The Only Tip That Will Make Travelling with Kids 10x Easier


For first-time mothers, it can be difficult to travel with kids to the point that you’re no longer enjoying the moments. To tell you, travel with kids doesn’t have to be cumbersome. When you know what to do when a particular issue arises, everything else comes easy. If you ever experience airport meltdowns and motion sickness, travelling with kids can sometimes feel like hell to you. The good news is that there are ways to make travelling way much easier for you.

Luckily we live now in millennial years where newly created genius gadgets and baby equipment are available in the market. They come in different designs, and prices and all of them are worth it as long as you invested in the right products. Modern parents nowadays have the luxury of making travelling much easier compared to the times before.

Though it’s not magically putting a pad under your baby’s hands and everything will be much a fun travelling experience, but rather you have to get a picks that will help your travelling experience to be much tolerable. Just kidding, your travelling experience would be fun with these effective tips.

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Tips to Make Travelling with Kids More Easier

travelling with kids

The #1 tip revealed

Be prepared. The Holy Grail to make travelling easy with kids simply prepared. You have close to little ideas on how? No worries, we got you covered, and P.S. don’t ever feel alone, I was in the same boat as you month ago before I was able to take an upturn in my learning curves.


Here are the things that you need to prepare to make your travel with your adorable kids much easier.

Hooded towel

Don’t go for hooded towels that are too big and has a rough texture. Remember that your kid’s skin is very fragile which means that it requires care from parents. You have to look for a hooded towel that is super soft and extremely absorbent. It must be something that dries quickly; you don’t have the luxury of time for a towel to dry when you need it.

My favorite towel is the swanky poncho towels. They pass all the needed criteria for a kid’s towel, and it is such a huge plus that it comes with pockets that can be worn double as an outfit.

Travel snack boxes

As parents, we don’t want our kids to eat in the car and get all messed up because we want to keep them tidy and as neat as possible. However, that may not become possible since some kids get easily hungry since they tend to move a lot and I’m quite you don’t want your kids to be consuming fast foods you can find in a gas station’s store, right?

It will be wiser if you invest in travel snack boxes that will keep snacks for your children available all the time. It’s such a huge plus that they will have sweet travel without getting hungry. Trust me; travel snack boxes are best to keep your children’s mood to be happier, I know because it did for me. There’s nothing more distracting than driving to the location and have, “Mom! I am hungry”, “Mom, do you have a sandwich?” “Can we stop for awhile and grab something to eat” as background music.

Moreover, trust me, kids get louder and louder all the time when they’re needs are not attained. Also, I understand that all they know is that they’re hungry and they need something to eat. To protect your kid’s from being messy while eating, you can place a mat and towel around their neck, so they will still be tidy after eating.


Kids will also feel more accountable when they have own lunch boxes they can call their own. It is such a huge plus that travel boxes help in organizing your kid’s foods. There are many designs that you can choose from which is great.

Crayola markers and paper set

Especially when you need to travel for long hours. It’s way much easier for your kids to get bored. You can get them a travel art kids that will entertain them until you arrive at your destination. Make sure that the product you get is 100% “mess-free” which means that the marker will not create a mark on the face or the shirts.

Kid-approved travel toothbrushes

It’s extremely for your kids to keep with hygiene even when they are travelling. There are many kid-approved travel toothbrushes that you can check on the market. These are made to be lightweight and portable. You can fold them into smaller sizes which makes it easier to keep. A travel version of toothbrushes does not only look cute but comes with a reusable pouch which makes it easier for you to look for them.

Asleep mat

There are times when your baby or your toddler can’t sleep, maybe they’re not familiar with the place, and they used to feel safe on their crib. The techie sleep mat will help your baby to fall asleep with gentle sounds and gentle motions. What’s the good thing about it is that you can take where ever you go for successful sleep.

Soothing mat

Don’t forget your soothing mat as well. This type of product comes within different travel sizes that you can choose from. It keeps your baby to feel comfortable throughout the journey without having you to soothe him from time to time.

Portable booster seat

A booster seat can be folded and can be fit on a carry-on bag. As you can tell, this can make your travelling experience 10x easier. It is such a huge plus that portable booster seats keep your young kids safe during travel which is great.


Classic games

It’s important that you have some travel-size games that your kids can grab during your journey, so your children can turn to something when they are bored. As much as possible go for something that will entertain your kids and at the same time provide them with some good learnings.

Dropper stopper

Babies and kids love to play with their sippy cup or their favorite toy during travel, so it’s important that you buy a dropper stopper. It keeps the toy attach to their hands so when they attempt to throw it, it will not get off their hands. It’s dangerous for you to drive then suddenly a toy thrown at you. A dropper stopper purposely invented for this purpose, your baby will be able to enjoy the travel and will keep entertained while you can drive safely.


If you two babies or two kids to look after and they have two similar sippy cups, it can be difficult for you distinguish which Joe owns and which John owns so that labels might be a great help for you. You can also use this on bottles, which is great.

Just make sure that when you are choosing a label, it must be something that is dishwasher-safe and microwave safe. Completely waterproof labels will last longer. Not to mention that they look darn cute, so we’re quite sure that you’re going to fall in love with this item.


Of course, you can’t afford to forget about strollers. Infant car seat and stroller combo will be a perfect one to have when you plan on taking your baby to a walk in the park. You can go for a 3 wheel stroller if you need to get through crowded places. This type of stroller is also portable and lightweight which is a great thing.

If you need the more durable type of stroller, a 4 wheel stroller would be your best pick. it weights more compared to the other type of strollers, but worth it if you’re looking for something that is going to last for years.


Of course, don’t’ forget to look for a stroller that comes with pockets and storages where you can keep your baby’s necessities and yours as well like your phone and car keys. It’s important that you bring the important things while you take travel to the park.

A winter car seat cover

Also, one last thing, it’s important that you invest in a winter infant car seat cover for winter .It keeps your baby warm while travelling in colder seasons. It also keeps your baby comfortable if you need to travel for long hours. So, it’s a total win-win to have this item in your travel inventory.

These are the things that you need to prepare for your baby or kid before you go on travel. Trust me, when you have all these items travelling is much easier. Both you and your kids will enjoy the travel for sure which is great.

Preparing all these items in my inventory have helped a lot in all my travelling experience with my kids. Hope you have learned a lot from this article and I would love to hear from you. If you’ve got some comments and suggestions, you can add them in the comment section below. Thank for reading!

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