50 Baby Shower Ideas For Boys


Baby shower is one of those big time celebrations that approve the arrival of the baby. It’s that time, when the “news” is sometimes officially announced and all your friends and family members, relatives or colleagues would all attend the party and congratulate you and shower you with so many gifts. Well, here some of the ideas or themes to go ahead with, if you’re expected cute little Superboy.

Read More: 31 Unique Baby Shower Favours Your Friends Would Love

Baby Shower Ideas for Boys

Here are some of the themes or ideas for boys baby shower

Stork Delivering Baby: This theme, as we know is associated with an old legend that storks drop babies through chimneys of homes where newly married couples wish to have babies. This theme would make the baby shower party interesting.

Stork Baby Theme
Stork Baby Theme

Source: Baby Shower Ideas.info

Popeye The Sailorman: Most of us grown up watching Popeye when we were young. And what a great way to remember your childhood hero with a theme dedicated for your baby boy. May your son grow as strong as Popeye!

Popeye The Sailorman Theme
Popeye The Sailorman Theme

Source: Dreamers Joy.com

Star Wars Jedi Theme: If you’re a sci-fi fan and you want a theme based on one, what can be better than Star Wars? Throw a Star Wars based baby shower party for your baby boy.

Star Wars Theme
Star Wars Theme

Source: Babble.com

Little Gentleman Theme: This theme is for your little gentleman who is about to enter this world. The party space is decorated with all the quintessential things associated with a gentleman and his wardrobe.

Little Gentleman Theme
Little Gentleman Theme

Source: Spaceship And Laser Beams.com

Baby Under Construction: An engineering geek would love this theme or idea of baby shower. Have poster highlighting the theme ‘Baby Under Construction’ and decorate the party space with construction themed decoratives.

Baby Under Construction Theme
Baby Under Construction Theme

Source: A Little Something Lovely.com

Under Construction Baby Theme
Under Construction Baby Theme

Source: Zazzle.com

Cowboy Theme: Here’s one theme you don’t want to miss for your baby boy. Make a Cowboy theme, if you want to have a different baby shower from the rest of the baby shower themes.

Cowboy Baby Shower Theme
Cowboy Baby Shower Theme

Source: Hative.com

Watch Video: 50 Baby Shower Ideas For Boys


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Football Baby Shower Theme: It is perhaps the dream of most boys to get into their school or college football team. And, one of the best ways to dream about your son becoming a football player is by making a theme of football for his baby shower.

Football Baby Shower Theme
Football Baby Shower Theme

Source: mommynoire.com

Baseball Theme: Football reminds us of another very popular game for boys, baseball. You cant figure a boy growing up without baseball or football. And here’s a theme to celebrate one of his future dreams of playing baseball.

Baseball Boy Baby Shower Theme
Baseball Boy Baby Shower Theme

Source: Etsy.com

Sports Theme: Here’s one theme where every outdoor sport has been taken and a boy’s baby shower theme has been designed.

Sports Baby Shower Theme
Sports Baby Shower Theme

Source: Pinterest.com


Boys Rock Theme: Here’s another good baby shower theme for your boy. Dreaming of a rock star taking shape inside of you? Then, you might want to consider this theme.

Boys Rock Baby Shower Theme
Boys Rock Baby Shower Theme

Source: Babble.com

It’s A Boy Theme: This is a simple boy baby shower theme. It can be easily made with decorative items that can be usually found at home.

Its A Boy Theme
Its A Boy Theme

Source: Pinterest.com

Oh Boy!: This is also another simple theme for a boy’s baby shower. Just like the “It’s a Boy” theme, even this theme does not require too much of preparation. Few decorative items at your disposal can be better.

Oh Boy Baby Shower Theme
Oh Boy Baby Shower Theme

Source: Zsepa.com


Little Man Moustache: Welcome your baby boy with a theme of little man moustache. Decorate the party space with ‘stache styled goodies and sugar cookies.

Mustache Baby Shower Theme
Mustache Baby Shower Theme

Source: Kara’s Party Ideas.com

Monster Theme: Welcome your cute little monster baby with Monsters themed baby shower. For this theme, you’ll decorative items such as googly eyes, plastic and paper cups and color them as you wish.

Monster Boy Baby Shower Theme
Monster Boy Baby Shower Theme

Source: Kara’s Party Ideas.com

Minion Theme: The best part about Despicable Me were the Minions and we all love them, don’t we? Why not use the Minion idea for baby shower theme?

