101 Popular Hungarian Baby Names with Meaning


Traditional Hungarian names are written with the family name, or the last name first, and the given name second. Due to this unique naming system, parents looking for Hungarian inspired names can choose from both family names and classic given names. If you are looking for striking and unusual names for American eyes, here are appealing alternatives if you like name spellings with a twist.

hungarian baby names with meaning

Hungarian Boy Names with Meaning

Name Meaning
Aba Father
Adelbert Bright or noble
Agoston Hungarian form of Gustaaf ‘staff of gods’
Andor Manly
Arpad Wanderer
Asztrik Made from ashenwood
Bajnok Victor
Becse The kite
Bela Nickname for Albert ‘noble’
Bence Blessed
Beriszl Honor
Bod Branck
Bodi God bless the king
Bodor Curly
Botond Mace wielding warrior
Csaba From mythology, shepherd, wanderer
Cseke Puller, carrier
Csepel Young forest
Csongor Hunting bird
Dacso God judges
Deco Lord
Deli Warrior
Egyed Shieldbearer
Endre Manly
Ervin Mariner
Farkas Wolf
Folkus People, famous
Frigyes Peace, might
Gara Goshawk
Gazsi Protects the treasure
Gedeon Warrior, devastator
Gergo Watchful
Gyala Youthful
Gabor Hungarian form of Gabriel
Imre Innocent
Jozsef Hungarian form of Joseph ‘God is gracious’
Kalman Strong and manly
Kardos Swordsman
Kartal Eagle
Keve Pebble
Laszlo Famous ruler
Lipot Brave
Menyhert Royal light
Miksa Similar to God
Odon Wealthy protector
Ormos Like a cliff
Oseb pious
Pista Victorious
Solyom Falcon
Vidor Happy
Zsa Zsa Rose, lilly

Hungarian Girl Names with Meaning

Name Meaning
Anna Grace
Csenge To ring
Dorina Gift of God
Jazmin Flower name
Lilla To envy
Luca Light
Margit Pearl
Nora Honour
Zoe Life
Zsofia Wisdom
Agnes Chaste
Gizella Pledge
Iren Peace
Roza Rose
Terez Summer/harvest
Zsuzsaanna Lilly
Magda Tower
Etel Little
Irmuska Universal
Izidora Gift of Isis
Jolanka Good girl
Tunder Fairy
Fruzsina Merriment
Jozsa God will add
Marta The lady
Orsolya Little bear
Blanka Educator Teleki; white
Eszter Engineer Pecsi; Star
Sass Explorer Flora; Eagle
Sena Singer Dagadu; Moon
Szandra Designer Sandor; Defending men
Veres Educator Palne; Red
Vilma Doctor Hugonnai: Desire to protect
Felicitas Good luck
Klotild Famous battle
Judit Jewish woman
Piroska Ancient/red
Aliz Kind
Ilona Beautiful, sunshine
Lizanne A bright glowing ornament
Marika A restless, rebellious woman
Marishka A sea of heartbreak and bitterness
Rebeka A trapping, baiting woman
Szonja A woman who is wise
Tica A harvester, one who harvest
Tizane A gypsy
Timea Cheerfulness or the good spirits
Res A red-headed woman
Zigana Gypsy girl
Zizi Dedicated to god
