How to Get Rid of the Cradle Cap in Infants?


To get rid of cradle cap in infants add in probiotics, softening with oil, exfoliating with a brush, using a special shampoo sporadically and make nourishing diet.

Cradle cap is the baby version of dandruff in adults. In babies, the scalp becomes extremely thin and flaky. Cradle cap, just like moderate dandruff, is completely harmless and usually goes away in a few years. The flaky skin is usually located on the scalp and may concentrate behind the ears from constant falling. The white or yellow flakes can be dry or greasy. If you want to try removing it, you can try home remedies first.

Most remedies are not scientifically proven to work and results will likely be temporary. But even if the remedies are not scientifically proven to work, they can still be tried based on years of use and experience. Home remedies are usually harmless and therefore, can be tried before opting for medications. In this article, we will discuss the home remedies as well as the medications that you can use in order to get rid of the cradle cap in your infant. The home remedies are-

Best Remedies for Cradle Cap in Infants

cradle cap

Add in Probiotics

There are two kinds of bacteria, good bacteria and bad bacteria. Probiotics come into the category of good bacteria. They are considered to be extremely beneficial for our digestive systems. Generally skin problems occur to an unhealthy digestive system. Your baby’s digestive system is no different. In order to cleanse it and your digestive system from the toxins, it is important to consume gut friendly probiotic products, yogurt being the most common and healthiest of them.

Soften With Oil

You can try reducing the inflammation of your baby’s scalp by applying soothing creams like calendula, or a bit of butter. I remember my grandmother telling me that we have dandruff because our scalp also needs nourishment. Mostly, dandruff or cradle cap occurs due to the lack of Vitamin C and other essential nutrients usually available in hair oil. Try applying coconut oil on your child’s scalp to see whether it works or not. Coconut oil is the best oil for the hair and the scalp.


Exfoliate With A Brush

Exfoliation can also work in such cases. After cleaning your baby’s scalp with shampoo, you can use a soft brush to exfoliate the scalp. This method, if repeated atleast twice a week, can prove to do wonders for your baby’s scalp.

Use A Special Shampoo Sporadically

Most of the shampoos available in the market contain harsh chemicals, even though they are considered safe for babies. Try to stick to natural and gentle shampoos. Be careful not to over wash though. Since your baby’s skin is delicate, if you frequently wash their hair with shampoo, the scalp is stripped of the natural oils and and can actually cause an overproduction of the sebum found in scalps. Shampooing 2-3 times a week is still okay.

Supplement and Nourish

If you’re breastfeeding, it is advisable to make your diet a nutritious one by adding more healthy options and more nutrients to your diet. Eliminating junk food seems like one of the remedies. Specifically biotin, zinc, B6, selenium and manganese can help remedy cradle cap. If breastfeeding isn’t an option, then you can look into adding nutrient-rich foods when baby is ready for solids. You can even take certain nutrients as supplements. You can easily talk to your pediatrician about adding a few drops of cod liver oil, which is rich in vitamin D and omega 3’s, under baby’s tongue or even applying to the affected area.

Superfoods like naturally produced salmon, oysters, flax and chia seeds are really good sources of omega-3’s. Butter, tuna, salmon beef liver and egg yolks are good sources of vitamin D. If you’re not breastfeeding, then a little cod liver oil can be added to baby’s bottle. Some recommend putting ¼ tsp slippery elm in the baby’s bottle, or on the nipple prior to breastfeeding. This helps in cooling the digestive system and helps their body in using the nutrients properly and in the right place.


We would recommend you not to use chemical based creams on your baby’s scalp without consulting any doctor. However, it is important to note that most doctors usually recommend hydrocortisone creams.

If your infant is suffering from cradle cap, then no need to panic, because this is completely normal and usually resolves if you just take adequate care of your baby. However, if you really feel that it has gotten out of hand, then we advise you to immediately consult a doctor. Even in such cases, make sure you only use medications that suit your child without causing further damage.
