21 Spooky and Easy Pumpkin Carving Ideas for Halloween


Polka dots, a trapped ghost, a pumpkin family, a haunted house , a spider web, a witch , a star pumpkin, your dog’s face and some words are some of the spooky and easy pumpkin carving ideas for halloween.

A witch face pumpkin, one-eyed pumpkin, star pumpkin or be it a ghost trapped inside a pumpkin are some of the spooky and easy pumpkin carving ideas for Halloween.

I can understand that like many of us, even you would be tired of the same old pumpkin carving ideas for Halloween. One can get a number of images over the internet but those are the same old ones and there are hardly any ideas that are unique. But don’t you worry because we have got you 21 spooky and easy pumpkin carving ideas for Halloween.

Read More: DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas

21 Amazing Pumpkin Carving Ideas

Watch Video: 21 Spooky and Easy Pumpkin Carving Ideas for Halloween


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Switch to paints instead of knives

If your little one wants to contribute a little to your Halloween party, then this one is for them. Just hand them over some paints and ask him to draw a funny or spooky face without making use of any sharp tools.



Polka dots

Now, if you are like my sister who is not at all creative and rather wants to do something extremely simple, then this one would be perfect for you. All you need is a drill machine to carve a number of polka dots all over the pumpkin.



A trapped ghost

Take a large pumpkin and carve a number of bars on its front. You have to do this in such a manner that an artificial ghost can easily fit inside it. You can also use more than just a single ghost and rather put a number of them inside.


A pumpkin family

Take three pumpkins of different sizes and you are free to carve any sort of expressions. Make sure you place them all together in the party.



A haunted house

Start by carving a house with windows and some opened and closed doors. Now to give it a haunted look, do carve a number of trees around the house such that the trees seem to be falling over it. You can also carve some clouds in a manner to give the lightening effect in a dark night.


A spider web

Carving a web is pretty simple. So, you can easily do this one but what is a web without a spider? So, after you get done with the web, carve a little spider over or around the web.


A witch

I am not asking you to carve a whole witch because that can be a little hard. So, you just have to carve the face. Also, keep in mind that you have to carve the hat, messy short hair and that scary smile of course!



A star pumpkin

If you feel that polka dots could be really simple, then try carving a number of stars. Big or small, would definitely be your choice. Similarly, you can also try to carve something of other shape.


Your dog’s face

Just to stand out unique from the usual pumpkin faces in your Halloween party, you can try to carve your dog’s face. It may seem to be difficult, but trust me it’s really simple.


Some words

Yes! It’s not mandatory that you only have to carve some picture. You can also carve some words which can be scary, welcoming, funny or actually anything. for instance, EEK! , welcome, Halloween etc.



Use props

In order to give your pumpkin a realistic effect, try to make use of as many props as you can. These props can be some body part toys or peels of other vegetable etc.


A pumpkin in another pumpkin

Take one small pumpkin and another larger than that such that the small pumpkin can fit inside it. Now carve some bars on the large pumpkin and place the smaller pumpkin inside it making sure that it’s visible.


Carve the initials

Take a number of pumpkins and carve the initials of the words on one pumpkin each, for instance, we decide to carve ‘BOO’. Now take three pumpkins and carve ‘B’ on the first one, ‘O’ on the second pumpkin and ‘O’ on the third. Place them together.



A night owl

Carve some tree branches and a night owl sitting on one of the branch. You can also make use of some paint colours to give it more effects.


Single-eyed pumpkin

Instead of the usual two eyed pumpkin, just carve a single eye and some scary broken teeth to give it a scary effect.


A spooky face

Just two eyes and a mouth. You’re done!



A danger symbol

It’s important to warn people that the Halloween party is going to be a lot scary. Why not do this in the Halloween style?


A clock

Turn this Halloween pumpkin into a clock. We all know how easy this one is!


Open headed pumpkin

Is there anything spooky than an open-headed pumpkin with its brain that is completely visible? No, right?



A kitty cat

You can carve a little scary cat on the pumpkin. If you find that difficult, try to carve the back side of the cat.


A dragon

Now, this may require a bit of an extra hard work.


How to carve a pumpkin

⦁ Choose a pumpkin and cut its crown using a sharp knife.
⦁ Now, remove the fibres and seeds with a large spoon completely out of the pumpkin.
⦁ Using a pen or a marker, you can draw the face outline and cut them all using a sharp knife.
⦁ Now keep a tea light inside the pumpkin
⦁ Keep the crown back and you are done!



I hope the given ideas were of use to you and you would use a few of them in your Halloween party. However, you are free to use your own creativity as well. So, what are you waiting for? Go, grab those pumpkins!
