52 Simple Science Experiments For Kids


Some of the science experiments for kids include static bulbs, bouncing egg, homemade rainbow, invisible ink, jumping coins, glowing water, homemade rock candy, tasting food without smell, balloon rocket, coke and mentos experiment, etc and much more.

Science is all around us and can be seen through the simplest of things. Discover the wonderful magic of science with the help of these experiments that are guaranteed to teach kids some basic facts about science and keep them busy for days with their fun and enjoyment. Even the requirements for these little experiments are easily available in and around the house. So grab your lab coat and your goggles because things are about to get scientific!

52 Simple Science Experiments For Children

  1. Lifting ice-cubes

Put an ice-cube in the glass of water. Rest one end of the string on the ice-cube. Sprinkle some salt over the ice-cube and leave for a few seconds. Pull the string upwards to lift the cube out of the glass.

LIfting Ice Cube
Lifting Ice Cube With String

Source: Pinterest

  1. Static Bulbs

Rub a comb with a woolen scarf for 5-10 minutes. Grab a light bulb and place the comb to its metal ends and watch it light up.

Lighting Bulb With Static Electricity
Static Light Bulb

Source: Pinterest

  1. Bouncing Egg

Immerse a boiled egg in a jar of white vinegar. Store in a dark place for 1 week. After a week drain the liquid and wash the egg with water then dry it. Now bounce like crazy.

Egg Immersed in Vinegar
Bouncing Egg

Source: Youtube

  1. Homemade Rainbow

In a glass of water place a mirror at an angle. In a dark room flash a torch at the mirror through the glass to form a rainbow on your palm. Change the mirror’s angle if you like.

Homemade Rainbow Colors
Rainbow Colors At Home

Source: Heathers Moving Castle

  1. Invisible ink

Dip a clean paintbrush/ cotton swab in milk. Write your message on paper and let it dry. Reveal your message by warming it with the heat from a desk lamp.

Homemade Invisible Ink With Lemon
Lemon Invisible Ink

Source: NSA Archive

  1. Jumping Coins

Invert a glass bottle in a cold water container. Put the coin in there too. (It should be slightly bigger than the bottle opening). Let them cool for 15-20 minutes. Take them out and place the coin on the bottle opening, wrap your hands around the bottle’s body and watch the coin jump.

Jumping Coins
Jumping Coins

 Source: Hayes Family

  1. Quick Sand

Mix the maize corn flour and water. Just before using it, stir it as fast as possible, this way the mixture is easy to poke and punch. Otherwise, it will be drippy quicksand.

Quicksand at Home
Homemade Quicksand

Source: Science Mag

  1. Glowing Water

In a dark room shine a black light near some tonic water to see the water glow.

Glowing Water
Water Glowing In Dark

 Source: About.com

  1. Bottle Color Blobs

Fill a clear soda bottle with ¾ cup of water. Now pour some vegetable oil in it. Add food color. Throw in half of a fizzing tablet and enjoy the bubbly art.

Color Blobs in Water Bottle
Color Blobs in Water

Source: Pinterest

  1. Fizz Inflator

Pour vinegar into a bottle. Fill a balloon with baking soda. Stretch the balloon opening over the bottle mouth. Let the soda fall into the vinegar and watch the balloon fill with air from the reaction in the bottle.

Balloon Fizz Inflator
Fizz Inflator for Balloon

Source: Youtube

  1. Milk Patterns

Fill a baking tray with milk. Add a few drops of different food color. (Do not mix). Dip a cotton swab in liquid soap, then dip in the center of the color drops to watch pretty patters emerge.

Color Patterns in Milk
Color Patterns In Milk

Source: Carlton Bloggers

  1. Homemade Rock Candy

Dissolve sugar in boiling water till no more will dissolve. Pour in a glass. Catch a chopstick with a clothes peg. Place the peg on the glass to suspend the chopstick in the liquid.

Rock Candy Made at Home
Homemade Rock Candy

Source: Growing A Jeweled Rose

  1. Potato Stabbing

Hold a straw and jab it into a potato it doesn’t work. Now block one end and jab again. You should be able to pierce it with the straw.

Potato Stabbing
Stabbing a Potato With Straw

Source: Steve Spangler Science

  1. Foamy Fountain

Place a big soda bottle on a baking tray. Fill it with Hydrogen peroxide. Add food color to it and some liquid soap, then swirl around to mix. Combine dry yeast and warm water and pour it into the bottle. In 30 minutes you should have a fancy foamy fountain.

Fountain With Foam
Foamy Fountain

Source: Youtube

  1. Water Bending

Charge up a plastic comb with some static electricity by rubbing it against your hair. Bring it close to a water stream from a tap to make the straight flow bend.

Bending Water With Static Electricity
Bending Water With Static Electricity

Source: Prime Time PBC

  1. Floating paper-clip

In a bowl of water place a dollar bill sized piece of tissue. Place a paper clip on top of it. With the eraser end of a pencil sink the tissue, leaving the paper-clip afloat.

