Vitamin K during Pregnancy: 7 Facts


Your diet chart undergoes remarkable changes during pregnancy. Nutritious refined foods are included in the diet, which are capable of providing health benefits to both the mother and the baby. When you think of the vitamins for pregnancy, Vitamin K turns out to one of the most important nutrients for your body. The vitamin helps the blood to clot, preventing excess drainage of blood. Evidently, it is necessary for wounds to heal. During pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare the body for labor. Besides, the body needs to recover back to the normal conditions. Doctors recommend foods containing Vitamin K to would-be mothers. Here are seven facts about Vitamin K during pregnancy that you should know.

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7 Important Facts of Vitamin K during Pregnancy

Your pregnancy diet and Vitamin K

You can consult with your doctor regarding the diet to include vitamin K in it. The vitamin is fat-soluble, which makes it possible to store it up in the liver. The body can use this whenever the need arises. You will find the nutrient in foods like milk, yoghurt, milk, spinach and kale.

You can cook Vitamin K

The nutritional value of Vitamin K remains intact even if you cook it. A number of foods lose their value when they are cooked. However, you can cook the foods containing vitamin K and try out variations with the recipes. Green vegetables, spinach, collard greens and other leafy vegetables contain substantial amounts of this nutrient. You can incorporate these foods in your lunch to maintain a constant supply of Vitamin K in your body.

It is necessary for the mother as well as the baby

The role of Vitamin K is to help the blood to clot. In case of caesarean birth, the wound should stop bleeding after a certain time. The deficiency of Vitamin K leads to incessant bleeding, leading to infections at times. Besides, when the wound is dressed, Vitamin K helps it to heal quickly. Although babies rarely suffer from deficits of Vitamin K, the lack of this vitamin in their body may turn out to be risky, particularly in case of operations just after the birth. In these cases, the vitamin K injections are given to the children.

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Vitamin K assists healthy bone formation

Apart from helping the blood to clot, Vitamin K helps in the formation of healthy bones in the children. Although calcium performs the primary task of bone development, Vitamin K, too, has a role to perform. Children get strong bones and teeth when the mother takes enough quantities of Vitamin K. Evidently, you can realize the importance of vitamins for pregnancy in the diet chart.

vitamin k facts

The Vitamin is needed for the formation of proteins

Another important role of Vitamin K is that it assists the formation of proteins in the liver. During pregnancy, the need for protein in the body of the mother increases, as the foetal growth depends on the supply of proteins. Doctors recommend protein-rich food to pregnant women. A part of this protein is formed in the liver. Vitamin K helps the protein formation process, which enables the mother to give birth to a healthy child.

A variety of foods contain Vitamin K

You can incorporate Vitamin K in your diet through a variety of foods. Vegetable oils, including soya oil,are good sources of Vitamin K. You may also try out green leafy vegetables like watercress. Consume substantial amounts of dairy products and meat. Cereals too, contain good amounts of this vitamin. Being one of the most vital vitamins for pregnancy, Vitamin K should find a place in your food chart.

Vitamin K prevents the development of cholestasis

Cholestasis is a condition that develops during the third trimester during pregnancy.  Under this condition, the hormones cause disruption in the bile flow to the gallbladder. It may lead to fatigue, depression, loss of appetite or itching. The color of urine turns dark urine during this process. Vitamin K can help you to improve the condition and restore the normal functioning of your system.

Vitamin K preforms maintains the normal functioning of the body in a number of ways. You Should have sufficient amounts of this nutrient in your diet during pregnancy. It will help the wounds to heal and assist the body to recover faster after your childbirth.


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