8 Ways To Protect Your Baby From Flu This Monsoon


Flu is the most common ailment during the monsoon and winter seasons. It is usually caused by the influenza virus and is highly contagious, with the virus attacking the upper and lower respiratory system. While it may seem awfully similar to cold, flu is a hundred times worse and you may want to see a doctor as soon as possible. But how would you differentiate between the two? So, let’s learn a little about them!

Read More: Flu Vaccination For Kids:Ultimate Guide

Cold vs Flu

Common cold spreads like wildfire in winters! The symptoms include a sore throat, runny nose, congestion, and sneezing. It usually lasts for a few days, a week at most before subduing by itself. (Thank god for immunity!)

However, flu is much more terrible and painful. High fever, headaches, muscle and body aches along with a sore throat, congestion, fatigue, are just a few evils. Children, additionally suffer from diarrhea and nausea. In some unfortunate cases, flu may result in something more complicated such as pneumonia if not treated in the right time.

Read More: 11 Home Remedies to Treat Stomach Flu in Children

How To Protect Your Baby From Flu?

Newborns and infants are more susceptible to flu, which could translate to and pneumonia or hay fever. Therefore, you should always be hawk-eyed when it comes to protecting children from illnesses. As we mentioned earlier, the influenza virus is highly contagious and it affects children easily because of their underdeveloped immune system. Here are eight tips you can follow to shield your baby from the flu.


8 Tips To Protect Your Baby From Flu This Monsoon

1. Vaccination

It is very important to get your child vaccinated as per schedule. There is vaccination available for flu, and as soon as monsoon hits, you can consult your doctor about it and get the vaccination done for the baby. Usually, an ounce of it is given through an injection or as a squirt in the nose. This vaccine will build your child’s immunity and prepare their bodies against flu viruses.

2. Keep the distance

It is quite common that a lot of people fall sick during monsoons and winters. If someone from your family or friends is down with the flu or cold, ask them to keep their distance. Children can acquire the virus easily from them through physical contact so it is better to be cautious about it till they’re back to their healthy selves.

3. Avoid crowds

It’s never wise to take your children to crowded places. Either take your own vehicles or use a private cab or taxi, as far as possible. The pollution and the shared limited place will only make things worse. Anywhere saliva, mucus, or body fluids can come in contact with you or your child is a no-zone for you.

Protect Your Baby From Flu This Monsoon

4. Sharing isn’t caring

Let’s say that sharing isn’t really caring here. Avoid sharing clothes, utensils, toys, or anything at all with each other (Yes! Even within the family), at least time being. This is the usual way how germs spread.

5. Wash hands

Don’t roll your eyes at this one. We know that this is an ancient advice but a powerful one, nonetheless. Always wash your hands before eating or drinking. Carry hand sanitizer with you at all time. Make sure you also use the sanitizer or the hand wash after playing with your pets too. Thirty seconds is all it takes to wash those harmful germs and viruses off!


6. Stay healthy

Healthy habits always pay off. Avoid street food and junk. Give your child a healthy amount of nutrition and always keep the bowls and plates clean. Make them rest for at least ten hours every day. Encourage them to play so they get enough amount of the physical activity. All these things will help in building the immunity of your tiny one.

7. Away with sneezing and coughing

Educate your child about how diseases spread and how they can be prevented. Ask them to stay away when someone is sneezing or coughing. Explain to them that flu causing germs are usually transmitted through sneezing and coughing, and also nurture them with social etiquette, so they’ll cover their mouth when they sneeze/cough.

8. Proper hygiene

This again plays a huge role in the overall health of a person. Teach your kid about personal hygiene and encourage them to practice healthy habits. If you are the parent of an infant, always wash your hands before and after feeding them, changing the diaper, and cleaning their nose. You could use sanitized wipes as a precaution.

However small all these may seem, these changes in lifestyle make a huge difference in the end. Since the immune system of toddlers and infants isn’t developed like that of adults’, they need extra care to fight off diseases. Therefore, always be alert and careful with your habits around your children. Do remember, prevention is always better than cure!

Read More: Swine Flu Symptoms, Precautions and Treatments in Children
