36 Summer Boredom Busters For Kids


Summer vacations can get longer than you can imagine. Your little one might tend to run out of ideas to keep him/her busy. He/she will get bored. But won’t it be wonderful to avail as much as fifty one options to keep your little one busy, throughout the summer? Check out this exclusive list of ideas and try out these simple fun things to do to make each day of your child’s summer vacation a special one.

These do-it-yourself craft and game ideas are easy and less expensive than the gadgets your child is used to. Not to mention that these ideas are much less harmful. So without further hesitation check the list and follow the simple instructions to gift your child a memorable summer. The list includes all sorts of food fun, activities and craft ideas which you and your little one can both enjoy.

35 Summer Boredom Busters For Children

1. Make a Summer Bucket List

Summer is the perfect time for making plans. You can sit with your child and make out an exclusive ‘Bucket List’ with the plans and places you want to cover this summer. It can be a very engaging exercise as you will let your child think and tell what all things he/she wants to do this summer.

Things You Need

  • A Blank Paper
  • A computer
  • Printer


  • First chalk out the top 20 or fifty things your child wishes to do this summer. This can include activities or places to go.
  • Then type it in computer in a word document. Put check boxes next to each item on the list.
  • Print the paper and paste in on a door or a wall, within the reach of your child.
  • Put a tick mark next to the things which are covered or let your child do it.

This is an engaging exercise and will make your child look out for something. It will help him/her plan in a better manner.


2. Giant Jenga

Playing Jenga itself can be a very appealing game for your child. It will not only increase his/her level of concentration but at the same time will improve on his/her motor skills. Make a giant jenga following these easy steps and play with your child this summer.

Things You Need

  • Enough number of 2×4 boards to be cut into forty eight equal sizes of ten and half inches wooden pieces.
  • Different color of paints.
  • A garden table to play jenga on


  • If you can’t cut the boards yourself then make sure you give it to a lumberyard. Make sure that they cut out forty eight pieces of equal sizes.
  • Try and avoid woods which have large knots or holes.
  • Sand the edges to make them smooth.
  • Paint the ends with different colors to make it look more attractive.

Call your child’s friends and gather in your garden to play this giant jenga and have fun. 

Boredom Busters

3. Fidget Spinner

Is your child lacking concentration or focus? Then make a fidget spinner this summer with him/her. It is easy to make and it will give him/her a homemade toy.


Things You Need

  • Cardboard or several sheets of paper
  • A pokey thing like needle
  • A toothpick
  • Scissors
  • Strong Glue
  • Coins


  • Download a fidget spinner template online and print it
  • Cut the cardboard according to the template shapes.
  • Then make a hole at the center of the shape, just large enough to let the toothpick go through.
  • Cut the toothpick at a length so that the top and the bottom have equal length.
  • Put a round shaped cardboard cover on the top and of the toothpick so that one can hold and rotate it.
  • Paste two or three coins at the ends of the fidget spinner.

See the way your child enjoys the spinning of the fidget spinner.

4. Make a Heart Dye T-Shirt

Making a summer t-shirt is perhaps the best idea to store the memories of your fun time together. Homemade dye t-shirts offers your child to gain first-hand experience in printing. That will be something fun.

Things you need

  • Heart template
  • 2 colors of dye (one red or pink)
  • A completely white t-shirt
  • Washable marker
  • Rubber bands


  • Place the heart template at the middle of the t-shirt and fold it into half.
  • Mist the t-shirt with the help of a spray bottle
  • Fold the shirt in half and place the folded heart on the folded t-shirt.
  • Border the heart with the help of a washable marker.
  • Then place a rubber band along the borders of the heart.
  • Add rubber bands every 3-4 inches along the rest of the t-shirt
  • Dye the heart with red or pink color
  • Then dye the rest of the t-shirt with the second color
  • Wrap it tight and put in a plastic for an entire day
  • Wash and dry

5. Pipe Cleaner Wind Chimes

Make something which you and your child can both notice every day. Making wind chimes with pipe cleaners is really easy and fun.

Things you need

  • Jingle bells
  • Pony Beads
  • Painted stick
  • Pipe cleaner
  • String or ribbon


  • Take a pipe cleaner and wrap it around the ends of the stick. It will take a shape of a semi-circle on the stick.
  • Add beads to the other pipe cleaners with the bells tied at the end.
  • Tie the other pipe cleaners to the initial pipe cleaner which is being tied as a hook to the stick.
  • Tie a ribbon at the middle of the stick and hang it in front of the door.