Floating Paperclip
Floating Paperclip in Water

Source: Robinage

  1. Shiny Pennies

In a bowl of white vinegar mixed with a tablespoon of salt place 5 pennies. Fish them out and rinse for shiny pennies.

Shiny Pennies
Shining Pennies with Vinegar

Source: Mom 2 Posh Lil Divas

  1. Magic Balloon

Charge an inflated balloon with static electricity. Place an empty soda can on a flat surface. Now bring the balloon near the can and watch the can automatically roll towards the balloon.

Balloon Attracting Soda Can
Balloon Attracting Soda Can

Source: Suzy Homeschooler

  1. Dry ice

Add a little water in a bowl of dry ice. With a cloth soaked with soapy water create a bubble film over the mouth of the bowl. The bubble will slowly grow in size.

Dry Ice Bubble
Bubble With Dry Ice And Soap

 Source: Instructables

  1. Soda Eruptions

Do this outside because it will get messy. Uncap a big bottle of Coke and leave it on the ground. Drop into the bottle half a pack of Mentos in one go. Now run to a safe distance away from the experiment to watch a gorgeous eruption of bubbling fizz.

Coke And Mentos
Coke and Mentos Experiment

Source: Navigating By Joy


Bottled Tornado

In a bottle around 3 quarters full of water, add liquid dish soap. Dust in a little glitter for better visibility. Cap the bottle tightly, turn it upside down and whirl it around in circular motions for a few seconds. Pause your movement to see a tornado up close.

Bottled Tornado
Tornado In a Bottle

Source: Tornado Tube

  1. Testing Expansion

Stretch the open end of a balloon over the mouth of a bottle. Now place the bottle in a pot of boiling water. In a few minutes the balloon should start inflating.

Expansion of Balloon On Bottle
Testing Expansion of Balloon

Source: Physics Central

  1. Defying Gravity

Fill a glass to the brim with water. Place a cardboard on top of the glass without leaving any air bubbles inside. Turn the glass upside down and remove the hand holding the cardboard in place.

Water Defying Gravity
Gravity Defying Glass of Water

Source: Steve Spangler Science

  1. Amplify Sound

Blow up a balloon and knot its end. Hold it against your ear. Tap the side of the balloon away from you to hear a loud amplified sound.

Amplify Sound With Balloon
Amplify Sound With Balloon

Source: Kiddie Science Blog

  1. Egg in a Bottle

Take a bottle with a narrow opening. Light a piece of newspaper with matches and drop it in the bottle. Quickly place a hardboiled egg on top of the bottle’s opening to have it sucked into the bottle.

Egg In a Bottle Experiment
Pulling Egg Into a Bottle

Source: Youtube

  1. Homemade Glue

You will need to pour one cup all purpose flour in a container. Add half a cup of water to it. Mix well to avoid lumps and till you get a pasty consistency. Try it out on some newspaper or the kind of paper you would like to glue together.

Glue Made at Home
Homemade Glue

Source: Wikihow

  1. Balloon Rocket

Get a long piece of string. Secure one end to a wall or pole with tape and leave the other loose. Now blow a balloon and hold the end to avoid the air from escaping. Tape a straw to the balloon. Pass the thread through the straw now release the balloon for an air powered rocket.

Homemade Rocket With Ballon
Rocket Propelled by Balloon

Source: Broogly

  1. Bendy Bones

Save a chicken bone after dinner and rinse it clean. Try bending it you won’t be able to because it’s pretty strong. In a glass jar, place the bone and fill it with vinegar covering the bone completely. Cover the jar and leave it for 3 days. After 3 days you will be able to bend the bone easily.

Bending Bones With Vinegar
Bones Soaked in Vinegar

Source: Youtube

  1. Colorful Flowers

Take a white carnation and snip 1 centimeter off the end. In a glass mix a good amount of food color in water. Place the flower in the solution and leave it for a day to give it a new appearance. For double colored flowers split the stalk. Then place each half in two different color solutions.

Coloring Carnation Flowers
Coloring Carnation Flowers

Source: Teaching Science Well

  1. Tiny Hovercraft

Grab an old CD and secure a liquid soap pop-top cap to its center. Inflate a balloon and pinch its end to avoid air escaping. Stretch the balloon over the pop-top cap. Release it over a smooth surface to see it hover.

Hovercraft With Old CD
Hovercraft With Old CD

Source: Youtube

  1. Dancing Ghost

Draw a tiny ghost on paper and cut it out. Charge an inflated balloon with static. Bring it close to your tiny ghost and watch it dance.

Dancing Ghost
Dancing Ghost With Static Electricity

Source: Science Bob

  1. Floating Ping-Pong Ball

Connect a hair dryer to a power outlet and switch it on to high. Place a ping-pong ball over the stream of air to make it float.

Floating Ping Pong Ball
Floating Ping Pong Ball

Source: Prop Tricks Wonder How To

  1. Pricking Balloons

Inflate a balloon. Now hold it vertically and prick it with a knitting needle through and through, without popping it.

