11 Supplements to Avoid During Pregnancy


We generally consume supplements for some additional support to our health. Supplements come with different purposes. Some supplements boost our immunity, some are important to maintain fitness levels while some help with overall well being. But can you consume all the same supplements when pregnant? Some supplements help you with some additional strength during pregnancy while some can mess up with your health and pregnancy. Here is a list of supplements that you should avoid during pregnancy.

Read More: 7 Must-Have Supplements for a Healthy Pregnancy

Supplements to Avoid During Pregnancy

1. Whey protein

Whey protein is not recommended for use while you’re pregnant. And Whey protein is derived from cow milk but it is unknown if the cows are hormonally treated or not. Whey derived from milk of hormonally-treated cow can adversely affect your health while you’re pregnant. Try getting your dose of protein from your normal diet.   

2. Weight loss supplements

It is normal to put on weight during pregnancy. Taking weight loss supplements during pregnancy can affect the natural pregnancy process. You need to eat whole food as what you eat will not only nourish you but will also help your baby grow. Avoid meal replacements and eat a balanced diet.

3. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for healthy growth of a healthy foetus. But excessive Vitamin a can lead to vitamin toxicity. Vitamin toxicity will not just impact you but will also your baby. Signs of vitamin toxicity includes muscle cramps, dry and cracking lips and fatigue. It is important to make multi-vitamin supplements but ensure you do not cross the recommended dose of Vitamin A.



4. Minerals

Though healthy bones are essential for a strong frame that supports your pregnant body, excess of calcium can lead to serious toxicity. Same applies with iron. It is essential to have iron supplements that help in maintaining a healthy blood count but excess of iron can lead to toxicity which may cause stillbirth, abortion or preterm delivery. Sometimes it also causes low birth weight in children.

5. Soy protein isolate

Soy protein is definitely not a healthy source of protein. It is known to disturb hormonal balance in your body. Hormones play a key role during pregnancy. Soy protein is known to increase the activity of estrogen in your body. This can impact your pregnancy and mess up with your delivery due date as well.

6. Evening primrose

Evening primrose has many benefits but during pregnancy it can be harmful. It can induce early uterine contractions and lead to premature birth of the baby. Evening primrose is also responsible for bloating. It adds to the regular morning sickness by causing nausea.

7. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea may be tempting when you go through all stressful times during pregnancy. It is a relaxing drink but it may relax your uterus as well and trigger uterine contractions. It is best to avoid chamomile tea during pregnancy. Topical application of chamomile essential oil is however safe to use.

8. Painkillers

Painkillers easily available over the counter and they are our go-to medication during fever or any painful condition. But painkillers are not at all safe for consumption during pregnancy. Painkillers like Ibuprofen are infamous for inducing abortion. Try other medications to get relief from pain and fever.

9. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is a herb that’s known for its effectiveness in improving male fertility. This herb should be avoided by pregnant women. It triggers testosterone activity which leads to hormonal imbalance. The hormonal imbalance may lead to acne breakouts, muscle cramp, mood swings and even miscarriage.


10. Goldenseal

Goldenseal is one herb that gets easily absorbed into the placenta. It not only affects the expectant mother but also affects the foetus. It affects the brain development of the baby and can lead to mental or physical deformity.

11. Dong Quai

Dong Quai is known to improve female fertility and deal with conditions like hot flashes and fatigue related to hormonal imbalance. However, this herb should be avoided during pregnancy. It can lead to early uterine contraction and cause premature birth of the baby.

Supplements are meant for better health with extra nutrition and protection which our body is unable to support naturally. During pregnancy, it is important to take supplements but consulting a doctor is very important. Consult a dietician as well so that you don’t end up eating anything that adversely affects your pregnancy. It shouldn’t be forgotten that what you eat not only has effect on your body but also on the development of the baby growing inside you.

Read More: 11 Benefits of Taking Chlorella Supplements During Pregnancy
