7 Amazing Ways to Prevent Iron Deficiency in Your Body


Having meat, dried fruits, pumpkin seeds, nuts, spinach and fruits are some of the best ways to prevent iron deficiency in your body. Also, avoiding combining calcium-rich foods with iron food supplements is another way to prevent iron deficiency.

In today’s busy scenario when each individual leaves the house with a load of certain responsibilities, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain our health and physique. Though people continuously stress on gym and exercise, yet the main source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals are inevitably neglected. We often find people complaining about nutrient deficiencies in the body and the repercussions they suffer from it yet there are only few who take necessary actions to prevent them. Iron deficiency is one of the most common forms of nutritional deficit. Iron is continuously pumped in our body. It is essential for the production of haemoglobin. Breastfeeding mothers, teenager children below 6 months are prone to iron deficiency. Some of the major ways to prevent such malfunctioning are;

7 Ways How You Can Prevent Iron Deficiency

Ways to prevent iron deficiency


The highest amount of iron is found in meat. Any form of meat; be it chicken, beef or pork are high in their iron concentration. They enrich the body with the Heme type of iron which is essential for the production of haemoglobin. It is essential to understand that not all the iron consumed by the body is easily absorbed rather it is the other nutrients that at times assist the body in absorbing it. A majority of iron leaves the body unabsorbed in the form of faeces. Heme iron in comparison to other types of iron is easily absorbed by the body which makes meat a good source of iron. Meat not only provides iron but protein and good fat to the body. Beef is the most recommended form of meat to fight iron deficiency. Seafood is also a relevant source of iron to the body.

Dried fruits

A daily consumption of dried fruits is always recommended by doctors and nutritionist because along with being a good source of minerals and vitamins, dried fruits are rich in iron and its constituents. Dried fruits like peaches, apricots and raisins are a direct source of iron to the body. They are easily available in the market and can be consumed by all in an appropriate amount to prevent deficiencies. Prune juice similar to tomato juice is an appropriate way to take our ingest iron for the body.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a strong source of iron to the body when consumed judiciously. They also have anti-inflammatory and alkalizing properties in them. Plant-based diet gives the body non-heme iron. Pumpkin seeds fulfill 16% of our body’s daily demand for iron in just a quarter cup of it. The availability of raw and organic powder has made the consumption of pumpkin seeds even more affordable and convenient. An important point to note is that while roasting pumpkin seeds, they shouldn’t be excessively heated as it reduces the amount of iron in the seeds.



Spinach is an extremely rich source of iron. It contributes to the development of the body by providing it with a non-heme form of iron. Though it is much more difficult to absorb non-heme iron forms a majority of the iron percentage found in the body. Soaked spinach reduces the quantity of oxalic acid in it and increases the potency of iron making spinach an unavoidable food supplement for anaemic patients. It is always advised that the consumption of iron-rich vegetables should be coupled with a rich consumption of vitamin c. Vitamin C transforms the non-heme iron into a compound which is more readily absorbed by the body increasing the effectiveness of the food that we have consumed.


Pistachio nuts amongst all the variety of nuts contain the highest amount of iron content. A great source of vitamin E, protein and minerals. Pistachio contains as much as four times more amount of iron when compared to almonds or cashews. Nuts often are a part of a healthy snack and have side effects when consumed judiciously. A breakfast of a few nuts and dried fruits is not only full of iron but also with multiple other vitamins and minerals as well. Seeds along with nuts are high on the scale of iron protecting the body against drowsiness, weakness, fatigue and anaemia.


Though fruits themselves do not directly contribute to the production and absorption of iron in the body, yet they contain essential vitamins that assist in the absorption of iron. Since non-heme iron is difficult to absorb it becomes important for the vegetarian to eat an adequate amount of fruits that gives vitamin c and vitamin b. Vitamin C breaks the food to simplify the process of immersion whereas vitamin B facilitates critical organs of the body protecting it from multiple diseases. Vitamin B is found in meat products and helps break iron compounds from it.

Avoid combining calcium-rich food with iron food supplements

Dairy products or food items that are rich in calcium decrease the absorption of iron in the body. Calcium and iron both simultaneously compete in the body for absorption and decreases the necessary intake of both the minerals. It is always advisable that calcium-rich food and iron-rich food should not be consumed together. There should be a proper interval between the consumption of the two minerals. Children who are solely dependent on milk and dairy products make themselves prone to the risk of iron deficiency. Tea and coffee consumption is also prohibited during meals because the minerals present in them destroy the non-heme sources leaving them incapable.

Thus, we see that the intake of nutrients and minerals are interlinked. Each food product has certain vitamins that increase the iron intake of the body. It is rightly said that prevention is better than cure and prior precautions not only protect the body from harm but also keep us on track to a healthy lifestyle.

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