Minion Baby Shower Idea
Minion Baby Shower Idea

Source: Spaceships And Laser Beams.com


Storybook Theme: A storybook is going to be your son’s and your best friend for few years to come. Storybooks are the best thing that can happen to your son. And it is not a bad idea to welcome your son with a storybook themed baby shower.

Book Themed Baby Shower
Book Themed Baby Shower

Source: Your Home Based Mom.com

Super Hero Theme: We all want our babies to be superheroes, right? Though it is just a dream, yet there is no hard and fast rule that can stop us from having a baby shower party with a Super Hero theme. Think of your favorite superhero and make a theme of it for your baby boy.

Superhero Baby Shower Theme
Superhero Baby Shower Theme

Source: Etsy.com

Pea In the Pod: This is a different kind of baby shower theme or idea. The theme, as you know is a pea growing in a pod. And it is centered around green peas.

Pea In The Pod Theme
Pea In The Pod Theme

Source: The Cake Blog.com


Space Invaders: If you’re a fan of the old Space Invaders game, then you’ll love the idea of Space Invaders theme, perhaps. Here’s how the theme would look like.

Space Invaders Theme
Space Invaders Theme

Source: Pop Sugar.com

Breakfast Theme: Generally, baby shower parties are followed by heavy lunches. But, you could do this differently with a light breakfast themed party on a bright sunny day.

Sunny Breakfast Theme
Sunny Breakfast Theme

Source: Pop Sugar.com

Blue Oreo Theme: Have a baby shower party with blue Oreo cookies suggesting that it is a boy. This theme requires you to color Oreo cookies with blue food color half way and place them on a cake.

Blue Oreo Cookies Theme
Blue Oreo Cookies Theme

Source: Pinterest.com


Baby Elephant Theme: For this theme you decorate the party space and the cake with your favorite animal. Here’s an example of a baby elephant being put on the cake and it is so cute.

Baby Elephant Theme
Baby Elephant Theme

Source: Pinterest.com

BMX Bike Theme: Here’s another sports based theme and this is also every boy’s dream. Riding a bike. Have your boy’s baby shower theme based on this idea.

BMX Bike Theme
BMX Bike Theme

Source: Etsy.com

Bikes Theme
Bikes Theme

Source: Etsy.com

Motorcycle Theme: We talked about BMX bikes and can we miss the one favorite thing that boys love to do. Yeah, that’s right, it’s riding a motorcycle. It’s almost natural for a guy to fall in love with a motorcycle. So, here’s a theme based on motorcycles.

Motorcycle theme
Motorcycle theme

Source: Pinterest.com

Train Theme: Another machine that every boy thoroughly enjoys is the steam engine train. A ride on this vintage train is every boy’s fantasy and not just riding it, but to be on the control panel.

Train Theme
Train Theme

Source: Kara’s Party Ideas.com

Aviator Theme: Here’s another theme which is a continuation of the above themes. Aviator theme signifies a pilot. Particularly, a second world war pilot.

Aviator Theme
Aviator Theme

Source: Karas Party Ideas.com

Lego Theme: Lego is another favorite game that boys love to play indoors. The fascination for Lego blocks is never lost in boys no matter what age they are and they are quite reluctant at admitting it though.

Lego theme
Lego theme

Source: Pinterest.com

Simba, Lion King Theme: We’ve all watched the Lion King movie and boy, little Simba was so cute, right? Here’s a baby shower theme to welcome your cute boy with Simba theme.

Simba Lion King Theme
Simba Lion King Theme

Source:Hostess With The Mostess.com

Bun In the Oven Theme: This theme is one of the most popular themes. And it is very simple as well. All you need to do is to bake as many buns, cupcakes, burritos, rolls, etc and serve them to your guests.

Bun In The Oven Theme
Bun In The Oven Theme

Source: Moms And Munchkins.com

Bugs Bunny Theme: We all love this tough little stinker, right? And what a great way to pay tribute to the very crazy and adorable Bugs Bunny than a baby shower theme on his name.

Bugs Bunny theme
Bugs Bunny theme

Source: Pinterest.com

Looney Tunes Theme: After mentioning Bugs Bunny, can we miss other Looney Tunes characters? No way. Here’s a tribute to some of those characters that we’ve all enjoyed and loved so much.

Looney Tunes Theme
Looney Tunes Theme

Source: Ebay.com

Harry Potter Theme: If we look at contemporary literature and movies, one series which has been an interest for both adults and children alike is Harry Potter. Here’s an idea of incorporating it into your boy’s baby shower theme.

