11 Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil During Pregnancy and Nursing


Flaxseed oil is termed as linseed oil for most of the world. It has been in existence for a considerable amount of time. The scientific name for flaxseed is Linum usitatissmum that has numerous benefits and is an integral component of various cultures worldwide. All over the world it is cultivated, but the traces of origin relate to the Mediterranean belt.

The largest producers of flaxseed oil are Canada with Argentina, Russia and France. This plant can be found in diverse climates and no wonders why the tag of being a vibrant plant goes well. For a considerable amount of time it was the main ingredient in linen, but it is a viable source of food as well.

Read More: 21 Ways To Eat Flax Seeds

Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil During Pregnancy

Flax seeds along with flaxseed are truly considered to be super health foods. They can easily find their way into the top 10 foods recommended for all of us. Because of the healing properties ever since the Roman Empire it has risen in stature. To some it may also be termed as the “forgotten oil”. It has lost some ground as oil manufacturers have found out a way to formulate nutritious oil that is profitable. At the same time it is expensive to produce it as well.

On a practical level, most consumers prefer the consumption of flaxseed oil as it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. You do not have to bother about grinding the seeds. But from a nutritional perspective it is better to grind them and spray it on cereals. In your quest to buy seeds see to it that the inner seed is not exposed to sunlight.

Here are some of the amazing health benefits of flaxseed oil during pregnancy and nursing.


1. Viable alternative to traditional cooking oil

Flaxseed oil works out to be an alternative to traditional cooking oil. The reason for it is that numerous health benefits are associated with it. In the same manner as normal cooking oil is used you can use it. The flavour is unobtrusive and pleasant, but simple to extract

2. Can boast your immunity levels

 A study conducted on school children who were supplemented with less than a teaspoon of flaxseed has an interesting story to suggest. They had lesser and fewer respiratory disorders in comparison to children not supplemented with the same.

flaxseed oil

3. Cholesterol levels

When you compare all the vegetable oils in the market, flaxseed has the highest content of Omega 3 fatty acids .This is really important as both good along with bad cholesterol are needed by the body. It would mean that the chances of plaque accumulating on the blood vessels or arteries are less. In hindsight there is a chance of reduced blood pressure with heart attacks being at a negligible level.

4. Digestive Health

Since flaxseed oil is incorporated with high level of fiber a regulation of the digestive system is assured. It bulks up the stool and paves its way to the digestive tract. It prevents constipation or diarrhoea on absorption of the watery stool. Ensuring the levels of fiber intact is important for the upkeep of cholesterol levels as well.  Not much of oil is there in fiber, but the seeds are embedded full of it.

5. Weight loss

Flaxseed oil is integrated with fatty acids that increase the metabolic rate of the body. It does help to burn the unhealthy along with excess fats in the body. If the intake of the correct type of fats is assured, then the bad fats can be kept at bay.


6. Paves way for a healthy skin

It has been used as a dietary supplement by various patients. For someone who is suffering from eczema or a dry skin, the use of flaxseed can work wonders. It is particularlybeneficial for a sun sensitive skin.

7. Cancer prevention

One of the major advantages of flax seed is the antioxidant content. Being rich in phytosterols, they are powerful antioxidants. It can prevent the damage which the free radicals do to the healthy cells of the body. Coupledwith the fact that three lignans found in flex seeds have a direct bearing on the hormonal balance of the body. It would mean that hormone related malfunctions are less likely to occur as the body is functioning smoothly.

8. Crohn’s disease

Thoughwe have thrown light on most of the gastrointestinal benefits with flaxseed oil. Crohn’s disease affects a majority of people in this world. A research on flaxseed oil has shown a positive impact between the intestinal tract and the inflammation associated with the colon.

Read More: Health Benefits of Flaxseed for Babies

9. Post-menopausal

Once a woman touches menopause, the body is prone to massive changes. Estrogen is the hormone that alters the balance and the liganins in flaxseed oil have a definite say. It helps the women to cope much better and to minimize the fluctuations of Estrogen in their bodies.

10. Inflammation

Flaxseed oil is embedded with anti-inflammatory properties and it would mean various types of inflammation in the body are prevented. Serious health ailments like arthritis are flushed out with pain of the joints or legs. As it works out to be an anti-inflammation product, so ensure that it part of your diet if you encounter such conditions.


11. Increase the nutritional value

Flaxseed consumed in a meal does increase the value of nutritional foods associated with it. When you mix the oil to yoghurt it does help to emulsify it, improving metabolism and digestion of the body

To conclude, most of the health care experts consider flaxseed oil to be healthy oil for consumption, but there is still a lot of research left on the subject. The chances of bleeding do reduce as it is a vasodilator. After surgery wounds also heal pretty quickly. The fact is that it is still a topic of debate on whether women should consume flaxseed oil during nursing or pregnancy. One of the main reasons could be that the hormonal contributions of this oil could be dramatic and the effects are not full proof.

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