21 Fun Places to See in Dubai Before Your Kid Turns 11


Dubai is a place that has most people across the world wanting to visit at least once in their lifetime. This place is a wonderland when it comes to fun-filled family getaways during the kids’ summer or winter vacations. Even if your child is too young, there is nothing to hold them back from visiting Dubai, as there are lots of places where you can entertain the kid for hours! Here is a list of 21 awesome places to visit in Dubai, with your kid before they turn eleven:

21 Best Places to Visit in Dubai 

Fun Places to See in Dubai Before Your Kid Turns 11

Dubai museum

What’s a better way to introduce your kid to historical knowledge than to take them to a trip to the museum? The dubai museum is one of the famed places of middle-eastern artefacts in the world. Located in one of the posh touristy areas of the city, the museum is open to all during all convenient hours of the day.

Arabian wildlife centre

This is also called the sharjah wildlife centre. This place is an open zoo-like structure that is home to various middle-eastern desert creatures. There are children-friendly guides who help them learn a great deal about the wildlife present within the premises of the place.

Ras al khor wildlife sanctuary

This is another wonderful place to visit with your kids, for them to view and learn about different kinds of migrant birds. The best thing about this sanctuary is that there are no entry fees or overhead charges! What can be better than a free and exciting educational trip with your kid, for as many hours as you please?

Playhouses – mushriff park

This is a wonderful place to visit, if you want to take a break from the regular city life and shopping, and want to go for a family picnic. The mushriff park is located in a place that is easy to commute to, and is toddler-friendly because of the exciting playhouses. It is a desert park with ghaf woodland, inside the city. There are over 13 models of traditional houses from across the world.



If your toddler keeps scribbling all over the walls at home, take them to the jamjar to make them feel like professional artists! This place caters to kids as young as 5 years old, to nurture their artistic pursuits. They kids’ paintings are displayed throughout the place and there are short-term courses for the young artists as well!

Bounce – indoor trampoline park

Why not give your kids a new “high” when you go shopping for the family? Take them to the trampoline park inside the dubai mall for an adventurous session of flying in the air! There are different kinds of activities that toddlers can also engage in, like jump box beat, open jump, and dodged ball.

Aquaventure waterpark

Open from 10 am to 6:30 pm, this water park is a place in which you can play an unending number of games with your kids, against the majestic backdrop of the dubai palm resort. There are amazing rides to enjoy, and lots of water to splash around with, to beat the heat in the most perfect way!

Kidzania – dubai mall

Children always love to play games that involve role-playing. Tale your kids to the play zone in dubai mall, so that they can interact with numerous other kids and engage in role-playing. This surely will be immense fun to watch, as you click pictures of your little ones having the time of their lives! The setting of the play zone is also like that of a real city in which incidents are apparently taking place.

Dubai ice rink – dubai mall

This is a super fun place that’s open for people of all age groups, especially children, from 10 am in the morning to 11 pm at night. The size of the rink is the same as that of an olympic game. The rink is supported with such facilities that defy whether your kid is a beginner or a pro at skating. Even games like ice hockey are available to stir up the fun!

Sega republic – dubai mall

This is a 76,000 square kilometre indoor theme park with more than 15 attractions to get the kids excited. There are life-sized fantasy characters to play with. While you drag the kids to your shopping spree, let them have their own time too!


Wild wadi water park

Located right in front of the stunning burj al arab building, this water park is one of a kind, with lots of exciting games and activities and a theme that is of arabian folklore. Bribe your kid with a trip to this wonderful place, for them to accompany you to other places instead!

Img worlds of adventure

As the name suggests, it truly is an adventurous place to visit, with your toddler. The enormous img worlds of adventure sprawls over an area of 1.5 million square feet! There are five distinct themes that this indoor park is divided into. The major attractions are the avengers, the powerpuff girls, and the lost valley. The tickets are very reasonably priced and there are also various offers for enthusiastic kids!


Which child wouldn’t like to visit this place, given the fact that lego is almost synonymous to chocolates for kids below 10 years? Lego factory. Lego city, and lego kingdoms present this place will definitely lift your kid’s mood and make them crave more. What’s more is that there are characters that come to life with the click of a button! Give your child this exhilarating experience during your vacation, so that they don’t feel left out.

Children’s city

Want your kid to learn good stuff while holidaying? Children’s city is one of the best places to bring them to! This place is filled with lego-style attractive structures of space gadgets, human bodies, and other natural wonders of the world. The premises of this scientific amusement-park like place host a planetarium, a science gallery, a global exhibition centre, and a nature centre. All these are wonderful things that will make the kids have lots of fun while learning new things. This is especially good for children below the age of 10, when they are mere toddlers, as their brains are even more curious to absorb new information.

Rise dubai creek harbour

Built on the banks of the dubai creek, this place is bound to serve as an excellent weekend getaway for your children. It is a waterfront that is more like a customised pool in which your kids can swim and play lots of games, apart from enjoying themselves in the retail stores around. The best part is that there are no entry charges!

Sharjah discovery centre

This is a place for your kids to learn and play simultaneously. The discovery centre is divided into seven parts, to give the children a realistic experience of natural structures. The exciting divisions to visit are an airport, build town, drive town, petroleum refinery, television studio, sound zone, wall climbing, and an education zone for teaching human anatomy.


Dubai garden centre

Every saturday, in this place, there is an event called garden souq, in which kids are made to perform various activities and to take part in lots of games. With parents being around, the kids will happily engage in fun activities, also keeping in mind the discipline factor! This is definitely a kid-friendly relaxed weekend venture.

Dolphin bay

Located against the majestic backdrop of the palm resort, the dolphin bay is another exciting place to take your kid to, for an enthralling experience with some lovely non-human friends! The kids will be helped by a handler while they get to play with cheerful dolphins and in the process also learn to respect and love the diversity of life on earth!

Al thuraya astronomy centre

Want to get your kid educated about galaxies and the milky way? There’s no better place in dubai, than the al thuraya astronomy centre. This enormous planetarium is a child-friendly and cost-effective place located in the mushriff park region.

Abra ride – bur dubai

Located in the bustling creekside area, this place is a lovely one for nature-loving people, with some greenery around. It is open from 5 am in the morning till 12 am midnight! The most enticing thing about bur dubai is the abra ride, which is a boat ride across the area, surrounded with trees and greenery. Take your child along, for a morning ride to inhale fresh air and be amazed by what wonders can lie within a commercial city!

Dubai aquarium and underwater zoo

If you and your child are interested in diverse wildlife, then you must visit the underwater aquarium cum zoo. This place is open on all the seven days of the week. The best thing about this zoo is that it is situated inside the exquisite dubai mall, which makes it a great place for tourists as well as shoppers in general, to assemble for a light weekend family outing. You can give your kid an experience of closely viewing some of the world’s most popular reptiles and sea animals.

Now that you know of all the mind-blowing places to take your toddler to, what are you waiting for? Why not take your child on a wonderful vacation before the academic pressure begins? Plan and book a trip to dubai for you as well as your child to enjoy some warm family moments along with awesome pictures to flaunt on social media!