Pricking Balloon Without Popping
Pricking Balloon Without Popping

Source: Science Wonder How To

  1. Will it Overflow #1

Fill a glass with warm water till the brim. Now carefully place an ice-cube in it without causing you movements to spill it. Once the ice melts will the water overflow?

  1. Will it Overflow #2

In a glass of water filled to the brim add a tablespoon of salt. Did it overflow?

  1. Exothermic reaction

Pour vinegar over steel wool placed in a beaker. Leave for a minute. Remove the steel wool and drain it. Check its temperature with a thermometer.

Exothermic Reaction
Exothermic Reaction With Vinegar and Steel Wool

Source: Experiland

  1. Bending Objects in a Glass

Place a straw in filled half way with water. Observe it from the point where it enters the water, it appears to have bent there.

Bending Of Objects in Glass
Bending Objects in a Glass

Source: smsm2a2012

  1. Taste Without Smell

Ask a friend to close their nose and have them eat a piece of raw potato or onion and apple. Could they tell the difference?

Taste Without Smell
Taste Without Smell
  1. Germination

Fill a container with some soil. Choose a seed and plant it in the container. Water it every day and observe the gradual sprouting of a seed.

Seed Germination
Germination of Seeds Experiment

 Source: A Growing Tradition

  1. Colors Absorbing Heat

Take two glasses; wrap one in black paper and one with white paper. Fill them with the same amount of water. Leave them in the sunlight for a while, then check the temperature in each glass. Which has the highest temperature?

Colors Absorbing Heat
Experiment to Test Colors Absorbing Heat

Source: Dr Diana Teacher Training

  1. Fizzy Lemonade

Mix some lemon juice and an equal amount of water. Stir in some baking soda for fizz and add sugar for sweetness.

Fizzy Lemonade
Fizzy Lemonade With Baking Soda

Source: Elaine Vickers

  1. Freezing Water

Fill one cup with hot water and one with cold. Place them in the freezer. Every 15mins check on them. Which freezes faster?

Hot Water Vs Cold Water Freezing
Testing Hot and Cold Water Freezing

Source: Visualizing Chemistry Ashley

  1. Making Rain

With an adult’s help boil water in saucepan. Now hold a tray of ice just above the steaming pan to see it rain indoors.

Indoor Rain Experiment
Making Rain Indoor

 Source: I Can Teach My Child

  1. Magnet Chains

With a magnet grab a paper-clip. Grab another one with end of the paperclip attached to the magnet. See how low the chain will get.

Magnet Paperclip
Attracting Paperclips With Magnet

Source: Dijital Imaj

  1. Making Magnets

Rub a magnet along a paper clip a couple of times. Now try to attract another paper-clip with your new magnet.

Magnetizing Paperclips
Magnetizing Paperclip

Source: Instructables

  1. String Phone

Pierce the ends of 2 paper cups. Thread a string through them and knot the ends. You should have 2 cups attached by string to their mouths facing outwards. When the string is taut one person can speak and the other can listen through the cups at the string’s ends.

Paper Cup Phone Homemade
Phone With Paper Cups and String

Source: Ether Live

  1. Cooling Drinks

Cover a can or a glass bottle with wet paper towels and put them in the fridge to cool faster.

Soda Bottle Paper Towel Cooling
Soda Bottle Paper Towel Cooling

Source: John R Leeman

  1. Bread Mold

Bag 15 slices of bread and keep them in different locations, like the freezer, refrigerator, at a warm place. Pick a location for each. After a 5-10 days see which location encourages mold to grow the fastest.

Types of mold growing on bread
Mold Growing on Bread

Source: IZA 8389

  1. Testing Surface Tension

In a bowl of water, sprinkle pepper. Dip a cotton swab in liquid soap, then in the center of the bowl. The soap reduces the water’s surface tension, resulting in patterns.

Testing Surface Tension
Testing Surface Tension With Pepper


  1. Fire needs Oxygen

Light a candle and cover it with a glass jar. What happens as the oxygen inside runs out?

Fire Needs Oxygen (Candle Under Jar)
Fire Needs Oxygen (Candle Under Jar)

Source: Youtube

  1. Under Water Candle

Place a candle in a large tumbler filled with water and place a glass jar over the candle before lighting it. Watch what happens when the candle shuts off.

Candle in a Jar With Water
Candle in a Jar With Water

Source: Steve Spangler Science


     52. Cleaning with Lemons

Lemon juice is excellent for removing stains, grease and stink. Squeeze a lemon and apply its juice on stains in the bathtub, greasy pans and the sink. After a few minutes, wipe it with a paper towel and check the results.

Cleaning With Lemon
Cleaning With Lemon

Source: Goods Home Design

Few safety precautions:

Before attempting any of these science experiments, please make sure that your kids put on safety glasses, gloves, etc, especially with experiments dealing with dry ice. Dry ice must not be touched by bare hands nor it should be placed on the skin. Also, be very careful with experiments that involve fire. Keep fire extinguisher and a bucket of cold water at hand, while doing any experiments with fire. The best way is to not to let your kids do any fire experiments. Instead, you show the experiments yourself.