Listen to the sweet sound of the wind chime together with your child and relish the creation together.

6. Heart & Star Tic Tac Toe

Bring back the memories of your childhood with a game of tic tac toe. The only thing is that instead of pep and paper you can make it something more prominent.

Things you need

  • Paintbrush
  • Pebbles or Stones
  • Paint
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Glue


  • Make a tic tac toe grid using popsicles. Place two vertically and two horizontally.
  • Glue the sticks to make the grid stable.
  • Take ten pebbles and wash them and make them to make them free of dust.
  • Then paint five of them with star and five with heart

Play the fun game with your child and teach him/her the tricks.

7. Pool Noodle Race Tracks

Pool noodle race tracks are really easy to make and your child will have ultimate fun while making and playing with it. Follow these simple steps to create the ultimate fun game with your child.

Things you need

  • Toothpicks
  • Paper or you can use washi tapes
  • Marbles or Hot Wheels or anything that rolls and fits into the pool noodle groove
  • Pool noodle
  • A sharp knife


  • Cut the pool noodle into half by means of the sharp knife. Do it yourself and do not let your child do it.
  • Lay the two pieces side by side and cut the side down.
  • Insert toothpicks through both the pool noodles at 6 to 8 inches gap
  • Now decorate the track with colored flags and banners

Enjoy the amazed face of your child when they see that how pool noodles got converted into a racing track. Run the toy cars or marbles on the track.


8. Horseshoe 

Summer is a time for outdoor games and a great horseshoe throwing game can be great. Paint and design the horseshoes to make it more interesting.

9. Things you need

  • A horseshoe game set
  • A painters tape
  • Testors enamel paint in 4 colors, 2 light or neutral and 2 darker or brighter colors’
  • self etching primer(can be found at auto parts stores)
  • mineral spirits
  • 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper
  • paint brush


  • Tape the upper portion of the horseshoe
  • Spray the primer at the lower ends
  • Apply a lighter color on the ends and let them dry
  • Then tape it further with some part of it still exposed.
  • Paint the exposed part with darker color
  • Remove the tapes to enjoy the design on the horseshoe

10. Make a Crown

Grant the wish of your child to become a prince or a princess by making the ultimate pipe cleaner crown. This simple craft activity will not only engage your child but also will help him/he to have fun.

Things you need

  • Eight pipe cleaners (two of regular length and the other six cut into halves)
  • Beads with holes which are large enough to thread on a pipe cleaner
  • Scissors


  • You will need two lengths of pipe cleaners for making the vase of the crown. Make a hook at the end of the each and tie the two pipe cleaners in the form of a circle.
  • Twist the shorter sections along the longer section in order to secure.
  • Once the base is ready then fold a short pipe cleaner in the shape of a triangle and tie a bead in the tip with a thread.
  • Twist the other two end of the triangle on the base pipe cleaners.
  • Repeat the process till the entire crown is being made.

Put the crown on your child’s head and let him/her relish the royal feeling.


11. A Water Blob

Summer is nothing without some splashes of water. Create a water blob for your child and your friends to enjoy.

Things you need

  • Two pieces of plastic sheeting sized 9’x12’
  • A duct tape


  • Join the sheets with the duct tape.
  • Fill it up with water with the help of a pipe.

Enjoy the sight of your child and his/her friends jumping and slipping on the blob and having the time of their lives

12.  Homemade Bubbles

Bubbles offer a lot of fun for the kids. Homemade bubbles are safer and also fun activities that can be done inside your home also.

Things you need

  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup liquid dish soap
  • 1/8 cup corn syrup
  • large container for mixing
  • a bubble wand


  • Pour all the ingredients expect the bubble wand in a large container
  • Shake it well.
  • Allow the bubbles to settle in
  • Then have fun with the bubble wand

See your child chase the bubbles and having fun.

13. Superhero Crape

Make a superhero crape for your little superhero this summer. He/she will love it and it is really easy to make.

Things you need

  • An old t-shirt
  • Fabric Paints
  • A Sharpie


  • Turn your t-short backwards. So that the back side faces you.
  • Take a ruler and using your sharpie draw a line from the bottom right corner up to the right side of the neck hole.
  • Repeat the same process for the left-hand side of the shirt
  • Now cut along the lines
  • You an empty container or something to create the logo at the center.
  • Paint it and let it dry.

Your child’s superhero crape is ready. Let him/her flutter it with childish pride.


 14. Make Fizzy Ice-Chalks

Ice-chalks are colorful and fun way to enjoy your summer. Give your little one a hand-in experience in this fizzy ice-chalk making adventure.

