11 Natural Remedies to Cure Whooping Cough in Babies


A chronic and painful cough accompanied by a respiratory infection is called a whooping cough or pertussis. Those afflicted by these coughs let out a whooping noise, hence this condition is called a whooping cough. Infants catch this disease easily.


  • Severe cough
  • Possible fever
  • Several episodes of vomiting
  • Difficult breathing
  • Exhaustion
  • Sneezing
  • Watering eyes
  • Running nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Dry cough

Perhaps the best treatment of a whooping cough is to take the pertussis vaccine. It is given in infancy. However, there are also several natural remedies, such as the following:

Read More: 7 Essential Oil to Treat Whooping Cough in Children

Natural Remedies to Cure Whooping Cough in Babies

1. Saffron

One of the best home remedies for whooping cough in babies, saffron is a spice that has antibacterial properties that can destroy the bacteria that cause whooping coughs. Being an expectorant, it helps get rid of the phlegm associated with a whooping cough so that breathing is easier. To use saffron as a remedy for whooping cough, warm some water and soak six strands of saffron in it for five minutes. Take this infusion about three times a day for a week.

2. Oregano

Yet another herbal remedy for a whooping cough, oregano is excellent for curing respiratory infections like a whooping cough. Oregano has antibacterial, expectorant and antispasmodic properties that contribute to clear mucus in the lungs and gets rid of dry cough. You can use oregano to ease your child’s whooping cough by mixing a few drops of this oil with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Use this as a chest rub on your child’s chest to ease his cough and allow him to sleep well.

3. Chamomile

Yet another herb famous for its ability to treat whooping cough is chamomile. This herb boosts immunity, is anti-inflammatory and soothes a sore throat. To use it as a remedy, add a couple of dried chamomile flowers to a cup of hot water. Cover it and steep for five minutes, and then strain the liquid. Add lemon juice and honey to it and let your child drink this liquid for the next couple of days.


Read More: Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea for Children

4. Garlic

Garlic is a natural antibiotic, antibacterial and antiviral, which makes it an effective remedy to treat a whooping cough. You can use it to give your child a teaspoon of garlic syrup. To make it, mince a little garlic and add two cups of apple cider vinegar and distilled water to it. Pour out this liquid into a glass jug and let it remain for a few hours. Strain it through a cheesecloth and mix a cup of honey to it and let your child drink it.

Read More: Is garlic healthy for my toddler?

5. Turmeric

The antibacterial and antiviral properties of turmeric help treat whooping cough. It also helps cure dry coughs, one of the many symptoms of a whooping cough. Since turmeric also boosts immunity, it can help stave off infections. It also stimulates the appetite, while its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties help get back to overall good health. To use recipe to overcome a whooping cough, give your child a drink of turmeric in warm milk and a dash of honey, twice a day.

Read More: Health Benefits of Turmeric in your Child’s Diet

whooping cough remedies for babies


6. Ginger

Ginger is anti-inflammatory in nature, thanks to a compound it contains, gingerol. It can successfully treat a whooping cough since it is a good expectorant. It is also antibacterial, so it destroys the bacteria that cause a whooping cough. Its immune-boosting property helps fight the bacteria that cause this condition and aid quick recovery.

To use ginger to treat a whooping cough, boil two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in a little water until the water reduces by half. To this decoction, add a little ginger juice and some raw honey and let your children drink this once a day for the next three days.

Read More: Health Benefits of Ginger for Babies

7. Almonds

Whether your child eats almonds as nuts or uses its oil, he will get the desired relief for a whooping cough. The antioxidants and phytochemicals contained in almonds help get rid of the painful symptoms of a whooping cough. Almonds are also rich in immunity boosting properties. To use almonds as treatment for a whooping cough, make a chest rub with a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of an essential oil of your choice. This oil should be rubbed gently on your child’s chest for a few minutes.

Read More: 5 Must Know Health Benefits of Almond Milk for Children

8. Lemon

Lemon helps treat a whooping cough by natural means. Its high level of citric acid content helps reduce thick mucus in the throat. Its strong antibacterial and antiviral properties help fight the infection while its Vitamin C content enhances immunity. Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle some salt and pepper on it. Next, let your child lick the lemon. This will get rid of the irritation in his throat.


Read More: Health Benefits of Lemon for Babies

9. Onion

The chemical compound in ontions called allicin, help ably remove a dry cough, a big symptom of a whooping cough. To get relief from using onions, crush a couple of them in boiling water. Add a little honey and let your child drink it.

10. Licorice

A herbal remedy for whooping cough, licorice covers the throat with a thin membrane of mucilage so that the delicate tissues are protected from the ill-effects of constant coughing. Licorice also helps clear bronchial tubes and pulmonary congestion. To use licorice to get rid of a whooping cough, mix a pinch of this powder with honey and let your child ingest the solution three times a day for a few days.

11. Honey

Raw honey also helps treat a whooping cough. It has antiseptic, healing and antibacterial properties which not only help kill the bacteria that cause the infection but also help with getting rid of its painful symptoms. You can use honey for relief from a whooping cough by mixing a teaspoon of radish juice, a little honey and some rock salt. Let your child drink this three times a day for best results.


Read More: 7 Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Infants


Now, you needn’t buy expensive medicines to treat a whooping cough. All the necessary medication is in your kitchen, but you didn’t know it till now. But now you do, so stay safe and keep your kids safe too with natural remedies.




