201 Unique and Beautiful Girl Names Starting with P


If you are expecting a baby girl and are in a search of girl names starting with P, here are 201 unique and beautiful baby girl names starting with P.

Read More:500 Most Popular Baby Girl Names with Meanings

Top 201 Girl Names Starting with P

Names Origin Meaning
Patra German An expressive and intellectual being; small rock
Paula German Latin – Little; Humble; From The Name Pauline; A variant of Paul
Paulina German Latin – Little; Humble; From The Name Pauline; A variant of Paul
Pauline German A variant of Paulus; a younger being
Pavia German One who named after an Italian city
Perahta German Glorious
Petri German One who is like rock
Petronilla German Latin – Country bumpkin; Old Greek – Rock; Stone; A variant of Petronia; A variant of Petra
Petronille German One who is like a rock
Pia German Someone from Mount Olympus
Pietronella German Stone; Rock; A variant form of name Petronella
Pippi German Germanic – Perseverant one; one who petitions; A variant form of name Pepin
Porsche German An offering or a contribution
Porsha German To offer something or to donate
Priska German She who is an ancient woman
Pancha French A free and independent person
Pansy French A beautiful flower; the language of flower
Parrish French A habitational name; a guardian and loyal person
Patrice French A noble patrician being; clear sighted
Pauie French One who is the little one and younger being
Paule French A humble natured person; variant of paul
Pauline French A variant of Paulus; a younger being
Pawla French A compassionate and complex individual
Payne French Rustic villager; A variation of the name Payen
Perenelle French Feminine form of name Petronille
Peridot French Birthstone; Yellow Green Gem; Precious Stone
Perle French English – Pearl; Precious; A Gem Of The Sea; A variant form of Pearl
Perrine French Old Greek – Rock; Stone; A variant of Petra; A diminutive of Perrin
Petit French Name for a small person
Petronille French One who is like a rock
Peyson French Little Rock; A feminine form of Peter
Phillips French A lover of horses; to love from the heart
Philomene French A person who is loved and nurtured
Pierrette French One who is similar to a rock or stone
Platt French One who comes from the flat lands
Pleasance French One who brings pleasure
Primeveire French French – Primrose; Spanish – Springtime and in Latin it means born at the beginning of Spring
Pabla Spanish Latin – Little; Humble; From The Name Pauline; A variant of Paula
Paca Spanish One who is a Frenchwoman; a free person
Pacca Spanish Another name of a pussycat; lovely person
Paciencia Spanish Latin – One who endures with courage; Patient
Paloma Spanish Latin – Dove; Peaceful; Derived from Palumbus which means a symbol of peace
Palomi Spanish Latin – Dove; Peaceful; Derived from Palumbus which means a symbol of peace
Pamelia Spanish A honey coated individual
Pamelina Spanish Honeyed, sweet like honey
Paola Spanish Latin – Small; Little; Humble; A derivative from the name Paula
Paquita Spanish An independent and free person
Patia Spanish A honourable and highest individual
Paula Spanish Latin – Little; Humble; From The Name Pauline; A variant of Paul
Paulina Spanish Latin – Little; Humble; From The Name Pauline; A variant of Paul
Paulita Spanish A small and little individual
Paz Spanish One who is a peace loving individual
Pazia Spanish One who is golden
Perla Spanish English – Pearl; Precious; A Gem Of The Sea; A variant form of Pearl
Pervinca Spanish Name of a plant called periwinkle; Name of a character in Italian book Fairy Oak
Peta Spanish Name given to the Golden Eagle
Piedad Spanish Latin – Pious; Godly; Honorable
Pila Spanish A pillar, a column of the buildig
Pilar Spanish Spanish – Pillar; Support
Pirro Spanish One with a flame-coloured hair
Pita Spanish She who is gracious
Placida Spanish A quiet and calm woman
Plesancia Spanish A place name, one who comes from the city of Plesancia in Western Spain
Porca Spanish A female pig
Preciosa Spanish A valuable, precios baby girl
Presencia Spanish Spanish – Presence
Presta Spanish Spanish – Hurry, Quick
Prestha Spanish Spanish – Hurry, Quick; A variant spelling of Presta
Priscila Spanish An ancient woman
Prudencia Spanish A prudent person
Pucela Spanish A city in Spain that means virgin