Things You Need

  • Corn Starch
  • Baking Soda (optional)
  • Water
  • Liquid Watercolors or Food Coloring (water colors produce much more vibrant chalk)
  • Ice Cube Trays or Similar


  • Feel each ice cube slots with 30% baking soda and 40% corn starch.
  • Sprinkle few drops of water color in each of them.
  • Let them freeze for 4-6 hours

Let your child spray the magic chalks in your backyard and see the colors flood.

15. Organize a Water Balloon Fight:

Water balloons are fun during summer. Allow your child to go a little crazy by arranging a water balloon fight at your backyard.

Things you need

  • Water balloons
  • Colored Waters
  • Spray Pump


  • Fill the tiny water balloons with different colored water.
  • Make everyone wear white-t-shirts
  • Hand different colored water balloons to different people or group
  • Make them throw at each other

The person with most splashes on his/her t-shirt loses the game while the person having the balloons filled with color which was most splashed wins.

16. Dancing Princess

If your child is fond of puppets then this next craft idea would bring a smile on his/her face. Moreover, this will make the most attractive decorations in your house. Your child can also use them to act out stories and this will certainly trigger their imagination.

Things you need

  • Cotton Pipe Cleaners
  • A pair of scissors
  • Cotton Thread
  • Plain or patterned napkins


  • Take two pipe cleaners and bend them both in half.
  • Twist the top portion of one of the pipe cleaners to form the head.
  • Wrap the second piper cleaner on the first one to form the body and the arm.
  • The remaining (untwisted) portion of the first piper cleaner will form the legs.
  • Then crease and twist one of the paper napkins.
  • Cut the tip of the center off. The size of the cut must fit the size of the head.
  • Then open the napkin and cut two small slits, along the neck opening. This will be for the arms.
  • Insert the body made out from pipe cleaners into the napkin, with arms going in first.
  • Tie some cotton thread around the middle to define the shape.

Now your child’s tiny puppet is ready for him/her to play with.


17. Organize a Bike Parade

Summer is the perfect time for outdoor activities and it is the time for you and your kids to enjoy a fun parade. Gather all the kids of your neighborhood and arrange a bike parade.

Things you need

  • Decorations for your child’s bike.
  • Refreshments
  • A white sheet
  • Paint 


  • Write a Poster with Paint stating the time and event of the bike parade in the locality.
  • Gather children and guide them about the arrangement of the parade
  • Tell them to decorate their own bikes
  • Offer them refreshments once they are done

Enjoy the colorful parade executed by the young brigade.

18. Color the fence or the Garage

Sometimes engaging your child in serious stuff also helps them to learn and grow.


Things you need

  • Non-toxic Paint
  • Paint Brush
  • Water


  • Hand him/her a smaller brush and share a color can with your child
  • Mark the area where he/she will paint
  • Teach him/her to stroke the brush and finish the painting

Get the work done and enjoy the success by sharing a soft-drink with your little one.

 19. Lemonade Stand

You can make a lemonade stand for your kids to sell lemonades to the neighbors.

Things You Need

  • A table
  • A standee
  • A blank paper to make poster
  • Paint and marker pains
  • Lemonade
  • Jar
  • Plastic glasses


  • Color the poster by writing “Lemonade for Sale”
  • Paste it to the standee
  • Decorate the table

 Have fun whilst watching how your child is learning to interact with neighbors and keeping track of his/her wee income.

20. Arrange an Aquatic Pool Party

Arrange an aquatic pool party with your child and his/her friends. If you have a backyard pool then it would be a fantastic experience.

Things you need

  • Fancy aquatic creature swimming costume
  • Inflatable water animals


  • Decorate your pool in a underwater theme
  • Gather all your child’s friends and let them enjoy a lovely afternoon.

21. Fine Motor Octopus

Is your little one showing great aptitude for counting? Then this fine motor octopus will be the perfect craft activity which you can do with him/her. It will help him/her learn to count and also at the same time their motor skills will improve as they will try to put in the rigatoni pastas from the legs of the octopus.

Things you need:

  • A White Paper Plate
  • Thinner rigatoni pastas (make sure that they can stay on the pipe cleaners as the wider ones might slip away)
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Markers


  • First draw a face (the face of the octopus) on the white paper plate.
  • Punch the eight holes for the eight legs of the octopus on the bottom half of the rim of the plate.
  • Twist and insert one pipe cleaners in each of the eight holes
  • Encourage your child to insert the rigatoni pastas in the legs of the octopus.

