Third Trimester – Week by Week Pregnancy


Third trimester of pregnancy is from week 28 to till the baby arrives. Now the baby weighs about 2 ¼ pounds and can blink eyes. The wrinkled skin of the baby will start to smooth as the baby puts on baby fat.

Ultimate Guide for Third Trimester

third trimester guide

Week 28 of Pregnancy:

At 28 weeks pregnant, you officially enter the third trimester of this journey leading to motherhood! Your baby is now the size of a fully grown eggplant, weighing about 2.2 pounds and sized at about 14.8 inches.

week 28

Dos and Don’ts of Week 28 of Pregnancy:

  • Schedule your 30th week prenatal visit as it is very important. Schedule your date and time with your doctor.
  • Look out for the kicks, swishes, and rolls! Tracking your baby’s movements helps you know their habits and sleeping patterns.
  • Don’t eat too much cheese during this period.
  • Don’t opt for store-made mixed fruit bowls.

Read more about Week: Week 28 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 29 of Pregnancy:

At week 29 of pregnancy, you are experiencing an increased number of foetal kicks, signifying that the baby is growing active and is gradually making sense of the world. The foetus is now the size of a butternut squash that is about 15.2 inches long and weighs approximately 2.5 pounds.


week 29

Dos and Don’ts of Week 29 of Pregnancy:

  • Eat calcium rich foods like milk, cheese, banana, yogurt, kale, almonds, and green spinach.
  • Attend Lamaze classes which train you to understand the mechanism of childbirth and coping with the labour pain.
  • Don’t eat a lot of sweet foods.
  • Don’t commute regularly.

Read more about Week 29: Week 29 of Pregnancy– Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 30 of Pregnancy:

At week 30 of pregnancy, your baby is growing even more rapidly and causing sudden attacks of excitement in you! The current growth rate is about half a pound and half an inch every week.

week 30

Dos and Don’ts of Week 30 of Pregnancy:

  • Eat nutrient rich foods like apples, bananas, yogurt, milk, lean meat, low-fat cheese, beans, nuts, lentils, green vegetables, and whole-wheat grains.
  • Use lotions and moisturisers to lubricate your itchy 30 weeks pregnant belly.
  • Don’t scratch your belly too much.
  • Don’t restrict your water intake to avoid visiting the toilet too often.

Read more about Week 30: Week 30 of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 31 of Pregnancy:

At 31 weeks pregnant, all the five senses of your baby are fully developed! The foetus is probably crowding your internal system so much that you might even start facing difficulties in climbing the stairs regularly.


week 31

Dos and Don’ts of Week 31 of Pregnancy:

  • Eat at regular intervals as you must be craving food almost all the time.
  • Make a list of questions to be asked during your ante-natal visit.
  • Don’t panic at every abdominal cramp that crops up.
  • Don’t stay alone for long because you might start to over think situations that might otherwise be relaxed.

Read more about Week 31: Week 31 of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 32 of Pregnancy:

At 32 weeks pregnant, your baby is gradually preparing to push itself out of the womb as soon as possible! By this time you might get busy with the health insurance to-dos.

week 32

Dos and Don’ts of Week 32 of Pregnancy:

  • Do a detailed tour of the hospital that you’ve booked for delivery. Visit the labour room and the postpartum room.
  • It is better to schedule your 34 weeks appointment a couple of weeks ahead of time because the doctor’s chamber might get crowded during that week.
  • Don’t wear the same underwear for long hours.
  • Don’t climb the stairs too many times.

Read more about Week 32: Week 32 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 33 of Pregnancy:

At 33 weeks pregnant, your baby is almost the size of a fully grown pineapple. The little one is now rapidly growing in size and gaining lots of weight.


week 33

Dos and Don’ts of Week 33 of Pregnancy:

  • Start packing your essentials for the delivery period that you will spend in the hospital.
  • Educate yourself on childbirth mechanics.
  • Don’t Shy away from asking questions to your doctor.
  • Don’t use mobile phone all the time.

Read more about Week 33: Week 33 of Pregnancy-Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 34 of Pregnancy:

At 34 weeks pregnant, your baby seems to be naughtier than ever! The little bundle of what seemed like mush until even a few weeks ago is now like a cantaloupe! The 34 week fetus is about 17.7 inches long and weighs approximately 4.7 pounds.

week 34

Dos and Don’ts of Week 34 of Pregnancy:

  • Opt for perineal massage as it helps to reduce the risk of vaginal tearing during delivery.
  • Rely on fruits as you might experience occasional heartburns and indigestion.
  • Don’t wear same undergarments for long hours, as it causes discomfort and lead to external rashes or infections.
  • Keep a tab on your movements and try not to move around hurriedly.