Puma Spanish Spanish – Mountain Lion; A variant of Pomo and Pouma
Pura Spanish One with pure, genuine personality
Pureza Spanish A genuine and pure woman
Purificacion Spanish Purification
Palmyra Roman Name of city filled with Palm trees
Perpetua Roman One who has a continuous personality
Petronius Roman Yokel; One with an interesting personality
Proserpina Roman Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Persephone; Latin – To emerge
Prosper Roman Fortune; Roman Goddess
Prudentia Roman To have a good judgement
Piritta Celtic Celtic – Exalted One; Strong and Protective; Old Norse – To help; A variant of Birgit
Pirjo Celtic Celtic – Exalted One; Strong and Protective; Old Norse – To help; A variant of Birgit
Pirkko Celtic Celtic – Exalted One; Strong and Protective; Old Norse – To help; A variant of Birgit
Puspamanjari Celtic A girl who is like the flower bud
Pa English A fragrant and beautiful flower
Pacchild English A practical, logical and dignified person
Pacific English Tranquil; Peaceful
Paden English Bald; A variant transcription of Patton
Padget English Middle English – Little Page; Servant, helper
Paetyn English Royal; Little Patrician; Little Noble
Paige English One who is a noble white boy or a helper
Paislee English Scottish – Patterned fabric; From Paisley; Scottish; Man of the church; A variant of name Paisley
Paisley English A name given to church; noble and kind hearted
Paiton English One who is villager or a warrior
Paityn English English – Warriors Town; A variation of Paiton
Pals English They have a deep desire for independence and leadership
Pameela English Honey; Sweet; All sweetness; Made from honey; Variant spelling of “Pamela.”
Pamela English Honey; Sweet; All sweetness; Made from honey
Pamelyn English Honey; Sweet; All sweetness; Made from honey; Variant spelling of “Pamela.”
Pamina English Honey; Sweet; All sweetness; Made from honey; Variant spelling of “Pamela.”
Pamla English Honey; Sweet; All sweetness; Made from honey; Variant spelling of “Pamela.”
Pammie English One who is as sweet as honey
Pammy English One who has been honeyed
Panalin English A derivative from Latin word Pannus
Panchita English Unique; Saint; Noble; Adviser
Panima English The individual who is the mother of God
Panjai English Lots of Love; A Thai name meaning so much of love
Papillon English A wonderful butterfly; thrifty individual
Paradis English A variant form of Paradise which means heavenly
Paralee English Ornamental Plant
Paratyl English One who is lighted like a flame
Parkir English One who is determined and has the preserving nature
Parkker English One who is the keeper of the farm
Parkyr English Keeper of the farmland; wonderful
Parlan English Ploughman; Farmer; Son of the plough
Parley English One who speakes very good
Paronel English A generous and neutral neutral individual
Parrker English One who is the keeper of the park
Parthena English Old Greek – Maiden; Virgin; A variant form of the English Parthenia
Parthenope English Old Greek – Maiden; Virgin; A variant form of the English Parthenia
Passion English One with strong desire or passion
Patali English One who is intense, positive and complete
Patalin English One who is a social and friendly creature
Paten English One who belongs to a warrior’s town
Path English English – Pathway; A leading way
Pathare English An original and reserved person
Patrica English Latin – Noble Women; Of noble birth; A variant transcription of Patricia
Patrie English Latin – Noble Women; Of noble birth; A variant form of Patricia
Patrisha English Latin – Noble Women; Of noble birth; A variant form of Patricia
Patsuqua English One who is entitled to all happiness
Patsy English A variant of Patty; regal and noble
Patti English Latin – Noble Women; Of noble birth; A variant form of Patricia; Female Version of Patrick;
Pattie English Latin – Noble Women; Of noble birth; A variant form of Patricia; Female Version of Patrick;
Patty English Latin – Noble Women; Of noble birth; A variant form of Patricia; Female Version of Patrick;
Pauletta English Latin – Little; Humble; From The Name Pauline; A variant of Paul
Paulie English A variant of Paul; a small being
Paulina English Latin – Little; Humble; From The Name Pauline; A variant of Paul
Paveye English An amusing, precise and youthful being
Paxten English One from the peaceful farm
