101 Girl Names that Start with A


The queen of the house is about to arrive and everyone asks the million dollar question: do you already know the name of the girl? And of course, before having an answer there are hours and hours of reflection, hard negotiations, the odd fight and a lot of searching the internet for ideas, meanings, and etymologies. If you are one of them who is looking for name starting with a particular letter, then here is a collection of 101 girl names that start with A.

Read More: 201 Attractive Hot Girl Names for Your Baby

101 Unique Girl Names that Start with A with Meanings

girl names that start with a

Name Meaning Origin
Abigail Give Joy Hebrew
Acacia ‘Guileless’ and ‘Honorable’ Greek
Aimee A beloved friend French
Alexandria Alexandria is a feminine version of Alexander, which means ‘Defender of Men’ Greek
Amber Amber is a jewelled name, from the yellowish resin used in jewellery making English
Amélie ‘Hard working’ French
Angelina ‘Messenger’ and ‘Angel’ Greek
Aoife ‘the greatest woman warrior in the world’ Irish
April Opening buds of spring’ English
Arabella ‘Yielding to prayer’ Latin
Aria ‘Air’ but is derived from Ariel, which means ‘Lion of God’ Hebrew
Aspen Aspen comes from a popular tree in the West that has heart shaped leaves that quiver in the lightest breeze English
Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare Greek
Aubrey ‘Fair Ruler of the Little People’ French and German
Aurelie Sun French
Aurora the Roman goddess of the morning Latin
Ava ‘Bird’ and is the Hebrew form of Eve German
Azalea ‘Dry’ and is representative of a flower Greek
Anne Grace Greek
Aaleyah Noble Greek
Annie God has favoured me Greek
Annie Wilkes God has favoured me Greek
Antigone The opposite of her forbears Greek
Aphrodite Risen from the foam Greek
Aretha Excellence Greek
Abbey Father’s joy Greek
Acacia Point; thorn Greek
Ariadne Most holy Greek
Ariana Holy one Greek
Ariane Golden Greek
Arianna Most holy Greek
Admete Untamed Greek
Agatha Good, honourable Greek
Agnes Purity Greek
Arina Peace Greek
Arissa The best Greek
Artemis Strong limbed Greek
Aleksandra Defending men Greek
Alessandra Mans defender Greek
Alessia Defender Greek
Astra Star Greek
Alexa Man’s defender Greek
Asya Resurrection Greek
Alexandra Man’s defender Greek
Alexandria Defender Greek
Athena War goddess Greek
Aura Soft breeze Greek
Alexi Defender Greek
Alexia Helper Greek
Alexie Defender Greek
Alexis To defend; Man warrior Greek
Alexus Defender Greek
Angela Messenger Greek
Alix To defend; Man warrior Greek
Alpha Ox Greek
Amara Unfading and Eternal Greek
Andrea Man warrior Greek
Anastazia Resurrection Greek
Africa Africa English
Alesia Noble English
Aloha Love English
Amba Precious English
Amber Amber English
Amber-Rose Orange fossil / Flower English
Amelia-Grace Effortless beauty at work English
Amelia-Lily Lily work English
Amelia-Rose Industrious and Pretty English
Amia Beloved English
Amy-Leigh Favourite Meadow English
Annabel Beautiful English
Annabell Loveable English
Ariya Lioness English
Ashlee Field of ash English
Ashleigh Field of ash English
Aspen Aspen tree English
Aubree Elf power English
Audra Noble strength English
Audrey Noble strength English
Audrey Hepburn Noble strength English
Autumn Autumn English
Ava-Grace Bird of grace English
Azalea Flower English
Adelina Noble French
Aimee Beloved French
Alice Of noble kind French
Alicja Of noble kind French
Alina Noble French
Alisha Of noble kind French
Alison Of noble kind French
Amelie Work French
Ami Loved one French
Amie (female) Friend French
Amiee Loved one French
Amy Beloved French
Aveline Bird; Struggle French
Avril April French
Adria Man from hadria Latin
Adriana Girl from adria Latin
Adrianna Girl from adria Latin
Adrianne from Hadria Latin
Adrienne from Hadria Latin

Whatever you are looking for, take time in naming your baby girl. Search for a name that has a great meaning and significance.

Read More: 500 Most Popular Baby Girl Names with Meanings

Read More: 51 Amazing Flower Names for Girls
