Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies


Some of the effective home remedies for treating pelvic pain during pregnancy include hot showers, avoiding wearing heels,  performing mild exercises, prenatal massages, mayan abdominal massages, acupuncture, to name a few.

Does lower abdominal pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy causing you to worry? Pelvic pain mainly occurs due to the growing pressure of the uterus as it expands to hold the little lift inside. Mild pelvic pain is common during pregnancy. However, if the pain becomes sharp and severe, it definitely raises a cause of concern.

Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain is a common condition in pregnancy. It mainly occurs due to changes in hormonal levels in the body and expanding muscles and ligaments in the uterus.

Read More: 5 Reasons For Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy 

Symptoms, Causes & Home Remedies for Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

pelvic pain during pregnancy

Symptoms of Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Symptoms of Pelvic Pain during pregnancy vary from woman to woman. Although it does not harm the baby, it makes normal movement difficult for many. Some of the common symptoms include

  •  Lower back Pain on both sides
  • Pain between perineum and vagina
  • Surrounding thighs Pain
  • Pain in the middle of the pubic bone

Pelvic pain can be felt in every movement of your daily life like standing, sleeping, walking, and climbing. Every 1 in 10 pregnant women suffer from this condition.

6 Common Causes for Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Pelvic pain can be caused due to various factors like changing hormones, genetic disorders, and physical activity. Some of the main reasons for pelvic pain during pregnancy are:

1} Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction: This is a hormonal disorder where the body produces a hormone called “relaxin” in excess amounts. This causes loosening of the joints which leads to a lot of pain in the pelvic region. The pain mainly occurs when bones and ligaments stretch and move externally.

2} Expanding Uterus: Women feel pain similar to menstrual pain between 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The pain arises as the uterus expands by pushing other organs and muscles to accommodate the growing baby.

3} Urinary Tract Infection: In many cases, urinary tract infection can be the culprit behind pelvic pain along with inflammation and burning sensation while urination.

4} Braxton Hicks Contractions: Braxton hicks contractions generally occur randomly in cycles. These contractions are also called false contractions and put a pressure on your pelvis causing severe pain that come in intervals.


5} Ovarian Cysts: Ovarian cysts develop when there is a change in the normal way ovaries release eggs. These cysts are benign, and harmless. They enlarge during pregnancy. Pelvic pain normally occurs due to cysts as the growing uterus also puts pressure on the ovaries.

6}  Gas: Gas can cause excruciating abdominal pain. It may stay in one area or travel throughout your belly, back, and chest. Women experience more gas during pregnancy due to increased progesterone. Progesterone causes intestinal muscles to relax and extends the time it takes food to get through the intestines. Food remains in the colon longer, which allows more gas to develop. As your pregnancy progresses, your enlarging uterus puts extra pressure on your organs, which can slow digestion further and allow gas to build up.

Pelvic pain during the different stages of pregnancy

First trimester

If you’re experiencing vaginal or pelvic pressure in the first trimester, or early in the second, don’t blame your baby just yet. In the early weeks of pregnancy, your baby is likely much too small to be the reason. But there are many other things happening that could be to blame. A cramping sensation in the early weeks of pregnancy may be due to your expanding uterus. Constipation can also cause feelings of pressure. As surging pregnancy hormones and an uptick in iron can wreak havoc on your digestive tract, your pelvic discomfort could be related to your need for relief. If that’s the case, make sure you’re drinking lots of water and consuming plenty of fiber.

Second and third trimester

As you start your second trimester, you may begin to feel pain in your side as the ligament that goes from the top of the uterus down to the groin stretches. Women tend to feel this when they’re walking or getting up from a chair. The uterus tilts and pulls on the ligament. Lying down on the side that’s bothering you can make the pain disappear, and it should disappear for good by about 24 weeks. Once you’re in your third trimester, you may start to experience pressure in your pelvic region as the weight of your rapidly growing fetus presses down on the nerves that run from your vagina into your legs. This pain typically occurs with movement, such as when you walk or ride in a car, because the baby bounces. To help relieve the discomfort, lie down on one side and rest.

Read More: 7 Ways to Heal Postpartum Prolapse

11 Home Remedies to Stop Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant and suffering severely from pelvic pain, you must be aware of the treatments and remedies to relieve pain. Following are some simple home remedies to cure pelvic pain during pregnancy


1} Hot Showers

Hot water is known to be a miraculous ingredient that works wonders on body aches. To ease pelvic pain, you must consider this effective and natural remedy and take a hot bath at least twice a day. Hot water helps relieve and relax muscles that stretch during pregnancy. This remedy helps you relieve pain and makes you refreshed to resume your day to day activities.

2} Avoid Wearing Heals

Wearing high heal footwear puts a lot of pressure on your lower pelvis and legs. So if you are suffering from pelvic pain, it is best to avoid wearing high heal footwear.

3} Sleep in a comfortable position

Placing soft cushions and pillows between the back and legs help get relief from pain. Sleeping in a comfortable position maintains good posture and prevents pelvic pain during pregnancy.

remedy pelvic pain during pregnancy

4} Perform Mild Exercises

Pain in the tissues and muscles commonly occur due to lack of movement. Since the growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic muscles, it is important to relieve the muscles from strain. These muscles can be relaxed by performing mild exercises. Simple exercises like walking, stretching and meditation make the muscles more loose and flexible. It also reduces pelvic pain and relaxes your body. Try this wonderful remedy for amazing results.

Read More: 11 Yoga Poses to Improve Fertility


5} Go for Prenatal Massages

Prenatal massages are highly recommended for pregnant women. If you are facing pelvic pain regularly, then you must try out prenatal massages. Prenatal massages are known to ease the body from stress and reduce pelvic pain.

6} Mayan Abdominal Massage

This a special type of massage targeted around the abdominal and pelvic area. These massages loosen the painful stretched muscles and relieve your pain. Try this amazing natural remedy for effective results.

7} Avoid carrying heavy

Lifting heavy objects at home puts pressure on the abdomen and pelvis. It drastically affects and strains the abdominal and pelvic muscles. Hence, it is advised to stop carrying heavy objects during pregnancy. This simple advice will keep your pregnancy a pain free period.

8} Wear Pelvic Support Garments

There are several pelvic belts available in commercial markets that are proven to reduce pelvic pain. These belts keep your abdomen, pelvis and back in a proper posture and helps relax strained pelvic muscles. Try out this wonderful remedy and bid goodbye to pelvic pain.

9} Physiotherapy and Acupuncture

Acupuncture and physiotherapy are age old treatments for pain relief. These treatments target pain areas specifically to ease pain. Many pregnant women have benefited greatly from these healing therapies. Hence, if you are suffering from pelvic pain during pregnancy, opt for one of these healing treatments and get relief from pain soon.

10} Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga are known to do wonders to body pain. The same is true in the case of pelvic pain too. Meditation and yoga helps improve blood circulation and reduce pain.


11} Painkillers

Last but not the least, if the pain is severe you can try out some non-prescription medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen to get instant relief from pain. However, we request you to consult your healthcare provider before taking any medication during pregnancy.

Most women suffer from pelvic pain. But the good news is that there are remedies to provide immediate relief from this excruciating pain. By following some simple relaxation techniques and lifestyle changes back at home, you can reduce your suffering. These simple yet effective remedies go a long way in providing relief from pelvic pain. You can enjoy your pregnancy pain free and stress free.