Paxton English The one who is from a peaceful settlement
Paxtun English A person who is from peaceful town
Payge English A name for the gentleman from Windsor
Payne English Rustic villager; A variation of the name Payen
Payten English One who is multi talented and perfect individual
Payton English One who is from the fighter’s estate
Peach English English – Peach; Derived from the name of the fruit, which is itself;
Peaches English English – Peach; Derived from the name of the fruit, which is itself;
Peadda English One who remains responsible for fellow beings
Pearl English English – Pearl; Precious; A Gem Of The Sea
Pearla English A precious and loving being
Pearle English English – Pearl; Precious; A Gem Of The Sea; A variant form of Pearl
Pearlene English English – Pearl; Precious; A Gem Of The Sea; A variant form of Pearl
Pearlie English English – Pearl; Precious; A Gem Of The Sea; Jewel; A variant form of Pearl
Pearly English One who is like the gem in the ocean
Pearson English Son of Peter; Rock; Stone; Son of Pierce
Pearyl English One who is lives within the soft tissue
Pechel English An effective and lonesome individual
Peg English Old Greek – Pearl; A contracted form of Margaret
Pega English A stable minded and serious person; responsible
Pegeen English Old Greek – Pearl; A variant contracted form of Margaret
Pegg English A maker of wooden pegs
Peggi English Old Greek – Pearl; A variant contracted form of Margaret
Peggie English One who is like a precious pearl
Peggylou English An efficient, godly and open minded person
Peleilah English A likable and efficient being; loyal
Pemal English One who is filled with sweetness
Pemberley English A diplomatic and natty individual
Penarwen English A realistic and warm hearted individual
Penney English It means Penny; name of a flower
Peppi English Latin – Perpetual; Everlasting; A diminutive of Perpetua
Perdy English Latin – Lost; A variant of Perdita
Perenelle English Feminine form of name Petronille
Peridot English Birthstone; Yellow Green Gem; Precious Stone
Perihan English A name given to the queen of fairies
Perla English English – Pearl; Precious; A Gem Of The Sea; A variant form of Pearl
Perle English English – Pearl; Precious; A Gem Of The Sea; A variant form of Pearl
Perlie English One who is like a little pearl; precious jewel
Perline English One who is like a pearl
Peronele English One who is of the generous nature and is dramatic
Perrie English One with lot of power and energy
Perry English Son of Harry who came from Pear tree
Persayis English Latin – Little; Humble; A feminine variant of Paul
Padidah Arabic A magical ane rare phenomenon
Pakeeza Arabic A pure and affectionate individual
Pakeezah Arabic One who is pure and fond of music
Pakiza Arabic A pure and serene individual
Paksima Arabic One with an innocent face.
Palwasha Arabic Name given to a certain flower; generous one
Paree Arabic A fairy; one who gives light
Pareechehr Arabic One who has the face of a fairy
Pareerou Arabic One with beautiful fairy like face
Pareesa Arabic One who resembles like a fairy
Pareewash Arabic A fairy faced person
Parigul Arabic Angel of flowers.
Parihan Arabic A beautiful fairy
Parijan Arabic One with a fair soul
Parinaz Arabic A charming and beautiful person
Pariwish Arabic Fairy faced, or angelic beauty.
Parizad Arabic One who is born out of a fairy
Parniyan Arabic Soft silk, a dress made of soft silk.
Parvin Arabic One who is the cluster of stars
Parwin Arabic One with understanding and joyous nature
Patient Arabic Kind, Soft-spoken, tolerant, Mild-tempered, Patient
Permaz Arabic Waiting, wait.
Pervaiz Arabic One who is cool as the breeze
Perveen Arabic Pleiades or clusters of stars.
Peyvand Arabic One who is united and brave person
Polika Arabic One with a pure and clear soul
Polita Arabic An intelligent, smart girl
Polla Arabic One who is like a poppy flower
Poonah Arabic A plant, pennyroyal that is used in European and Middle Eastern cuisine
Pounah Arabic A plant, pennyroyal that is used in European and Middle Eastern cuisine

These were some of the best baby girl names starting with P. For more baby girl names starting with P, visit below links.

Read More: 101 Beautiful Hispanic Baby Girl Names for Your Angel

Read More: 21 Strong and Powerful Baby Girl Names

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