15 Things You Should Do During Pregnancy


Staying in bed all day, saying yes to spontaneous plans, taking an unnecessarily long bath, going to an amusement park, going for a walk without direction, preparing dinner for two, expressing anger and signing up for yoga classes are some of the things you should do during pregnancy.

Are you pregnant? You have to take note of these 15 things you should do during pregnancy. Have more sex, dedicate an entire day to you, spend a whole day in bed… Enjoy your pregnancy and take advantage of doing what you really want.

When you are pregnant, firstly, you have to take care of yourself, pamper yourself and enjoy the months of gestation. It may seem obvious, but many expectant mothers become overwhelmed during pregnancy and, instead of enjoying it, complain about having swollen feet, obsessing with cleaning the house or getting angry with their partner for not reading any book about the baby care. You should be unconcerned, be a little selfish and enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest by doing what you really want to do.

In this article we have prepared for you the 15 things you should do during pregnancy. These are tasks and activities that will be more difficult for you to perform with the baby’s arrival. So you should take advantage to enjoy them during pregnancy. You will feel full of vitality and energy.

15 Things to Do When Pregnant

things to do during pregnancy

Stay in bed all day

Actually, Do not feel bad and take a rainy or cold day to laze in bed or mattress in your living room: take breakfast between the sheets, read magazines, paint your nails, watch movies or TV shows… It is a way to relax and enjoy of doing nothing.


Say ‘Yes’ to a spontaneous plans

If you are presented with an unforeseen plan, just accept it. For example, if your partner surprises you with theatre tickets two hours before the show starts, don’t hesitate and don’t doubt. Think that once you have your baby, it will be difficult for you to improvise.

Go out for a drink (of course, without alcohol)

Yes, that’s true, you cannot take even a drop of alcohol, but it doesn’t mean you should stop enjoying going out for a drink with your friends or your partner. Simply, you should opt for non-alcoholic drinks, but you can have as much fun as before getting pregnant.

Enjoy your evenings together

Enjoy your evenings together, since when the child is born you will spend many sleepless nights, feeding or consoling him when he cries. So enjoy these moments with your better half watching a movie, cuddling on the couch, telling jokes or just laughing.

Take advantage to sleep long and hard

When the baby is born, it will be difficult for you to enjoy a night of uninterrupted sleep for a long time. So take advantage during pregnancy to sleep a lot, rest, get up late when you can and enjoy naps. Do you know which are the 15 Surprising Facts About Your Baby’s First Trimester?

Go to an amusement park

It is a plan, which is not usually done during pregnancy, but can be fun and relaxing. Obviously, you cannot ride the roller coaster or many other attractions, nevertheless, you can enjoy shows and have fun with friends making selfies and reliving childhood.

Take advantage to go to the cinema

When the baby comes home and your partner and you become a family, it will be difficult for you to go to the movies. In this way, take the opportunity to see all the movies you have on your list and go out with your partner or friends to enjoy a movie night and dinner.


Have more sex and in unusual places

Don’t be afraid of harming the baby if you practice sex during pregnancy. When it is not about a high-risk pregnancy, you can practice sex normally. Take advantage to enjoy it more often. It doesn’t mean you should have sex in public places. It is about looking for corners of the house that can give you and your partner new sexual sensations: the laundry room, a chair, the kitchen, etc.

Taking an unnecessarily long bath

Normally, before the temptation to take a long bath in the bathtub, you tend to think that it is not necessary, even if you really want it. It is true that a shower is more ecological and economical, but relaxing a few hours in a bath doesn’t hurt anyone. Enjoy it!

Stop worrying about cleaning the house

Nothing happens if everything is not perfect, clean and shiny. Often, the rhythm of daily life means that we cannot have everything in perfect condition constantly. Don’t worry if the house has not been swept for a few days. Relax and coordinate these kinds of tasks with your partner.

Go for a walk without direction

It is simply a matter of leaving home for without a goal. You can do it alone, with family, friends or your partner. Go for a walk without having set a place to go, just get a breath of fresh air. Just you should let yourself be accompanied for a while.

Prepare a delicious dinner for two

Think of a dish you would like to cook, put on an apron and become a chef. Preparing a special menu for two is a stimulating and fun activity, which will surely delight your partner.

Express your anger

Don’t keep negative emotions, anger and worries inside. Express them throughout pregnancy. First of all, it is very important since it has a therapeutic effect. If the negative emotions come from your relations with your partner, you have to do the same. In this way, both of you could solve all problems immediately without gathering them.


Sign up for yoga class or pilates

Practicing yoga during pregnancy is very beneficial, both for the mother and the baby. The pilates has the same effect. Why do not you sign up for classes? You will learn to relax, control your breathing, as well as balance your body and mind.

Say ‘Yes’ when they offer you a seat

It is very common that when we see a pregnant woman, we get up to offer her a seat on public transport, store or elsewhere. Instead of saying ‘no’, why don’t you try to accept it? You must enjoy the benefits of pregnancy! If you can’t get pregnant we recommend you to read our article Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant: 11 Possible Reasons.

What do you think about our advices? Have you put into practice any of them? Do you think you are enjoying your pregnancy or do you live with worry and anger?

Hope this article was of help to you! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy, Healthy and Empowered Women!!