Harry Potter Theme
Harry Potter Theme

Source: Pop Sugar.com

Hot Air Balloon Theme: This is another theme for the adventurous and the free-spirited. This theme requires hot air balloon decorative, cookies, cupcakes, muffins and cake.

Hot Air Balloon Theme
Hot Air Balloon Theme

Source: Kara’s Party Ideas.com

Rubber Duck Theme: Here’s another simple theme about one of the most liked toys by toddlers and children. Rubber duck is one of the most recognized toys and is the favorite among kids during shower.

Rubber Duck Theme
Rubber Duck Theme

Source: Shelley Beatty.com

Cute Owl Theme: Here’s a baby shower theme which consists of a cute owl, flowers and some lovely sweets.

Flower Owl Filled Theme
Flower Owl Filled Theme

Source: Pop Sugar.com

Milkaholic Theme: This is an apt theme for every baby. Every baby is a milkaholic for one year and more. Milk will play an important role in their growth as well. This theme perhaps, reinforces that idea.

Milkaholic Theme
Milkaholic Theme

Source:Hostess With The Mostess.com

Bow Tie Theme: Here’s one theme which defines gentlemen. It is the bowtie. You can decorate the party space with different types of bowties. The cake, sweets, etc can also be made in bowtie shapes.

Bowtie Theme
Bowtie Theme

Source: Kara’s Party Ideas.com

Turtle Theme: Here’s a cute little turtle theme for your boy’s baby shower. Have some cookies and sweets made along with the cake.

Turtle Theme
Turtle Theme

Source: Dnichys Cakes And Cookies.com

Onesie Cookies and Cupcakes: You could prepare onesie cookies and cupcakes for your boy’s baby shower party.

Onesie Cookies
Onesie Cookies

Source: Dnichys Cakes And Cookies.com

Winnie The Pooh Theme: Winnie The Pooh is one of the most liked cartoons and this is one of the best ways to pay tribute to Winnie and his friends.

Winnie The Pooh Theme
Winnie The Pooh Theme

Source: Pop Sugar.com

Bicycle Diaper Cake: You could build a bicycle diaper cake and place a soft toy on it. Place this diaper cake in the middle of the party space.

Bicycle Diaper Cake
Bicycle Diaper Cake

Source: Mamma Pourfemme.it

Rail Engine Diaper Cake: Another diaper cake that could be appropriate for boys is a vintage rail engine. Similar to the above theme, you could place this diaper cake at a prime place in the party.

Rail Engine Diaper Cake
Rail Engine Diaper Cake

Source: Pin Stake.com

Mini Jungle Diaper Cake: Here are some diaper cakes with a theme of jungle animals. These include cute baby elephant, a cute baby giraffe, a monkey, a zebra, a lion and a tiger.

Mini Jungle Diaper Cake
Mini Jungle Diaper Cake

Source: Pinterest.com

Stroller Diaper Cake: Stroller diaper cake is perhaps, one of the standard diaper cakes that has to be had for a baby shower party.

Stroller Diaper cake
Stroller Diaper cake

Source: Baby’s Showernaz.com

Sports Diaper Cake: A diaper cake with sports theme is one good idea, if you are a sports enthusiast, or if you wish that your baby boy will grow up to a player.

Sports Theme Diaper Cake
Sports Theme Diaper Cake

Source: Best Baby Decoration.com

Stork Diaper Cake: Here’s a diaper cake of stork delivering a baby. Relive the stork legend with this diaper cake at your boy’s baby shower.

Stork Diaper Cake
Stork Diaper Cake

Source: Amazon.com

Airplane Diaper Cake: Here is an airplane diaper cake that can be apt for an aviator theme or an airplane theme or a pilot theme.

Airplane Diaper Cake
Airplane Diaper Cake

Source: Yamaha Motorcycles New.net

Cute Puppy Diaper Cake: Make a blue themed diaper cake and decorate it with various baby products and place a cute blue puppy soft toy on top.

Puppy Diaper Cake
Puppy Diaper Cake

Source: Stigmes-zois.gr

Cute Baby Monkey Diaper Cake: Make a diaper cake and decorate it with baby’s toys. On top of the cake place a baby monkey soft toy on top.

Monkey Diaper Cake
Monkey Diaper Cake

Source: Zsepa.org

25 Baby Shower Ideas for Girl