Enjoy how your child finds out how many rigatoni pastas can each leg fit.

22. Play dough Bugs Fossil

Try to do something fun and also educational this summer, with your child. Teach them the meaning of fossils and then create few with them. Surprised? Well please don’t…as these are really simple and fun things to do.

Things you need

  • Plastic toy bugs
  • Play dough


  • Make round balls with play dough
  • Press the plastic bug on the round play dough balls
  • Lift it up once pressed hard enough to leave an impression

Enjoy the imprint with your child and teach them how fossils are actually being created.


23. Summer Coloring Pages

Download and print some coloring pages for your child this summer. Coloring is a very engaging activity and it helps your child to increase concentration and focus.

Things you need

  • Printer
  • A system with internet connection
  • Coloring Crayons


  • Download some choicest blank images to be colored
  • Print them

Keep your child busy with the pages as he/she fills them up with colors.

24. Water Gun Painting

Add more fun to their regular painting activities by making your child use a water gun to color the canvas. Let his/her creativity run wild.

Things you need

  • A blank canvas
  • Water gun
  • Colors
  • Water


  • Mix different colors in different water buckets.
  • Fill the water gun with the colors
  • Spray them on the blank canvas.

Have fun watching your child splash colors of his/her imagination on the blank canvas.

25. Edible Candy Necklace

Does your baby girl have a knack for funky fashion? Then make this adorable and delicious candy necklace.

Things you need:

  • A long cotton string
  • Twine
  • Pretzels
  • Chocolate-covered pretzels (white & dark)
  • Gummy circles
  • Cookies (any with holes in the centre)
  • Cereal (again, with holes in the centre)


  • Insert as many candies as possible within the string
  • Make sure that the heavier ones are at the center while the lighter ones are on both ends.
  • Tie the knot

Enjoy the sight of your daughter wearing a necklace which she can also eat.


26. Pine Cone Weaving

Allow your child to get in touch with the nature this summer by engaging him/her with this wild and beautiful craft activity. It is engaging and is necessary for developing the motor skills of your little one.

Things you need

  • Pine Cones
  • Piper Cleaners/Threads


  • Rinse and clean the pine cones and allow them to dry. This will make the sections open up wide enough for your toddler.
  • Hand your child the pipe cleaners and allow them to wrap it around the gaps of the pine cone.

Your little one will have fun finding out the means to wrap the entire pine cone with one pipe cleaner or two.

27. Homemade Plastic Bag Ice Cream

What is summer without ice creams?  Check out this easy way of making plastic bags ice creams at home.

Things you need

  • Ice Cubes
  • 1 cup of half-n-half
  • Half cup kosher salt
  • Sugar
  • Vanilla extract
  • 2 Ziplock Bags


  • Combine the half-n-half, sugar and vanilla extract in a ziplock bag.
  • Fill the other bag, half with ice cubes
  • Insert the first bag into the other bag.
  • Shake it well

Now enjoy this fun plastic bag ice cream with your child.

28. Human Bubble

Offer your child more pool activities this summer by following these simple steps to enjoy a human bubble.

Things you need

  • A plastic pool
  • Different bubble solutions
  • A hula hoop


  • Make the bubble solution, in the plastic pool, the night before
  • Place the hula hoop in the bubble solution
  • Have your child or his/her friend stand at the center of the pool
  • Make the other children pull the hula hoop up quickly together

Let your child enjoy a surreal experience by being inside a real bubble.


29. String Art Ice Cream Cone

After making real ice creams at home it is time to make a string art ice cream. Not sure how it works? Check out these easy steps

Things you need

  • A downloaded ice cream cone template
  • A hard wooden board
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Colored strings


  • Download and print the ice cream cone template
  • Paste it on the wooden board
  • Nail the borders of the image with a hammer
  • Wind the different colored string across the nails to create a string art.

30. Make a dragonfly craft

If your child gets excited at the sight of a butterfly or a dragonfly, then it is time that you make one for him/her. Join the frolic of this fun-filled craft activity and make your little one a nice dragonfly.

Things you need

  • One blue pipe cleaner
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Two Silver glitter stick
  • Two wiggly eyes
  • 15 translucent pony beads


  • Cut one and a half inch of the blue pipe cleaner and then fold it into half.
  • After inserting one or two beads, twist the end of the pipe cleaner and fold it to prevent the beads from falling.
  • Then keep on adding beads till the end is reached.
  • Keep a gap between the last two beads to accommodate the wings.
  • To make the wings you need to fold the silver glitter stick into half.
  • Twist the end together so that they join them in a circle and then pinch the center, in order to form the oval shape.
  • For the second pair of smaller wings, cut two inches from the other silver glitter stick and repeat the previous step.
  • Stick the larger wings on the opening you have left between the last two blue beads.
  • Repeat the same for the smaller wings, just below the larger ones.
  • Stick the wiggly eyes on the top bead

Now your child can fly it around the house making that buzzing sound and enjoy the craft.

