaining a healthy weight.

You can consume watermelon rind in various ways. You can make pickles, juice and many more things from this rind. Most of us ignore this part of the watermelon which is the rind. But it is more versatile than you think. Let’s know how you can use it easily.

How to use watermelon rind?

 The following are some simple uses of the watermelon rind.

  1. Candy time: many of you must have used lemons, oranges, grapefruit peels to make candies. But why not using watermelon rind to make candies? Yes, you heard it right. You can make delicious candies by using the rind. So turn the leftover rinds of this sweet summer fruit in watermelon rind candy.
  2. Pickle it: watermelon rind pickle is another magical creation. But remember to make this a few days before using it. The time will help to develop a tangy pickled flavor in the rinds. You can use the pickle as a condiment, or you can add it to your chicken salad or tuna or mix with some green salads.
  3. Use it in curry: for this, you need to peel off the green outer layer and use the white rind only. Make lip-smacking curries with watermelon rinds paired with some warm spices and spicy chilies. The rind will provide a subtly sweet and cool complement in your curry. The rind soaks all the flavors and becomes soft with relatively quick cooking time.
  4. Cool gazpacho: you can use the watermelon rinds in the place of cucumber and blend it with tomatoes to make a cool gazpacho. This is perfect for enjoying your summertime.

Now, let’s know if there are any side effects of consuming watermelon rinds or not.

Side effects of consuming watermelon rind

  1. Digestive problems: according to studies, consuming more than 30mg lycopene per day can cause some uncomfortable side effects. Watermelon rind is rich in lycopene. So excessive consumption of lycopene-rich watermelon rind can cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, gas, and indigestion. Elderly people should avoid eating the rind, as the digestive system is more sensitive due to age.
  2. Allergic reaction: some people may experience an allergic reaction if they eat a lot of watermelon rinds, such as rashes. Those who are suffering from allergies to carrots and cucumbers should avoid eating the rinds.

Now, we will know if pregnant women can consume watermelon rinds or not.

Can watermelon rind be taken during pregnancy?

It is absolutely safe to consume watermelon rinds during pregnancy. In fact, it provides expecting mothers with a lot of important vitamins and minerals. But the benefits of the rinds go beyond the vitamins and minerals for pregnant ladies. It reduces heartburn, acid reflux, swelling, the morning sickness during their first trimester. And during the third one, it helps in reducing muscle cramps. If you’re pregnant, then make sure you eat watermelon rind from time to time, but not in an excessive amount.


It is recommended to consult with a doctor before consuming watermelon rind if you’re pregnant. It is always necessary to be on the safe side. However, the most ignored part of this deliciously juicy fruit contains numerous health benefits. So next time, when you slice into a watermelon, consider keeping the rinds also. It is the easiest and very quick way to improve your health.
