11 Awesome Ways to Survive the Summers During Pregnancy


I know summer is not actually a preferable time for most of us and at times, most of us literally beg for winter time. But we really can’t help it and have to face this crucial time every year without any choice. And things get a lot different when you are pregnant because then, you not only have to take good care of yourself but also of your little one. Most of us prefer staying at home and literally locking ourselves indoors. We all just want to stay in the space where it is fully air conditioned, whether pregnant or not. But don’t you worry! Because there is a lot more you can do this summer and yes, without locking yourself inside. We have got a number of ways in which you can make this summer useful and fun at the same time. Listed below are 11 awesome ways to survive the summers during pregnancy:

Tips to Survive Summer Pregnancy

Tips to Survive Summer Pregnancy

Stay hydrated

This is one of the utmost things that you need to take care of during this summer, even if you are not pregnant. But when you have the responsibility of you and your baby as well, this is somethings that should always be kept in mind. It is imperatively important for you to increase your fluid intake. You should drink at least eight ounces of water a day. It is recommended that you carry a stainless steel water bottle with you, every time you go outside.

Shopping Malls

Shopping malls are one of the best places to go when you are in a mood for an outing. First of all, they are fully air-conditioned and secondly, you can get so much for yourself and specially for your baby. On top of that, every shopping mall has got food court so you can have anything you want at the same place.

Light clothing

You should keep your wardrobe full of comfortable clothes in case you are going to have a summer pregnancy. Go for clothes that are made of soft and breathable materials, for instance cotton.

Wear sunglasses

We all know how damaging sun rays can be for the eyes. The best way to protect your eyes from the extreme sunlight is to wear sunglasses. You can also wear them while driving or can also get a pair of prescription sunglasses if you wear prescription glasses.


Use a misting bottle

Pour some water into the bottle and spray it all over your surroundings and trust me, it will be a lot refreshing. If you want to give it a nice scent, you can also add some essential oils to the water.

Damp washcloths

Use can use damp washcloths to help cool you off, when you are indoors. You can put one on your forehead or on your neck, which will make you feel a lot better and say bye to sweating.


This is the most favourite thing to do in the summer time. For pregnant woman, it is absolutely safe to get in the water a s long as you don’t get too hot. Moreover, you will feel weightless in water and there will be reduced pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Right shoe

A lot of people recommend using flip-0flops but instead of using flip flops, you should rather go for a good pair of sandals that have an arch support, which flip-flops fail to provide.

Reduce your sodium intake

You should reduce your intake of sodium intake which contributes largely to increased swelling. By this, I don’t mean that you completely eliminate salt from your diet because it contains iodine that is essential for the growth of a healthy baby.

Get off your work by noon

The summer heat tends to increase excessively by the mid noon and thus it is recommended that in case you have some work to do, you complete it in the morning itself, when the temperature is a bit better.


Stay in the shade

If you are planning a beach outing with your friends or family, it is recommended that you carry an umbrella along with you. The sun is a lot unpleasant when you are in the sand and it is thus important for you to protect yourself from the same.

Hope the above listed ways will be of great help to you. But even then, it is perfectly fine to stay indoors, if you feel the summer heat seems to be getting immense day by day. It is completely your choice and your safety should be your number 1 priority.

Hope this article was of help to you! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy, Healthy and Empowered Women!!