31. Rainbow Colored Paver Hopscotch

Along with the indoor craft games, summer is also a time for the fun outdoor games. Hopscotch is definitely a game which has remained popular for generations. Now follow the steps to create a rainbow colored hopscotch for your child.

Things you need

  • 10 garden pavers of different shapes to make the hopscotch pattern
  • Spray paint
  • White paint


  • Spray paint the garden pavers marking them accordingly with numbers
  • Make the first block Red and the tenth with Violet to imitate a rainbow. You can also reverse the pattern by coloring the first block violet and the tenth with red.
  • Paint the numbers on the garden pavers

See your child play the fun game on a rainbow track and take unlimited snaps.

32. Lawn Twisters

Summer is a time for playing lawn games. Now make your own lawn twisters following these simple steps.


Things you need

  • Spray paint of four different colors


  • Spray paint patches of circular shapes in four different rows, using four different colors.

Enjoy watching your child and his/her friends struggle it out on the colorful twister lawn.

33. Make Your Own Cornhole Game

Summer is the ultimate time for BBQs and outdoor parties. But sometimes addictive indoor game also can keep your child busy.

Things you need

  • large pieces of cardboard
  • two 24 in x 36 in canvases
  • four 8 in blocks of wood
  • paint
  • nails
  • spray paint
  • Mod Podge
  • box cutter
  • hammer
  • pencil
  • painter’s tape
  • plate
  • yard stick
  • paint brush
  • gloves for spray painting


  • First draw a square right at the center of the canvas.
  • Place the plate inside the square and trace it
  • Cut cardboard pieces same size of the canvas and slide it between the canvas and the canvas frame.
  • Use box cutter to cut away the excess bit
  • Measure first and then mark the center of the cardboard
  • Create a diagonal line with the help of the painters tape.
  • Do this on both the sides to create a perfect triangle.
  • Spray paint the canvas. Use any two color of your choice for design. Let them dry and then remove the tape.
  • Apply a thick layer of the Mod Podge on the canvas and then let it dry
  • Nail the wooden legs on the top corners, by using a hammer. Make sure that each legs has got two nails.
  • Repeat the same process to make the second board.

Teach and play this addictive game with your child.

34. Take him/her Out for Fishing

Summers are perfect time for get the father-daughter or father-son bonding. To combat your child’s boredom take him/her to fishing.

Things you need

  • A kid’s fishing rod
  • Bait


  • Teach him/her all about fishing and spend an afternoon or two by the lake.

Fishing improves concentration and focus of your little one.

35. Make a toy Chameleon

This is a cute pipe cleaner figure that you can make with your kids one summer afternoon. It can be your child’s best friend. And the best thing is that you don’t need to feed it or clean up afterwards.


Things you need

  • Pipe cleaners
  • Felt
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  • Start with the head. Make a loop in the middle of the pipe cleaner. (The size and shape of the loop determine the size and shape of the head)
  • Wrap head from neck to nose.
  • Now for the body. Coil a pipe cleaner around a marker to make the body. Slide off once complete. (The fatter the marker you use, the fatter your chameleon is going to be)
  • Leave the tail super long. You will need it for curling
  • Slip pipe cleaners between the coil for legs. Twist to give shape
  • Bend to get knees and feet
  • Cut out a thin pipe cleaner for the chameleon’s tongue
  • Cut eyes out of felt and glue to the head
  • Draw pupils with a permanent marker. Slide tongue into the face, and curl end.

Your kid’s new best friend for the summer is ready.

36. Make Glittered Slime

Does your child like slimy things? This is the perfect opportunity to make him/her some safe and secure glittered slime

Things you need

  • Elmer’s Glitter Glue
  • Cup Water
  • tsp. Borax
  • Tb Water


  • Mix one teaspoon of Borax with one cup of water.
  • Squeeze and empty the glitter glue into a bowl
  • Add one table spoon of water into the glue and mix it well.
  • Pour the previous borax mixture inside this bowl.

Enjoy the magic for witnessing the glitter smiles to form.

With the help of these simple and yet entertaining games, crafts and food fun you can keep your baby engaged for a long time.