Read more about Week 34: Week 34 of Pregnancy-Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 35 of Pregnancy:

The baby is ready to come out and play with you! There’s, however, no need to get anxious, although you’re excited thinking about what the future beholds. Keep calm and carry on till the end.


week 35

Dos and Don’ts of Week 35 of Pregnancy:

  • Get accustomed to signs of labour.
  • Drink lots of water as dehydration will lead to increased contractions, haemorrhoids, and pre-term labour.
  • Don’t lie down in one position for too long.
  • Don’t eat stale food and eat only fresh home cooked food.

Read more about Week 35: Week 35 of Pregnancy-Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 36 of Pregnancy:

Welcome to the 9th month! Now is the time that is perfect for all the last minute preparations and arrangements. The baby at 36 weeks pregnant is like a papaya, weighing approximately 5.8 pounds and about 18.7 inches long from its crown to its heel.

week 36

Dos and Don’ts of Week 36 of Pregnancy:

  • Keep drinking plenty of water and other fluids like healthy juices.
  • Eat apples after meals as they are great for heartburns and indigestion.
  • Don’t eat too much citrus fruits. They cause acidity and heartburn.
  • Stress is inevitable, but don’t get stressed about the coming weeks.

Read more about Week 36: Week 36 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 37 of Pregnancy:

At 37 weeks pregnant, you’re only a few weeks away from the delivery date! At this stage your baby is as big as romaine lettuce, 19.1 inches long and weighing about 6.3 pounds. Now the baby is gaining about 0.5 ounce each day!week 37


Dos and Don’ts of Week 37 of Pregnancy:

  • Drink lots of water to keep your system hydrated to combat heartburn and constipation.
  • Start reading books and journals on baby care.
  • Don’t walk too much, as it causes the amniotic fluid to move and hit the walls of the sac.
  • Don’t eat too many sweets. It may lead to gestational diabetes.

Read more about Week 37: Week 37 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 38 of Pregnancy:

At 38 weeks pregnant, your baby is now almost equal to the size of a winter melon! The fetus is now placed very low in the pelvis, waiting for its turn to be pushed out. The baby is now approximately 19.6 inches long and weighs about 6.8 pounds.

week 38

Dos and Don’ts of Week 38 of Pregnancy:

  • Prepare for breastfeeding and brush up your practical breastfeeding skills.
  • Practice labour pushes as you might go into labour anytime.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask doubts about your medical situation.
  • Don’t spend too much time alone.

Read more about Week 38: Week 38 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 39 of Pregnancy:

By the time you’re 39 weeks pregnant, the fetus is almost the size of a pumpkin or watermelon. The baby weighs about 7.3 pounds and is about 20 inches long! The baby is crowding your interiors more and more each day.

week 39


Dos and Don’ts of Week 39 of Pregnancy:

  • Rely on liquid foods, as it is common to develop aversion towards most foods.
  • Fix a baby seat in your car.
  • Don’t take medicines on your own.
  • Don’t eat foods with high sugar content.

Read more about Week 39: Week 39 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 40 of Pregnancy:

You have officially reached the deadline, having successfully walked through the home-stretch! At 40 weeks pregnant, all you need to do is to wait for the sac to break and go into labour.

week 40

Dos and Don’ts of Week 40 of pregnancy:

  • Keep practicing Lamaze to cope up tension during the labour.
  • Sleep on water-proof mattresses.
  • Don’t walk and stress too much.
  • Don’t stay alone for long hours.

Read more about Week 40: Week 40 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 41 of Pregnancy:

Being 41 weeks pregnant means that your official period is over but the baby is taking a little more time to get completely ready for delivery. The baby is like a watermelon, weighing nearly 8 pounds and a little more than 20 inches long.

week 41


Dos and Don’ts of Week 41 of Pregnancy:

  • Don’t stop mild exercising even though you’re in a position in which labour pains might knock on your door any time.
  • Try to induce labour naturally if you still don’t see any sign of labour.
  • Don’t reduce your intake of water.
  • Don’t stress or panic. It may lead to unnecessary nausea, dizziness, mood swings and cramps.

Read more about Week 41: Week 41 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 42 of Pregnancy:

At 42 weeks, you are officially crossed your last week of pregnancy. This period is called “post-term” pregnancy. About 98% of the babies are delivered towards the end of week 42.  If you don’t deliver right after this week, your case will be taken up by your gynaecologist and artificial labour may be induced for delivery.

week 42

Dos and Don’ts of Week 42 of Pregnancy:

  • Go for a long walk to relax your muscles and bring in the pending labour contractions.
  •  Try to induce labour on your own by eating spicy foods, walking a lot, and trying out acupuncture.
  • Don’t stress too much and try to listen to lively music or engage in chatter.
  • Don’t stay alone for too long.

Read more about Week 42: Week 42 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week
